Chapter 4. Streams

A large part of what network programs do is simple input and output: moving bytes from one system to another. Bytes are bytes; to a large extent, reading data a server sends you is not all that different from reading a file. Sending text to a client is not that different from writing a file. However, input and output (I/O) in Java is organized differently than it is in most other languages, such as Fortran, C, and C++. Consequently, we’ll take a few pages to summarize Java’s unique approach to I/O.

I/O in Java is built on streams. Input streams read data; output streams write data. Different stream classes, like and, read and write particular sources of data. However, all output streams have the same basic methods to write data and all input streams use the same basic methods to read data. After a stream is created, you can often ignore the details of exactly what it is you’re reading or writing.

Filter streams can be chained to either an input stream or an output stream. Filters can modify the data as it’s read or written—for instance, by encrypting or compressing it—or they can simply provide additional methods for converting the data that’s read or written into other formats. For instance, the class provides a method that converts an int to four bytes and writes those bytes onto its underlying output stream.

Readers and writers can be chained to input and output streams to allow programs to read and write text (that is, characters) rather than bytes. Used properly, readers and writers can handle a wide variety of character encodings, including multibyte character sets such as SJIS and UTF-8.

Streams are synchronous; that is, when a program (really, a thread) asks a stream to read or write a piece of data, it waits for the data to be read or written before it does anything else. Java 1.4 and later also support non-blocking I/O using channels and buffers. Non-blocking I/O is a little more complicated, but much faster in some high-volume applications, such as web servers. Normally, the basic stream model is all you need and all you should use for clients. Since channels and buffers depend on streams, we’ll start with streams and clients and later discuss non-blocking I/O for use with servers in Chapter 12.

Output Streams

Java’s basic output class is

public abstract class OutputStream

This class provides the fundamental methods needed to write data. These are:

public abstract void write(int b) throws IOException
public void write(byte[] data) throws IOException
public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException
public void flush( ) throws IOException
public void close( ) throws IOException

Subclasses of OutputStream use these methods to write data onto particular media. For instance, a FileOutputStream uses these methods to write data into a file. A TelnetOutputStream uses these methods to write data onto a network connection. A ByteArrayOutputStream uses these methods to write data into an expandable byte array. But whichever medium you’re writing to, you mostly use only these same five methods. Sometimes you may not even know exactly what kind of stream you’re writing onto. For instance, you won’t find TelnetOutputStream in the Java class library documentation. It’s deliberately hidden inside the sun packages. It’s returned by various methods in various classes in, like the getOutputStream() method of However, these methods are declared to return only OutputStream, not the more specific subclass TelnetOutputStream. That’s the power of polymorphism. If you know how to use the superclass, you know how to use all the subclasses, too.

OutputStream’s fundamental method is write(int b). This method takes an integer from 0 to 255 as an argument and writes the corresponding byte to the output stream. This method is declared abstract because subclasses need to change it to handle their particular medium. For instance, a ByteArrayOutputStream can implement this method with pure Java code that copies the byte into its array. However, a FileOutputStream will need to use native code that understands how to write data in files on the host platform.

Take note that although this method takes an int as an argument, it actually writes an unsigned byte. Java doesn’t have an unsigned byte data type, so an int has to be used here instead. The only real difference between an unsigned byte and a signed byte is the interpretation. They’re both made up of eight bits, and when you write an int onto a network connection using write(int b), only eight bits are placed on the wire. If an int outside the range 0-255 is passed to write(int b), the least significant byte of the number is written and the remaining three bytes are ignored. (This is the effect of casting an int to a byte.) On rare occasions, however, you may find a buggy third-party class that does something different, such as throwing an IllegalArgumentException or always writing 255, so it’s best not to rely on this behavior, if possible.

For example, the character generator protocol defines a server that sends out ASCII text. The most popular variation of this protocol sends 72-character lines containing printable ASCII characters. (The printable ASCII characters are those between 33 and 126 inclusive that exclude the various whitespace and control characters.) The first line contains characters 33 through 104, sorted. The second line contains characters 34 through 105. The third line contains characters 35 through 106. This continues through line 29, which contains characters 55 through 126. At that point, the characters wrap around so that line 30 contains characters 56 through 126 followed by character 33 again. Lines are terminated with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a linefeed (ASCII 10). The output looks like this:

!"#$%&'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgh
"#$%&'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi
#$%&'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij
$%&'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijk
%&'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkl
&'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklm
'( )*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmn

Since ASCII is a 7-bit character set, each character is sent as a single byte. Consequently, this protocol is straightforward to implement using the basic write( ) methods, as the next code fragment demonstrates:

public static void generateCharacters(OutputStream out) 
  throws IOException {
   int firstPrintableCharacter     = 33;
   int numberOfPrintableCharacters = 94;
   int numberOfCharactersPerLine   = 72;

   int start = firstPrintableCharacter;
   while (true) { /* infinite loop */
     for (int i = start; i < start+numberOfCharactersPerLine; i++) {
        (i-firstPrintableCharacter) % numberOfPrintableCharacters) 
         + firstPrintableCharacter);
     out.write('\r'); // carriage return
     out.write('\n'); // linefeed
     start = ((start+1) - firstPrintableCharacter) 
       % numberOfPrintableCharacters + firstPrintableCharacter;

The character generator server class (the exact details of which will have to wait until we discuss server sockets in Chapter 10) passes an OutputStream named out to the generateCharacters( ) method. Bytes are written onto out one at a time. These bytes are given as integers in a rotating sequence from 33 to 126. Most of the arithmetic here is to make the loop rotate in that range. After each 72 character chunk is written, a carriage return and a linefeed are written onto the output stream. The next start character is calculated and the loop repeats. The entire method is declared to throw IOException. That’s important because the character generator server will terminate only when the client closes the connection. The Java code will see this as an IOException.

Writing a single byte at a time is often inefficient. For example, every TCP segment that goes out your Ethernet card contains at least 40 bytes of overhead for routing and error correction. If each byte is sent by itself, you may be stuffing the network with 41 times more data than you think you are! Consequently, most TCP/IP implementations buffer data to some extent. That is, they accumulate bytes in memory and send them to their eventual destination only when a certain number have accumulated or a certain amount of time has passed. However, if you have more than one byte ready to go, it’s not a bad idea to send them all at once. Using write(byte[] data) or write(byte[] data, int offset, int length) is normally much faster than writing all the components of the data array one at a time. For instance, here’s an implementation of the generateCharacters() method that sends a line at a time by packing a complete line into a byte array:

public static void generateCharacters(OutputStream out) 
 throws IOException {
  int firstPrintableCharacter = 33;
  int numberOfPrintableCharacters = 94;
  int numberOfCharactersPerLine = 72;
  int start = firstPrintableCharacter;
  byte[] line = new byte[numberOfCharactersPerLine+2];
  // the +2 is for the carriage return and linefeed
  while (true) { /* infinite loop */      
    for (int i = start; i < start+numberOfCharactersPerLine; i++) {
      line[i-start] = (byte) ((i-firstPrintableCharacter) 
       % numberOfPrintableCharacters + firstPrintableCharacter);
    line[72] = (byte) '\r'; // carriage return
    line[73] = (byte) '\n'; // line feed
    start = ((start+1)-firstPrintableCharacter) 
     % numberOfPrintableCharacters + firstPrintableCharacter;

The algorithm for calculating which bytes to write when is the same as for the previous implementation. The crucial difference is that the bytes are packed into a byte array before being written onto the network. Also, notice that the int result of the calculation must be cast to a byte before being stored in the array. This wasn’t necessary in the previous implementation because the single byte write() method is declared to take an int as an argument.

