Chapter 1. Getting Started
In This Chapter
Appreciating the history of mobile devices
Introducing the iPhone SDK
Introducing the iPhone Developer Program
Un-boxing your iPhone developer tools
Testing applications on your device
If you are new to iPhone development or you are considering it, you may feel like it is a daunting prospect. We wish we could say it's a piece of cake, but the truth is, there's a little more to it. However, with a little guidance and encouragement, you will soon see your creations up and running on your device.
We cannot mention this enough about iPhone development: The best part is the reward. As a developer, nothing is more gratifying than to see your applications take life. It's even more satisfying to see your creations take life on the screen of the iPhone. Applications can really come alive when they respond to Multi-Touch, an accelerometer, and a compass.
Appreciating the History of Mobile Devices
Apple has had the vision for a powerful mobile device like the iPhone for many years. In August 1993, Apple announced the Newton Message Pad, a device that marked Apple's entry into the market of personal digital assistants (Figure 1.1).
The Apple Newton was not the success Apple hoped for—perhaps it was ahead of its time, and the market was just not ready for such an innovative idea. There is much speculation to why the Apple Newton failed, but after its fall, the market remained quiet for a few years. In March 1996, U.S. Robotics entered the marketplace. Taking ...
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