To and Fro

Most of the remaining javakey options deal with exchanging keys and certificates to and from files. These are summarized, along with the rest of javakey’s options, in Table 4.1. Parameters in square brackets are optional.

Table D-1. Javakey Options

Option syntax


-c identity [trust]

This option creates an identity with the given name. The trust parameter should be either “true” or “false.” If it is not present, false is the default.

-cs signer [trust]

This option is the same as -c, except it creates a signer instead of an identity.

-t name trust

You can use this option to change the trust status of the named identity or signer. The trust parameter should be “true” or “false.”

-ii name

You can enter additional information about an identity or signer using this option.

-r name

Use this option to remove an identity or signer from the database.

-gk signer algorithm keysize [pubfile [privfile]]

This option, which can be abbreviated -g, generates a key pair for the named signer. It generates a key pair for the given algorithm name and strength. The pubfile and privfile parameters, if specified, are used as filenames to contain the newly generated public and private keys.


Use this option to see the contents of the javakey database.


This option is the same as -l but shows more detail.

-li name

This option displays details about the named identity or signer.

-gc directivefile

Use this option to generate a ...

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