Chapter 20. Improving Your Keynote Presentation
In This Chapter
Adding motion
Adding sound and packaging your presentation
When it comes to Numbers and Pages, you have a variety of choices for sharing your documents. But those choices are insignificant next to the choices for sharing and automating Keynote presentations. This chapter shows you some of the features you can add to your presentations. Because presentations involve text, images, and a variety of media components, you can export them to any of the movie and DVD formats available on your Mac. You can also share them through the Web — using the various iLife apps as well as Web-sharing sites such as YouTube.
In general, the features you can add using Keynote transfer without effort to these other formats and platforms. The first part of this chapter shows you how to add Keynote features for motion, sound, and automation to your presentation.
Creating Different Types of Presentations
The Keynote themes are interchangeable, and each has certain basic slides that suggest the types of presentations you can create. It's easy to fall into a trap of thinking that these are the only types of presentations you can create with Keynote. This section will give you some additional ideas.
Reviewing the slide masters
First of all, Figure 20-1 shows the basic slide masters available in Keynote, although remember that some themes have alternate versions.
Figure 20-1. Explore Keynote's slide masters.
You don't have to use all the slide masters in ...
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