Streams can also be buffered in software, directly in the Java code as well as in the network hardware. Typically, this is accomplished by chaining a BufferedOutputStream or a BufferedWriter to the underlying stream, a technique we’ll explore shortly. Consequently, if you are done writing data, it’s important to flush the output stream. For example, suppose you’ve written a 300-byte request to an HTTP 1.1 server that uses HTTP Keep-Alive. You generally want to wait for a response before sending any more data. However, if the output stream has a 1,024-byte buffer, the stream may be waiting for more data to arrive before it sends the data out of its buffer. No more data will be written onto the stream until the server response arrives, but the response is never going to arrive because the request hasn’t been sent yet! The buffered stream won’t send the data to the server until it gets more data from the underlying stream, but the underlying stream won’t send more data until it gets data from the server, which won’t send data until it gets the data that’s stuck in the buffer! Figure 4-1 illustrates this Catch-22. The flush() method breaks the deadlock by forcing the buffered stream to send its data even if the buffer isn’t yet full.

Data can get lost if you don’t flush your streams
Figure 4-1. Data can get lost if you don’t flush your streams

It’s important to flush your streams whether you think you need to or not. Depending on how you got hold of a reference to the stream, you may or may not know whether it’s buffered. (For instance, System.out is buffered whether you want it to be or not.) If flushing isn’t necessary for a particular stream, it’s a very low cost operation. However, if it is necessary, it’s very necessary. Failing to flush when you need to can lead to unpredictable, unrepeatable program hangs that are extremely hard to diagnose if you don’t have a good idea of what the problem is in the first place. As a corollary to all this, you should flush all streams immediately before you close them. Otherwise, data left in the buffer when the stream is closed may get lost.

Finally, when you’re done with a stream, close it by invoking its close( ) method. This releases any resources associated with the stream, such as file handles or ports. Once an output stream has been closed, further writes to it throw IOExceptions. However, some kinds of streams may still allow you to do things with the object. For instance, a closed ByteArrayOutputStream can still be converted to an actual byte array and a closed DigestOutputStream can still return its digest.

Input Streams

Java’s basic input class is

public abstract class InputStream

This class provides the fundamental methods needed to read data as raw bytes. These are:

public abstract int read( ) throws IOException
public int read(byte[] input) throws IOException
public int read(byte[] input, int offset, int length) throws IOException
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
public int available( ) throws IOException
public void close( ) throws IOException

Concrete subclasses of InputStream use these methods to read data from particular media. For instance, a FileInputStream reads data from a file. A TelnetInputStream reads data from a network connection. A ByteArrayInputStream reads data from an array of bytes. But whichever source you’re reading, you mostly use only these same six methods. Sometimes you don’t know exactly what kind of stream you’re reading from. For instance, TelnetInputStream is an undocumented class hidden inside the package. Instances of it are returned by various methods in the package: for example, the openStream( ) method of However, these methods are declared to return only InputStream, not the more specific subclass TelnetInputStream. That’s polymorphism at work once again. The instance of the subclass can be used transparently as an instance of its superclass. No specific knowledge of the subclass is required.

The basic method of InputStream is the noargs read( ) method. This method reads a single byte of data from the input stream’s source and returns it as an int from 0 to 255. End of stream is signified by returning -1. The read( ) method waits and blocks execution of any code that follows it until a byte of data is available and ready to be read. Input and output can be slow, so if your program is doing anything else of importance, try to put I/O in its own thread.

The read( ) method is declared abstract because subclasses need to change it to handle their particular medium. For instance, a ByteArrayInputStream can implement this method with pure Java code that copies the byte from its array. However, a TelnetInputStream needs to use a native library that understands how to read data from the network interface on the host platform.

The following code fragment reads 10 bytes from the InputStream in and stores them in the byte array input. However, if end of stream is detected, the loop is terminated early:

byte[] input = new byte[10];
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
  int b = );
  if (b  == -1) break;
  input[i] = (byte) b;

Although read( ) only reads a byte, it returns an int. Thus, a cast is necessary before storing the result in the byte array. Of course, this produces a signed byte from -128 to 127 instead of the unsigned byte from 0 to 255 returned by the read( ) method. However, as long as you’re clear about which one you’re working with, this is not a major problem. You can convert a signed byte to an unsigned byte like this:

int i = b >= 0 ? b : 256 + b;

Reading a byte at a time is as inefficient as writing data one byte at a time. Consequently, there are two overloaded read() methods that fill a specified array with multiple bytes of data read from the stream, read(byte[] input) and read(byte[] input, int offset, int length). The first method attempts to fill the specified array input. The second attempts to fill the specified subarray of input, starting at offset and continuing for length bytes.

Notice I said these methods attempt to fill the array, not that they necessarily succeed. An attempt may fail in several ways. For instance, it’s not unheard of that while your program is reading data from a remote web server over a PPP dialup link, a bug in a switch at a phone company central office will disconnect you and several thousand of your neighbors from the rest of the world. This would cause an IOException. More commonly, however, a read attempt won’t completely fail but won’t completely succeed, either. Some of the requested bytes may be read, but not all of them. For example, you may try to read 1,024 bytes from a network connection, when only 512 have actually arrived from the server; the rest are still in transit. They’ll arrive eventually, but they aren’t available at this moment. To account for this, the multibyte read methods return the number of bytes actually read. For example, consider this code fragment:

byte[] input  = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead =;

It attempts to read 1,024 bytes from the InputStream in into the array input. However, if only 512 bytes are available, that’s all that will be read, and bytesRead will be set to 512. To guarantee that all the bytes you want are actually read, place the read in a loop that reads repeatedly until the array is filled. For example:

int bytesRead   = 0;
int bytesToRead = 1024;
byte[] input    = new byte[bytesToRead];
while (bytesRead < bytesToRead) {
  bytesRead +=, bytesRead, bytesToRead - bytesRead);

This technique is especially crucial for network streams. Chances are that if a file is available at all, all the bytes of a file are also available. However, since networks move much more slowly than CPUs, it is very easy for a program to empty a network buffer before all the data has arrived. In fact, if one of these two methods tries to read from a temporarily empty but open network buffer, it will generally return 0, indicating that no data is available but the stream is not yet closed. This is often preferable to the behavior of the single-byte read( ) method, which blocks the running thread in the same circumstances.

