7.1. Using the TextLayout Class
The drawString() methods render simple pieces of text. If you're interested in support for a caret (cursor) and highlighting, you'll need to use the java.awt.font.TextLayout class. This class can be used as the basis for a sophisticated text editor. Most applications don't need the power of this customization and can simply use JTextField, JTextArea, or JEditorPane.
TextLayout offers the following features:
text metrics
hit testing
caret support
highlighting support
paragraph layout on multiple lines (with the help of the LineBreakMeasurer class)
7.1.1. TextLayout Basics
Creating a TextLayout is pretty simple. You just need to supply the text itself, either as a string or a character iterator, and a FontRenderContext (which was described in Chapter 6):
public TextLayout(String string, Font font, FontRenderContext frc)
Use this constructor to create a TextLayout using the supplied string and font.
public TextLayout(String string, Map attributes, FontRenderContext frc)
This constructor creates a new TextLayout from the given string. The supplied attributes are applied to the entire string. (For a list of possible attributes, see Table 6-1.)
public TextLayout(AttributedCharacterIterator text, FontRenderContext frc)
This constructor creates a TextLayout from the supplied iterator.
Once you've created a TextLayout, you can render it by calling its draw() method. This is a little different from the usual model. Usually you create something, like a shape ...
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