4.3. Alternating Table Row Colors


You need to build an HTML table where the rows alternate in color or style.


Example 4-6 shows a JSP page (struts_table.jsp) that uses Struts tags to display tabular data where the background colors alternate between orange and yellow.

Example 4-6. Alternating table row colors using Struts

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-bean" prefix=
  "bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-logic" prefix=
  "logic" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 4 : Tables</title>
  /* Even row */
  .row1 {background-color:orange;}

  /* Odd row */
  .row0 {background-color:yellow;}
  <jsp:useBean id="weeklyWeather"
      <th>Day of Week</th>
      <th>Chance of Precipitation</th>
      <th>Expected Precipitation (inches)</th>
    <logic:iterate id="forecast" indexId="count"
                 name="weeklyWeather" property="weekForecast">
        <td class='row<%= count.intValue( ) % 2 %>'>
          <bean:write name="forecast" property="day"/>
        <td class='row<%= count.intValue( ) % 2 %>'>
          <bean:write name="forecast" property="chancePrecip"/>
        <td class='row<%= count.intValue( ) % 2 %>'>
          <bean:write name="forecast" property="rainfall"/>

Example 4-7 (jstl_table.jsp) shows a cleaner solution that uses JSTL EL instead of relying on JSP scriptlet.

Example 4-7. Alternating table row colors using JSTL

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
  <title>Struts Cookbook - Chapter 4 : Tables</title>
  /* Even row */
  .evenRow {background-color:orange;}

  /* Odd row */
  .oddRow {background-color:yellow;}
  <jsp:useBean id="weeklyWeather"
      <th>Day of Week</th>
      <th>Chance of Precipitation</th>
      <th>Expected Precipitation (inches)</th>
    <c:forEach var="forecast" 
      <c:set var="tdclass" value="oddRow"/>
      <c:if test="${loop.count % 2 == 0}">
        <c:set var="tdclass" value="evenRow"/>
        <td class='<c:out value="${tdclass}"/>'>
          <c:out value="${forecast.day}"/>
        <td class='<c:out value="${tdclass}"/>'>
          <c:out value="${forecast.chancePrecip}"/>
        <td class='<c:out value="${tdclass}"/>'>
          <c:out value="${forecast.rainfall}"/>


It doesn't take a usability expert to show you that alternating the color or style of tabular data rows makes the table more readable. Both approaches shown in the Solution—the first using Struts tags and the second using JSTL—render a table with alternating row colors. In each approach, the style element in the head defines two styles for alternation. In the first approach, the styles are identified as row1 and row0. The logic:iterate loop iterates over the data Collection. The indexId attribute creates a scripting variable that holds the current value of the loop index. This value starts at and increments by one on each iteration of the loop. The modulus (remainder) operation is used to calculate a 0 or 1. The style to use is specified by concatenating row to the calculated modulus:

class='row<%= count.intValue(  ) % 2 %>

Since count is a java.lang.Integer object, you must use the intValue( ) method when performing the calculation. The calculation returns the remainder from dividing count by 2. Therefore, if the loop index is an even number—2, 4, etc.—then the style ID for the class attribute will be row0. If the loop index is an odd number, row1 will be used. The result is that the rows alternate in color. Figure 4-4 shows the rendered page generated by the first approach.

HTML table with alternating colors

Figure 4-4. HTML table with alternating colors

The use of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styles makes this solution flexible. The style allows for a myriad of presentation effects to be applied in addition to the basic background color. However, this solution does force you to name each style in a contrived fashion—the name must end in a 0 or 1.

The second approach uses JSTL only, and no Struts tags are used. The generated HTML is identical to the first, but three significant differences occur between the JSTL approach and the Struts-based one. First, the remainder calculation to determine if a row is odd or even is handled using EL instead of scriptlet. Second, the c:if tag directly determines the style to apply; you aren't forced to name the styles row0 and row1.

The third difference is subtle, yet important. When the varStatus attribute is used, the c:forEach loop exposes an object that indicates the status of the loop. This object has properties that represent the index of the underlying collection and the count of the number of loops that have occurred. This property is useful if the c:forEach iterates over a portion of a collection by specifying the begin, end, or step attributes. For example, consider the following c:forEach loop:

<c:forEach var="bar" items="fooList" begin="3" step="2" 
    Index: <c:out value="${loopStat.index}"/><br />
    Count: <c:out value="${loopStat.count}"/> <br />

This loop starts with the fourth element (begin="3") and displays every other element (step="2"). The output from this loop would look something like:

Index: 3
Count: 1
Index: 5
Count: 2
Index: 7
Count: 3

If the index, instead of the count, were used to calculate the modulus, the colors would never alternate.

See Also

Recipe 3.1 provides the basics needed to use JSTL in your application. Recipe 4.4 shows how to sort data in an HTML table by clicking on a row header. Recipe 4-6 shows you how to create the effects shown in this recipe using the display tags open source tag library.

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