All three read( ) methods return -1 to signal the end of the stream. If the stream ends while there’s still data that hasn’t been read, the multibyte read( ) methods return the data until the buffer has been emptied. The next call to any of the read( ) methods will return -1. The -1 is never placed in the array. The array only contains actual data. The previous code fragment had a bug because it didn’t consider the possibility that all 1,024 bytes might never arrive (as opposed to not being immediately available). Fixing that bug requires testing the return value of read( ) before adding it to bytesRead. For example:

int bytesRead=0;
int bytesToRead=1024;
byte[] input = new byte[bytesToRead];
while (bytesRead < bytesToRead) {
  int result =, bytesRead, bytesToRead - bytesRead);
  if (result == -1) break;
  bytesRead += result;

If you do not want to wait until all the bytes you need are immediately available, you can use the available() method to determine how many bytes can be read without blocking. This returns the minimum number of bytes you can read. You may in fact be able to read more, but you will be able to read at least as many bytes as available() suggests. For example:

int bytesAvailable = in.available( );
byte[] input = new byte[bytesAvailable];
int bytesRead =, 0, bytesAvailable);
// continue with rest of program immediately...

In this case, you can assert that bytesRead is exactly equal to bytesAvailable. You cannot, however, assert that bytesRead is greater than zero. It is possible that no bytes were available. On end of stream, available( ) returns 0. Generally, read(byte[] input, int offset, int length) returns -1 on end of stream; but if length is 0, then it does not notice the end of stream and returns 0 instead.

On rare occasions, you may want to skip over data without reading it. The skip( ) method accomplishes this task. It’s less useful on network connections than when reading from files. Network connections are sequential and normally quite slow, so it’s not significantly more time-consuming to read data than to skip over it. Files are random access so that skipping can be implemented simply by repositioning a file pointer rather than processing each byte to be skipped.

As with output streams, once your program has finished with an input stream, it should close it by invoking its close() method. This releases any resources associated with the stream, such as file handles or ports. Once an input stream has been closed, further reads from it throw IOExceptions. However, some kinds of streams may still allow you to do things with the object. For instance, you generally won’t want to get the message digest from a until after the data has been read and the stream closed.

Marking and Resetting

The InputStream class also has three less commonly used methods that allow programs to back up and reread data they’ve already read. These are:

public void mark(int readAheadLimit)
public void reset( ) throws IOException
public boolean markSupported( )

In order to reread data, mark the current position in the stream with the mark( ) method. At a later point, you can reset the stream to the marked position using the reset( ) method. Subsequent reads then return data starting from the marked position. However, you may not be able to reset as far back as you like. The number of bytes you can read from the mark and still reset is determined by the readAheadLimit argument to mark( ). If you try to reset too far back, an IOException is thrown. Furthermore, there can be only one mark in a stream at any given time. Marking a second location erases the first mark.

Marking and resetting are usually implemented by storing every byte read from the marked position on in an internal buffer. However, not all input streams support this. Before trying to use marking and resetting, check to see whether the markSupported() method returns true. If it does, the stream supports marking and resetting. Otherwise, mark( ) will do nothing and reset( ) will throw an IOException.


In my opinion, this demonstrates very poor design. In practice, more streams don’t support marking and resetting than do. Attaching functionality to an abstract superclass that is not available to many, probably most, subclasses is a very poor idea. It would be better to place these three methods in a separate interface that could be implemented by those classes that provided this functionality. The disadvantage of this approach is that you couldn’t then invoke these methods on an arbitrary input stream of unknown type, but in practice, you can’t do that anyway because not all streams support marking and resetting. Providing a method such as markSupported( ) to check for functionality at runtime is a more traditional, non-object-oriented solution to the problem. An object-oriented approach would embed this in the type system through interfaces and classes so that it could all be checked at compile time.

The only two input stream classes in that always support marking are BufferedInputStream and ByteArrayInputStream. However, other input streams such as TelnetInputStream may support marking if they’re chained to a buffered input stream first.

Filter Streams

InputStream and OutputStream are fairly raw classes. They read and write bytes singly or in groups, but that’s all. Deciding what those bytes mean—whether they’re integers or IEEE 754 floating point numbers or Unicode text—is completely up to the programmer and the code. However, there are certain extremely common data formats that can benefit from a solid implementation in the class library. For example, many integers passed as parts of network protocols are 32-bit big-endian integers. Much text sent over the Web is either 7-bit ASCII, 8-bit Latin-1, or multi-byte UTF-8. Many files transferred by FTP are stored in the zip format. Java provides a number of filter classes you can attach to raw streams to translate the raw bytes to and from these and other formats.

The filters come in two versions: the filter streams and the readers and writers. The filter streams still work primarily with raw data as bytes: for instance, by compressing the data or interpreting it as binary numbers. The readers and writers handle the special case of text in a variety of encodings such as UTF-8 and ISO 8859-1. Filter streams are placed on top of raw streams such as a TelnetInputStream or a FileOutputStream or other filter streams. Readers and writers can be layered on top of raw streams, filter streams, or other readers and writers. However, filter streams cannot be placed on top of a reader or a writer, so we’ll start with filter streams and address readers and writers in the next section.

Filters are organized in a chain, as shown in Figure 4-2. Each link in the chain receives data from the previous filter or stream and passes the data along to the next link in the chain. In this example, a compressed, encrypted text file arrives from the local network interface, where native code presents it to the undocumented TelnetInputStream. A BufferedInputStream buffers the data to speed up the entire process. A CipherInputStream decrypts the data. A GZIPInputStream decompresses the deciphered data. An InputStreamReader converts the decompressed data to Unicode text. Finally, the text is read into the application and processed.

The flow of data through a chain of filters
Figure 4-2. The flow of data through a chain of filters

Every filter output stream has the same write( ), close( ), and flush( ) methods as Every filter input stream has the same read( ), close( ), and available( ) methods as In some cases, such as BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream, these may be the only methods they have. The filtering is purely internal and does not expose any new public interface. However, in most cases, the filter stream adds public methods with additional purposes. Sometimes these are intended to be used in addition to the usual read() and write( ) methods, like the unread( ) method of PushbackInputStream. At other times, they almost completely replace the original interface. For example, it’s relatively rare to use the write() method of PrintStream instead of one of its print( ) and println( ) methods.

Chaining Filters Together

Filters are connected to streams by their constructors. For example, the following code fragment buffers input from the file data.txt. First, a FileInputStream object fin is created by passing the name of the file as an argument to the FileInputStream constructor. Then, a BufferedInputStream object bin is created by passing fin as an argument to the BufferedInputStream constructor:

FileInputStream     fin = new FileInputStream("data.txt");
BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(fin);

From this point forward, it’s possible to use the read( ) methods of both fin and bin to read data from the file data.txt. However, intermixing calls to different streams connected to the same source may violate several implicit contracts of the filter streams. Most of the time, you should only use the last filter in the chain to do the actual reading or writing. One way to write your code so that it’s at least harder to introduce this sort of bug is to deliberately lose the reference to the underlying input stream. For example:

InputStream in = new FileInputStream("data.txt");
in = new BufferedInputStream(in);

After these two lines execute, there’s no longer any way to access the underlying file input stream, so you can’t accidentally read from it and corrupt the buffer. This example works because it’s not necessary to distinguish between the methods of InputStream and those of BufferedInputStream. BufferedInputStream is simply used polymorphically as an instance of InputStream in the first place. In cases where it is necessary to use the additional methods of the filter stream not declared in the superclass, you may be able to construct one stream directly inside another. For example:

DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( 
 new FileOutputStream("data.txt")));

Although these statements can get a little long, it’s easy to split the statement across several lines, like this:

DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(
                         new BufferedOutputStream(
                          new FileOutputStream("data.txt")

Connection is permanent. Filters cannot be disconnected from a stream.

