To put some real code to the task of learning JDOM, let me introduce
the PropsToXML
class. This class is a utility that takes a standard Java properties
file and converts it to an XML equivalent. Many developers out there
have requested a means of doing exactly this; it often allows legacy
applications using properties files to easily convert to using XML
without the overhead of manually converting the configuration files.
Java Properties Files
If you have never worked with
Java properties files, they are essentially
files with name-value pairs that can be read easily with some Java
classes (for instance, the java.util.Properties
class). These files often look similar to Example 7-1, and in fact I’ll use this example
properties file throughout the rest of the chapter. Incidentally,
it’s from the Enhydra application server.
Example 7-1. A typical Java properties file
# # Properties added to System properties # # sax parser implementing class org.xml.sax.parser="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser" # # Properties used to start the server # # Class used to start the server org.enhydra.initialclass=org.enhydra.multiServer.bootstrap.Bootstrap # initial arguments passed to the server (replace command line args) org.enhydra.initialargs="./bootstrap.conf" # Classpath for the parent top enhydra classloader org.enhydra.classpath="." # separator for the classpath above org.enhydra.classpath.separator=":"
No big deal here, right? Well, using an instance of the Java
class, ...
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