Inserting Photos and Other Graphics

You can add just about any kind of graphic file into a Keynote slide. JPEG, PDF, GIF, PNG, PSD, PICT, and TIF are just a few of the graphics formats that Keynote accepts. Drag them onto the slide canvas from your iPhoto library via the Media Browser or from a folder on your hard drive.

Replacing Media Placeholders

Many Keynote slide masters contain media placeholders where you can drop pictures, movies, or audio clips. These placeholders provide consistent picture size and placement from slide to slide, and also do some behind-the-scenes magic to automatically size and crop—or mask—your pictures to fit. You already got a quick taste of this in Chapter 12, but here’s the drill:

  • Click the New button in the toolbar to add a new slide.

  • Choose a master slide with a picture. Keynote updates your slide’s layout to reflect your choice.

  • Click the toolbar’s Media button to reveal the Media Browser.

  • Drag a picture from the Media Browser and drop it onto the media placeholder (Figure 13-12), or drag an image file from a folder on your hard drive.

    Keynote replaces the placeholder picture with your selection, keeping the same size, effects, and dimensions as the original placeholder. Want to try a different picture instead? You can repeat this step as many times as you like, dropping new pictures onto the placeholder until you find the look you want.


When Keynote scales images larger or smaller to fit the placeholder, the result typically looks sharp and tidy. ...

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