There are times when you may need to use the methods of multiple filters in a chain. For instance, if you’re reading a Unicode text file, you may want to read the byte order mark in the first three bytes to determine whether the file is encoded as big-endian UCS-2, little-endian UCS-2, or UTF-8, and then select the matching Reader filter for the encoding. Or, if you’re connecting to a web server, you may want to read the header the server sends to find the Content-encoding and then use that content encoding to pick the right Reader filter to read the body of the response. Or perhaps you want to send floating point numbers across a network connection using a DataOutputStream and then retrieve a MessageDigest from the DigestOutputStream that the DataOutputStream is chained to. In all these cases, you need to save and use references to each of the underlying streams. However, under no circumstances should you ever read from or write to anything other than the last filter in the chain.

Buffered Streams

The BufferedOutputStream class stores written data in a buffer (a protected byte array field named buf) until the buffer is full or the stream is flushed. Then it writes the data onto the underlying output stream all at once. A single write of many bytes is almost always much faster than many small writes that add up to the same thing. This is especially true of network connections because each TCP segment or UDP packet carries a finite amount of overhead, generally about 40 bytes’ worth. This means that sending 1 kilobyte of data 1 byte at a time actually requires sending 40 kilobytes over the wire, whereas sending it all at once only requires sending a little more than 1K of data. Most network cards and TCP implementations provide some level of buffering themselves, so the real numbers aren’t quite this dramatic. Nonetheless, buffering network output is generally a huge performance win.

The BufferedInputStream class also has a protected byte array named buf that serves as a buffer. When one of the stream’s read( ) methods is called, it first tries to get the requested data from the buffer. Only when the buffer runs out of data does the stream read from the underlying source. At this point, it reads as much data as it can from the source into the buffer, whether it needs all the data immediately or not. Data that isn’t used immediately will be available for later invocations of read(). When reading files from a local disk, it’s almost as fast to read several hundred bytes of data from the underlying stream as it is to read one byte of data. Therefore, buffering can substantially improve performance. The gain is less obvious on network connections where the bottleneck is often the speed at which the network can deliver data rather than the speed at which the network interface delivers data to the program or the speed at which the program runs. Nonetheless, buffering input rarely hurts and will become more important over time as network speeds increase.

BufferedInputStream has two constructors, as does BufferedOutputStream:

public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize)
public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out)
public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out, int bufferSize)

The first argument is the underlying stream from which unbuffered data will be read or to which buffered data will be written. The second argument, if present, specifies the number of bytes in the buffer. Otherwise, the buffer size is set to 2,048 bytes for an input stream and 512 bytes for an output stream. The ideal size for a buffer depends on what sort of stream you’re buffering. For network connections, you want something a little larger than the typical packet size. However, this can be hard to predict and varies depending on local network connections and protocols. Faster, higher-bandwidth networks tend to use larger packets, although eight kilobytes is an effective maximum packet size for UDP on most networks today, and TCP segments are often no larger than a kilobyte.

BufferedInputStream does not declare any new methods of its own. It only overrides methods from InputStream. It does support marking and resetting.

public int read( ) throws IOException
public int read(byte[] input, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
public int available( ) throws IOException
public void mark(int readLimit)
public void reset( ) throws IOException
public boolean markSupported( )

The two multibyte read( ) methods attempt to completely fill the specified array or subarray of data by reading from the underlying input stream as many times as necessary. They return only when the array or subarray has been completely filled, the end of stream is reached, or the underlying stream would block on further reads. Most input streams (including buffered input streams in Java 1.1 and 1.0) do not behave like this. They read from the underlying stream or data source only once before returning.

BufferedOutputStream also does not declare any new methods of its own. It overrides three methods from OutputStream:

public void write(int b) throws IOException
public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException
public void flush( ) throws IOException

You call these methods exactly as you would in any output stream. The difference is that each write places data in the buffer rather than directly on the underlying output stream. Consequently, it is essential to flush the stream when you reach a point at which the data needs to be sent.


The PrintStream class is the first filter output stream most programmers encounter because System.out is a PrintStream. However, other output streams can also be chained to print streams, using these two constructors:

public PrintStream(OutputStream out)
public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush)

By default, print streams should be explicitly flushed. However, if the autoFlush argument is true, the stream will be flushed every time a byte array or linefeed is written or a println( ) method is invoked.

As well as the usual write( ), flush(), and close( ) methods, PrintStream has 9 overloaded print() methods and 10 overloaded println( ) methods:

public void print(boolean b)
public void print(char c)
public void print(int i)
public void print(long l)
public void print(float f)
public void print(double d)
public void print(char[] text)
public void print(String s)
public void print(Object o)
public void println( )
public void println(boolean b)
public void println(char c)
public void println(int i)
public void println(long l)
public void println(float f)
public void println(double d)
public void println(char[] text)
public void println(String s)
public void println(Object o)

Each print( ) method converts its argument to a string in a predictable fashion and writes the string onto the underlying output stream using the default encoding. The println( ) methods do the same thing, but they also append a platform-dependent line separator character to the end of the line they write. This is a linefeed (\n) on Unix (including Mac OS X), a carriage return (\r) on Mac OS 9, and a carriage return/linefeed pair (\r\n) on Windows.


PrintStream is evil and network programmers should avoid it like the plague!

The first problem is that the output from println( ) is platform-dependent. Depending on what system runs your code, lines may sometimes be broken with a linefeed, a carriage return, or a carriage return/linefeed pair. This doesn’t cause problems when writing to the console, but it’s a disaster for writing network clients and servers that must follow a precise protocol. Most network protocols such as HTTP and Gnutela specify that lines should be terminated with a carriage return/linefeed pair. Using println( ) makes it easy to write a program that works on Windows but fails on Unix and the Mac. While many servers and clients are liberal in what they accept and can handle incorrect line terminators, there are occasional exceptions. In particular, in conjunction with the bug in readLine( ) discussed shortly, a client running on Mac OS 9 that uses println( ) may hang both the server and the client. To some extent, this could be fixed by using only print( ) and ignoring println(). However, PrintStream has other problems.

The second problem is that PrintStream assumes the default encoding of the platform on which it’s running. However, this encoding may not be what the server or client expects. For example, a web browser receiving XML files will expect them to be encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16 unless the server tells it otherwise. However, a web server that uses PrintStream may well send the files encoded in CP1252 from a U.S.-localized Windows system or SJIS from a Japanese-localized system, whether the client expects or understands those encodings or not. PrintStream doesn’t provide any mechanism for changing the default encoding. This problem can be patched over by using the related PrintWriter class instead. But the problems continue.

