Adding Functions with the Function Browser
Typing functions into the Formula Editor by hand works well enough for common, easy-to-remember functions like SUM. But when you cobble together more complex functions—or when you’re not sure of the function name or even if such a function exists—a little help is in order. The Function Browser lets you thumb through Numbers’ entire library of functions, where each one is listed with a complete description of its arguments and what the function does, as well as examples. When you find the function you want, Numbers inserts it into your formula, including labeled placeholders for the function’s arguments.
You can open the Function Browser by doing any of the following:
When you’re working in the Formula Bar or Formula Editor, click the Function Browser button (labeled ƒx) above the Formula Bar.
With any cell selected, click the toolbar’s Function button and choose Show Function Browser from its pop-up menu.
With any cell selected, choose Insert → Function → Show Function Browser.
Choose View → Show Function Browser.
The Function Browser, shown in Figure 21-2, consists of three panes that organize your view of the function library. The top left pane groups functions into categories, including the All category, for when you want to drink from the fire hose, and Recent, which helps you focus on your commonly used collection of functions (or at least the last ten of them). When you choose a category, the top right pane lists the functions alphabetically ...
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