Chapter 10. J2ME Packages and Classes
There are two types of packages and classes in the J2ME platform:
Those that are inherited from the J2SE platform
Those that are specific to J2ME and have no counterpart in J2SE
Most of J2ME falls into the first category. Depending on the configuration and profile you are using, you can use a different subset of J2SE packages and a subset of those packages that are part of J2ME itself, as shown in Table 10-1. Some J2SE packages, particularly those associated with the user interface, are not currently part of any J2ME profile. These classes are listed in Table 10-2.
Even when a package is available, it is not necessarily the case that all of its classes are included in the J2ME implementation. The remaining sections of this chapter list all classes in the J2SE packages included in at least one J2ME profile and show, for each configuration and profile, the classes applicable to it.[36] In some cases, you’ll see that a J2SE class is not available at all in J2ME. Classes are usually omitted because of resource limitations, but there has also been an effort to remove classes that are deprecated in Java 2 Version 1.3; where this is the case, it is indicated in the tables.
J2ME Packages
The following table shows the packages that make up J2ME and the configurations and profiles in which they are available. For example, the
appearing on the top row of ...
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