The third problem is that PrintStream eats all exceptions. This makes PrintStream suitable for textbook programs such as HelloWorld, since simple console output can be taught without burdening students with first learning about exception handling and all that implies. However, network connections are much less reliable than the console. Connections routinely fail because of network congestion, phone company misfeasance, remote systems crashing, and many other reasons. Network programs must be prepared to deal with unexpected interruptions in the flow of data. The way to do this is by handling exceptions. However, PrintStream catches any exceptions thrown by the underlying output stream. Notice that the declaration of the standard five OutputStream methods in PrintStream does not have the usual throws IOException declaration:

public abstract void write(int b)
public void write(byte[] data)
public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
public void flush( )
public void close( )

Instead, PrintStream relies on an outdated and inadequate error flag. If the underlying stream throws an exception, this internal error flag is set. The programmer is relied upon to check the value of the flag using the checkError() method:

public boolean checkError( )

If programmers are to do any error checking at all on a PrintStream, they must explicitly check every call. Furthermore, once an error has occurred, there is no way to unset the flag so further errors can be detected. Nor is any additional information available about the error. In short, the error notification provided by PrintStream is wholly inadequate for unreliable network connections. At the end of this chapter, we’ll introduce a class that fixes all these shortcomings.


PushbackInputStream is a subclass of FilterInputStream that provides a pushback stack so that a program can “unread” bytes onto the input stream. This lets programs add data to a running stream. For example, you could prefix a stream with a header before passing it to another process that needed that header.

The read( ) and available( ) methods of PushbackInputStream are invoked exactly as with normal input streams. However, they first attempt to read from the pushback buffer before reading from the underlying input stream. What this class adds is unread() methods that push bytes into the buffer:

public void unread(int b) throws IOException

This method pushes an unsigned byte given as an int between 0 and 255 onto the stream. Integers outside this range are truncated to this range as by a cast to byte. Assuming nothing else is pushed back onto this stream, the next read from the stream will return that byte. As multiple bytes are pushed onto the stream by repeated invocations of unread( ), they are stored in a stack and returned in a last-in, first-out order. In essence, the buffer is a stack sitting on top of an input stream. Only when the stack is empty will the underlying stream be read.

There are two more unread( ) methods that push a specified array or subarray onto the stream:

public void unread(byte[] input) throws IOException
public void unread(byte[] input, int offset, int length) throws IOException

The arrays are stacked in last-in, first-out order. However, bytes popped from the same array will be returned in the order they appeared in the array. That is, the zeroth component of the array will be read before the first component of the array.

By default, the buffer is only one byte long, and trying to unread more than one byte throws an IOException. However, the buffer size can be changed by passing a second argument to the constructor:

public PushbackInputStream(InputStream in)
public PushbackInputStream(InputStream in, int size)

Although PushbackInputStream and BufferedInputStream both use buffers, BufferedInputStream uses them for data read from the underlying input stream, while PushbackInputStream uses them for arbitrary data, which may or may not have been read from the stream originally. Furthermore, PushbackInputStream does not allow marking and resetting. The markSupported() method of PushbackInputStream returns false.

Data Streams

The DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes provide methods for reading and writing Java’s primitive data types and strings in a binary format. The binary formats used are primarily intended for exchanging data between two different Java programs whether through a network connection, a datafile, a pipe, or some other intermediary. What a data output stream writes, a data input stream can read. However, it happens that the formats are the same ones used for most Internet protocols that exchange binary numbers. For instance, the time protocol uses 32-bit big-endian integers, just like Java’s int data type. The controlled-load network element service uses 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers, just like Java’s float data type. (This is probably correlation rather than causation. Both Java and most network protocols were designed by Unix programmers, and consequently both tend to use the formats common to most Unix systems.) However, this isn’t true for all network protocols, so check the details of any protocol you use. For instance, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) represents times as 64-bit unsigned fixed point numbers with the integer part in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 32 bits. This doesn’t match any primitive data type in any common programming language, although it is fairly straightforward to work with—at least as far as is necessary for NTP.

The DataOutputStream class offers these 11 methods for writing particular Java data types:

public final void writeBoolean(boolean b) throws IOException
public final void writeByte(int b) throws IOException
public final void writeShort(int s) throws IOException
public final void writeChar(int c) throws IOException
public final void writeInt(int i) throws IOException
public final void writeLong(long l) throws IOException
public final void writeFloat(float f) throws IOException
public final void writeDouble(double d) throws IOException
public final void writeChars(String s) throws IOException
public final void writeBytes(String s) throws IOException
public final void writeUTF(String s) throws IOException

All data is written in big-endian format. Integers are written in two’s complement in the minimum number of bytes possible. Thus, a byte is written as one two’s-complement byte, a short as two two’s-complement bytes, an int as four two’s-complement bytes, and a long as eight two’s-complement bytes. Floats and doubles are written in IEEE 754 form in 4 and 8 bytes, respectively. Booleans are written as a single byte with the value 0 for false and 1 for true. Chars are written as two unsigned bytes.

The last three methods are a little trickier. The writeChars( ) method simply iterates through the String argument, writing each character in turn as a 2-byte, big-endian Unicode character (a UTF-16 code point, to be absolutely precise). The writeBytes( ) method iterates through the String argument but writes only the least significant byte of each character. Thus, information will be lost for any string with characters from outside the Latin-1 character set. This method may be useful on some network protocols that specify the ASCII encoding, but it should be avoided most of the time.

Neither writeChars( ) nor writeBytes() encodes the length of the string in the output stream. As a result, you can’t really distinguish between raw characters and characters that make up part of a string. The writeUTF( ) method does include the length of the string. It encodes the string itself in a variant of the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. Since this variant is subtly incompatible with most non-Java software, it should be used only for exchanging data with other Java programs that use a DataInputStream to read strings. For exchanging UTF-8 text with all other software, you should use an InputStreamReader with the appropriate encoding. (There wouldn’t be any confusion if Sun had just called this method and its partner writeString( ) and readString( ) rather than writeUTF( ) and readUTF( ).)

Along with these methods for writing binary numbers and strings, DataOutputStream of course has the usual write( ), flush( ), and close( ) methods any OutputStream class has.

DataInputStream is the complementary class to DataOutputStream. Every format that DataOutputStream writes, DataInputStream can read. In addition, DataInputStream has the usual read( ), available( ), skip(), and close( ) methods, as well as methods for reading complete arrays of bytes and lines of text.

There are 9 methods to read binary data that match the 11 methods in DataOutputStream (there’s no exact complement for writeBytes( ) or writeChars( ); these are handled by reading the bytes and chars one at a time):

public final boolean readBoolean( ) throws IOException
public final byte readByte( ) throws IOException
public final char readChar( ) throws IOException
public final short readShort( ) throws IOException
public final int readInt( ) throws IOException
public final long readLong( ) throws IOException
public final float readFloat( ) throws IOException
public final double readDouble( ) throws IOException
public final String readUTF( ) throws IOException

In addition, DataInputStream provides two methods to read unsigned bytes and unsigned shorts and return the equivalent int. Java doesn’t have either of these data types, but you may encounter them when reading binary data written by a C program:

public final int readUnsignedByte( ) throws IOException
public final int readUnsignedShort( ) throws IOException

DataInputStream has the usual two multibyte read( ) methods that read data into an array or subarray and return the number of bytes read. It also has two readFully( ) methods that repeatedly read data from the underlying input stream into an array until the requested number of bytes have been read. If enough data cannot be read, an IOException is thrown. These methods are especially useful when you know in advance exactly how many bytes you have to read. This might be the case when you’ve read the Content-length field out of an HTTP header and thus know how many bytes of data there are:

public final int read(byte[] input) throws IOException
public final int read(byte[] input, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException
public final void readFully(byte[] input) throws IOException
public final void readFully(byte[] input, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException

