

() (parentheses)

enclosing arguments, 13

in expressions, unbalanced, 4647

\ (backslash)

escape character, 60, 321

in string literals, 321

= (equal sign)

assignment statement, 34

vs. equal signs (==), 89

== (equal signs)

comparing strings, 90, 92

equal operator, 8889

vs. equal sign (=), 89

% (percent sign)

in format specifiers, 329

modulus operator, description, 42

modulus operator, online example, 45

, (comma)

separating arguments, 13

show decimal separators, 328

: (colon), path separator, 522

{ } (braces)

layout, 86

matching, 86

readability, 86

&& (ampersands), and operator

definition, 111

flowchart, 112

negating, 115116

vs. or operator, 114

short-circuit evaluation, 114115

* (asterisk), multiplication operator, 41

^ (caret), convert letters to uppercase, 328t

$ (dollar sign), in variable names, 33

" (double quote), String character delimiter, 61

! (exclamation point), not operator, 112

!= (exclamation point, equal), not equal operator, 8889

> (greater than), comparison operator, 8889

>= (greater than, equal), comparison operator, 8889

((left paren), enclose negative numbers in parentheses, 328

< (less than), comparison operator, 8889

<= (less than, equal), comparison operator, 8889

? (question mark), conditional operator, 87. See also if statements

' (single quote), character literal delimiter, 61

_ (underscore), in variable names, 33

|| (vertical lines), or operator

definition, 111

flowchart, 112

negating, 115116

vs. and operator, 114

short-circuit evaluation, ...

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