JDOM and Factories
Moving right along, recall the discussion from the last chapter on JDOM and factories. I mentioned that you would never see code like this (at least with the current versions) in JDOM applications:
// This code does not work!! JDOMFactory factory = new JDOMFactory( ); factory.setDocumentClass("javaxml2.BrettsDocumentClass"); factory.setElementClass("javaxml2.BrettsElementClass"); Element rootElement = JDOMFactory.createElement("root"); Document document = JDOMFactory.createDocument(rootElement);
Well, that remains true. However, I glossed over some pretty
important aspects of that discussion, and want to pick it up again
here. As I mentioned in Chapter 7, being able to
have some form of factories allows greater flexibility in how your
XML is modeled in Java. Take a look at the simple subclass of
class shown in Example 8-1.
Example 8-1. Subclassing the JDOM Element class
package javaxml2; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; public class ORAElement extends Element { private static final Namespace ORA_NAMESPACE = Namespace.getNamespace("ora", "http://www.oreilly.com"); public ORAElement(String name) { super(name, ORA_NAMESPACE); } public ORAElement(String name, Namespace ns) { super(name, ORA_NAMESPACE); } public ORAElement(String name, String uri) { super(name, ORA_NAMESPACE); } public ORAElement(String name, String prefix, String uri) { super(name, ORA_NAMESPACE); } }
This is about as simple a subclass as you could come up with; ...
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