Finally, DataInputStream provides the popular readLine() method that reads a line of text as delimited by a line terminator and returns a string:

public final String readLine( ) throws IOException

However, this method should not be used under any circumstances, both because it is deprecated and because it is buggy. It’s deprecated because it doesn’t properly convert non-ASCII characters to bytes in most circumstances. That task is now handled by the readLine( ) method of the BufferedReader class. However, that method and this one share the same insidious bug: they do not always recognize a single carriage return as ending a line. Rather, readLine( ) recognizes only a linefeed or a carriage return/linefeed pair. When a carriage return is detected in the stream, readLine( ) waits to see whether the next character is a linefeed before continuing. If it is a linefeed, the carriage return and the linefeed are thrown away and the line is returned as a String. If it isn’t a linefeed, the carriage return is thrown away, the line is returned as a String, and the extra character that was read becomes part of the next line. However, if the carriage return is the last character in the stream (a very likely occurrence if the stream originates from a Macintosh or a file created on a Macintosh), then readLine( ) hangs, waiting for the last character, which isn’t forthcoming.

This problem isn’t obvious when reading files because there will almost certainly be a next character: -1 for end of stream, if nothing else. However, on persistent network connections such as those used for FTP and late-model HTTP, a server or client may simply stop sending data after the last character and wait for a response without actually closing the connection. If you’re lucky, the connection may eventually time out on one end or the other and you’ll get an IOException, although this will probably take at least a couple of minutes. If you’re not lucky, the program will hang indefinitely.

Note that it is not enough for your program to merely be running on Windows or Unix to avoid this bug. It must also ensure that it does not send or receive text files created on a Macintosh and that it never talks to Macintosh clients or servers. These are very strong conditions in the heterogeneous world of the Internet. It’s much simpler to avoid readLine() completely.

Compressing Streams

The package contains filter streams that compress and decompress streams in zip, gzip, and deflate formats. Along with its better-known uses with files, this package allows Java applications to easily exchange compressed data across the network. HTTP 1.1 includes support for compressed file transfer in which the server compresses and the browser decompresses files, in effect trading increasingly cheap CPU power for still-expensive network bandwidth. This process is completely transparent to the user. Of course, it’s not transparent to the programmer who has to write the compression and decompression code. However, the filter streams make it a lot more transparent than it otherwise would be.

There are six stream classes that perform compression and decompression; the input streams decompress data and the output streams compress it:

public class DeflaterOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
public class InflaterInputStream extends FilterInputStream
public class GZIPOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
public class GZIPInputStream extends FilterInputStream
public class ZipOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream
public class ZipInputStream extends FilterInputStream

All of these classes use essentially the same compression algorithm. They differ only in various constants and meta-information included with the compressed data. In addition, a zip stream may contain more than one compressed file.

Compressing and decompressing data with these classes is almost trivially easy. You simply chain the filter to the underlying stream and read or write it like normal. For example, suppose you want to read the compressed file allnames.gz. Simply open a FileInputStream to the file and chain a GZIPInputStream to it, like this:

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("allnames.gz");
GZIPInputStream gzin = new GZIPInputStream(fin);

From this point forward, you can read uncompressed data from gzin using the usual read( ), skip( ), and available( ) methods. For instance, this code fragment reads and decompresses a file named allnames.gz in the current working directory:

FileInputStream fin   = new FileInputStream("allnames.gz");      
GZIPInputStream gzin  = new GZIPInputStream(fin);
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("allnames");
int b = 0;
while ((b = )) != -1) fout.write(b);
gzin.close( );
out.flush( );
out.close( );

In fact, it isn’t even necessary to know that gzin is a GZIPInputStream for this to work. A simple InputStream type works equally well. For example:

InputStream in = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream("allnames.gz"));

DeflaterOutputStream and InflaterInputStream are equally straightforward. ZipInputStream and ZipOutputStream are a little more complicated because a zip file is actually an archive that may contain multiple entries, each of which must be read separately. Each file in a zip archive is represented as a ZipEntry object whose getName( ) method returns the original name of the file. For example, this code fragment decompresses the archive in the current working directory:

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("");
ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(fin);
ZipEntry ze = null;
int b = 0;
while ((ze = zin.getNextEntry( )) != null) {
  FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(ze.getName( ));
  while ((b = )) != -1) fout.write(b);
  zin.closeEntry( );
  fout.flush( );
  fout.close( );
zin.close( );

Digest Streams

The package contains two filter streams that can calculate a message digest for a stream. They are DigestInputStream and DigestOutputStream. A message digest, represented in Java by the class, is a strong hash code for the stream; that is, it is a large integer (typically 20 bytes long in binary format) that can easily be calculated from a stream of any length in such a fashion that no information about the stream is available from the message digest. Message digests can be used for digital signatures and for detecting data that has been corrupted in transit across the network.

In practice, the use of message digests in digital signatures is more important. Mere data corruption can be detected with much simpler, less computationally expensive algorithms. However, the digest filter streams are so easy to use that at times it may be worth paying the computational price for the corresponding increase in programmer productivity. To calculate a digest for an output stream, you first construct a MessageDigest object that uses a particular algorithm, such as the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). Pass both the MessageDigest object and the stream you want to digest to the DigestOutputStream constructor. This chains the digest stream to the underlying output stream. Then write data onto the stream as normal, flush it, close it, and invoke the getMessageDigest() method to retrieve the MessageDigest object. Finally, invoke the digest( ) method on the MessageDigest object to finish calculating the actual digest. Here’s an example:

MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
DigestOutputStream dout = new DigestOutputStream(out, sha);
byte[] buffer = new byte[128];
while (true) {
  int bytesRead =;
  if (bytesRead < 0) break;
  dout.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
dout.flush( );
dout.close( );
byte[] result = dout.getMessageDigest( ).digest( );

Calculating the digest of an input stream you read is equally simple. It still isn’t quite as transparent as some of the other filter streams because you do need to be at least marginally conversant with the methods of the MessageDigest class. Nonetheless, it’s still far easier than writing your own secure hash function and manually feeding it each byte you write.

Of course, you also need a way of associating a particular message digest with a particular stream. In some circumstances, the digest may be sent over the same channel used to send the digested data. The sender calculates the digest as it sends data, while the receiver calculates the digest as it receives the data. When the sender is done, it sends a signal that the receiver recognizes as indicating the end of the stream and then sends the digest. The receiver receives the digest, checks that the digest received is the same as the one calculated locally, and closes the connection. If the digests don’t match, the receiver may instead ask the sender to send the message again. Alternatively, both the digest and the files it digests may be stored in the same zip archive. And there are many other possibilities. Situations like this generally call for the design of a relatively formal custom protocol. However, while the protocol may be complicated, the calculation of the digest is straightforward, thanks to the DigestInputStream and DigestOutputStream filter classes.

Encrypting Streams

The CipherInputStream and CipherOutputStream classes in the javax.crypto package provide encryption and decryption services. They are both powered by a Cipher engine object that encapsulates the algorithm used to perform encryption and decryption. By changing the Cipher engine object, you change the algorithm that the streams use to encrypt and decrypt. Most ciphers also require a key to encrypt and decrypt the data. Symmetric or secret key ciphers use the same key for both encryption and decryption. Asymmetric or public key ciphers use different keys for encryption and decryption. The encryption key can be distributed as long as the decryption key is kept secret. Keys are specific to the algorithm and are represented in Java by instances of the interface. The Cipher object is set in the constructor. Like all filter stream constructors, these constructors also take another input stream as an argument:

public CipherInputStream(InputStream in, Cipher c)
public CipherOutputStream(OutputStream out, Cipher c)


For legal reasons CipherInputStream and CipherOutputStream are not bundled with the core API in Java 1.3 and earlier. Instead, they are part of a standard extension to Java called the Java Cryptography Extension, JCE for short. This is in the javax.crypto package. Sun provides an implementation of this API (available from and various third parties have written independent implementations. Of particular note is the Legion of the Bouncy Castle’s open source implementation, which can be downloaded from

To get a properly initialized Cipher object, use the static Cipher.getInstance( ) factory method. This Cipher object must be initialized for either encryption or decryption with init( ) before being passed into one of the previous constructors. For example, this code fragment prepares a CipherInputStream for decryption using the password “two and not a fnord” and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm:

byte[] desKeyData = "two and not a fnord".getBytes( );
DESKeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec(desKeyData);
SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
SecretKey desKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(desKeySpec);
Cipher des = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
des.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, desKey);
CipherInputStream cin = new CipherInputStream(fin, des);

This fragment uses classes from the,, javax.crypto, and javax.crypto.spec packages. Different implementations of the JCE support different groups of encryption algorithms. Common algorithms include DES, RSA, and Blowfish. The construction of a key is generally algorithm-specific. Consult the documentation for your JCE implementation for more details.

CipherInputStream overrides most of the normal InputStream methods like read( ) and available( ). CipherOutputStream overrides most of the usual OutputStream methods like write() and flush( ). These methods are all invoked much as they would be for any other stream. However, as the data is read or written, the stream’s Cipher object either decrypts or encrypts the data. (Assuming your program wants to work with unencrypted data—as is commonly the case—a cipher input stream will decrypt the data and a cipher output stream will encrypt the data.) For example, this code fragment encrypts the file secrets.txt using the password “Mary had a little spider”:

String infile   = "secrets.txt";
String outfile  = "secrets.des";
String password = "Mary had a little spider";
try {

   FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(infile);
   FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(outfile);

   // register the provider that implements the algorithm
   Provider sunJce = new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE( );

   // create a key
   char[] pbeKeyData = password.toCharArray( );
   PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(pbeKeyData);
   SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = 
   SecretKey pbeKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec);

   // use Data Encryption Standard
   Cipher pbe = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
   pbe.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pbeKey);
   CipherOutputStream cout = new CipherOutputStream(fout, pbe);

   byte[] input = new byte[64];
   while (true) {
     int bytesRead =;
     if (bytesRead == -1) break;
     cout.write(input, 0, bytesRead);
   cout.flush( );
   cout.close( );
   fin.close( );

catch (Exception ex) {

I admit that this is more complicated than it needs to be. There’s a lot of setup work involved in creating the Cipher object that actually performs the encryption. Partly, that’s because key generation involves quite a bit more than a simple password. However, a large part of the complication is due to inane U.S. export laws that prevent Sun from fully integrating the JCE with the JDK and JRE. To a large extent, the complex architecture used here is driven by a need to separate the actual encrypting and decrypting code from the cipher stream classes.

Readers and Writers

Many programmers have a bad habit of writing code as if all text were ASCII or at least in the native encoding of the platform. While some older, simpler network protocols, such as daytime, quote of the day, and chargen, do specify ASCII encoding for text, this is not true of HTTP and many other more modern protocols, which allow a wide variety of localized encodings, such as K0I8-R Cyrillic, Big-5 Chinese, and ISO 8859-2 for most Central European languages. Java’s native character set is the UTF-16 encoding of Unicode. When the encoding is no longer ASCII, the assumption that bytes and chars are essentially the same things also breaks down. Consequently, Java provides an almost complete mirror of the input and output stream class hierarchy designed for working with characters instead of bytes.

In this mirror image hierarchy, two abstract superclasses define the basic API for reading and writing characters. The class specifies the API by which characters are read. The class specifies the API by which characters are written. Wherever input and output streams use bytes, readers and writers use Unicode characters. Concrete subclasses of Reader and Writer allow particular sources to be read and targets to be written. Filter readers and writers can be attached to other readers and writers to provide additional services or interfaces.

The most important concrete subclasses of Reader and Writer are the InputStreamReader and the OutputStreamWriter classes. An InputStreamReader contains an underlying input stream from which it reads raw bytes. It translates these bytes into Unicode characters according to a specified encoding. An OutputStreamWriter receives Unicode characters from a running program. It then translates those characters into bytes using a specified encoding and writes the bytes onto an underlying output stream.

In addition to these two classes, the package provides several raw reader and writer classes that read characters without directly requiring an underlying input stream, including:

  • FileReader

  • FileWriter

  • StringReader

  • StringWriter

  • CharArrayReader

  • CharArrayWriter

The first two classes in this list work with files and the last four work inside Java, so they aren’t of great use for network programming. However, aside from different constructors, these classes have pretty much the same public interface as all other reader and writer classes.


The Writer class mirrors the class. It’s abstract and has two protected constructors. Like OutputStream, the Writer class is never used directly; instead, it is used polymorphically, through one of its subclasses. It has five write() methods as well as a flush( ) and a close( ) method:

protected Writer( )
protected Writer(Object lock)
public abstract void write(char[] text, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException
public void write(int c) throws IOException
public void write(char[] text) throws IOException
public void write(String s) throws IOException
public void write(String s, int offset, int length) throws IOException
public abstract void flush( ) throws IOException
public abstract void close( ) throws IOException

The write(char[] text, int offset, int length) method is the base method in terms of which the other four write( ) methods are implemented. A subclass must override at least this method as well as flush( ) and close(), although most override some of the other write( ) methods as well in order to provide more efficient implementations. For example, given a Writer object w, you can write the string “Network” like this:

char[] network = {'N', 'e', 't', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'k'};
w.write(network, 0, network.length);

The same task can be accomplished with these other methods, as well:

for (int i = 0;  i < network.length;  i++) w.write(network[i]);
w.write("Network", 0, 7);

All of these examples are different ways of expressing the same thing. Which you use in any given situation is mostly a matter of convenience and taste. However, how many and which bytes are written by these lines depends on the encoding w uses. If it’s using big-endian UTF-16, it will write these 14 bytes (shown here in hexadecimal) in this order:

00 4E 00 65 00 74 00 77 00 6F 00 72 00 6B

On the other hand, if w uses little-endian UTF-16, this sequence of 14 bytes is written:

4E 00 65 00 74 00 77 00 6F 00 72 00 6B 00

If w uses Latin-1, UTF-8, or MacRoman, this sequence of seven bytes is written:

4E 65 74 77 6F 72 6B

Other encodings may write still different sequences of bytes. The exact output depends on the encoding.

Writers may be buffered, either directly by being chained to a BufferedWriter or indirectly because their underlying output stream is buffered. To force a write to be committed to the output medium, invoke the flush() method:

w.flush( );

The close( ) method behaves similarly to the close( ) method of OutputStream. close( ) flushes the writer, then closes the underlying output stream and releases any resources associated with it:

public abstract void close( ) throws IOException

After a writer has been closed, further writes throw IOExceptions.


OutputStreamWriter is the most important concrete subclass of Writer. An OutputStreamWriter receives characters from a Java program. It converts these into bytes according to a specified encoding and writes them onto an underlying output stream. Its constructor specifies the output stream to write to and the encoding to use:

public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, String encoding) 
 throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out)

Valid encodings are listed in the documentation for Sun’s native2ascii tool included with the JDK and available from If no encoding is specified, the default encoding for the platform is used. (In the United States, the default encoding is ISO Latin-1 on Solaris and Windows, MacRoman on the Mac.) For example, this code fragment writes the string

in the Cp1253 Windows Greek encoding:

OutputStreamWriter w = new OutputStreamWriter(
 new FileOutputStream("OdysseyB.txt"), "Cp1253");

Other than the constructors, OutputStreamWriter has only the usual Writer methods (which are used exactly as they are for any Writer class) and one method to return the encoding of the object:

public String getEncoding( )


The Reader class mirrors the class. It’s abstract with two protected constructors. Like InputStream and Writer, the Reader class is never used directly, only through one of its subclasses. It has three read() methods, as well as skip( ), close( ), ready( ), mark( ), reset( ), and markSupported( ) methods:

protected Reader( )
protected Reader(Object lock)
public abstract int read(char[] text, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException
public int read( ) throws IOException
public int read(char[] text) throws IOException
public long skip(long n) throws IOException
public boolean ready( )
public boolean markSupported( )
public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException
public void reset( ) throws IOException
public abstract void close( ) throws IOException

The read(char[] text, int offset, int length) method is the fundamental method through which the other two read( ) methods are implemented. A subclass must override at least this method as well as close( ), although most will override some of the other read( ) methods as well in order to provide more efficient implementations.

Most of these methods are easily understood by analogy with their InputStream counterparts. The read() method returns a single Unicode character as an int with a value from 0 to 65,535 or -1 on end of stream. The read(char[] text) method tries to fill the array text with characters and returns the actual number of characters read or -1 on end of stream. The read(char[] text, int offset, int length) method attempts to read length characters into the subarray of text beginning at offset and continuing for length characters. It also returns the actual number of characters read or -1 on end of stream. The skip(long n) method skips n characters. The mark( ) and reset( ) methods allow some readers to reset back to a marked position in the character sequence. The markSupported( ) method tells you whether the reader supports marking and resetting. The close( ) method closes the reader and any underlying input stream so that further attempts to read from it throw IOExceptions.

The exception to the rule of similarity is ready(), which has the same general purpose as available( ) but not quite the same semantics, even modulo the byte-to-char conversion. Whereas available( ) returns an int specifying a minimum number of bytes that may be read without blocking, ready( ) only returns a boolean indicating whether the reader may be read without blocking. The problem is that some character encodings, such as UTF-8, use different numbers of bytes for different characters. Thus, it’s hard to tell how many characters are waiting in the network or filesystem buffer without actually reading them out of the buffer.

InputStreamReader is the most important concrete subclass of Reader. An InputStreamReader reads bytes from an underlying input stream such as a FileInputStream or TelnetInputStream. It converts these into characters according to a specified encoding and returns them. The constructor specifies the input stream to read from and the encoding to use:

public InputStreamReader(InputStream in)
public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String encoding) 
 throws UnsupportedEncodingException

If no encoding is specified, the default encoding for the platform is used. If an unknown encoding is specified, then an UnsupportedEncodingException is thrown.

For example, this method reads an input stream and converts it all to one Unicode string using the MacCyrillic encoding:

public static String getMacCyrillicString(InputStream in) 
 throws IOException {
  InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(in, "MacCyrillic");
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( );
  int c;
  while ((c = )) != -1) sb.append((char) c);
  r.close( );
  return sb.toString( );

Filter Readers and Writers

The InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter classes act as decorators on top of input and output streams that change the interface from a byte-oriented interface to a character-oriented interface. Once this is done, additional character-oriented filters can be layered on top of the reader or writer using the and classes. As with filter streams, there are a variety of subclasses that perform specific filtering, including:

  • BufferedReader

  • BufferedWriter

  • LineNumberReader

  • PushbackReader

  • PrintWriter

Buffered readers and writers

The BufferedReader and BufferedWriter classes are the character-based equivalents of the byte-oriented BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream classes. Where BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream use an internal array of bytes as a buffer, BufferedReader and BufferedWriter use an internal array of chars.

When a program reads from a BufferedReader, text is taken from the buffer rather than directly from the underlying input stream or other text source. When the buffer empties, it is filled again with as much text as possible, even if not all of it is immediately needed, making future reads much faster. When a program writes to a BufferedWriter, the text is placed in the buffer. The text is moved to the underlying output stream or other target only when the buffer fills up or when the writer is explicitly flushed, which can make writes much faster than would otherwise be the case.

BufferedReader and BufferedWriter have the usual methods associated with readers and writers, like read( ), ready( ), write( ), and close( ). They each have two constructors that chain the BufferedReader or BufferedWriter to an underlying reader or writer and set the size of the buffer. If the size is not set, the default size of 8,192 characters is used:

public BufferedReader(Reader in, int bufferSize)
public BufferedReader(Reader in)
public BufferedWriter(Writer out)
public BufferedWriter(Writer out, int bufferSize)

For example, the earlier getMacCyrillicString( ) example was less than efficient because it read characters one at a time. Since MacCyrillic is a 1-byte character set, it also read bytes one at a time. However, it’s straightforward to make it run faster by chaining a BufferedReader to the InputStreamReader, like this:

public static String getMacCyrillicString(InputStream in) 
 throws IOException {
  Reader r = new InputStreamReader(in, "MacCyrillic");
  r = new BufferedReader(r, 1024);
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( );
  int c;
  while ((c = )) != -1) sb.append((char) c);
  r.close( );
  return sb.toString( );

All that was needed to buffer this method was one additional line of code. None of the rest of the algorithm had to change, since the only InputStreamReader methods used were the read( ) and close( ) methods declared in the Reader superclass and shared by all Reader subclasses, including BufferedReader.

The BufferedReader class also has a readLine( ) method that reads a single line of text and returns it as a string:

public String readLine( ) throws IOException

This method is supposed to replace the deprecated readLine() method in DataInputStream, and it has mostly the same behavior as that method. The big difference is that by chaining a BufferedReader to an InputStreamReader, you can correctly read lines in character sets other than the default encoding for the platform. Unfortunately, this method shares the same bugs as the readLine( ) method in DataInputStream, discussed earlier in this chapter. That is, readline( ) tends to hang its thread when reading streams where lines end in carriage returns, as is commonly the case when the streams derive from a Macintosh or a Macintosh text file. Consequently, you should scrupulously avoid this method in network programs.

It’s not all that difficult, however, to write a safe version of this class that correctly implements the readLine( ) method. Example 4-1 is such a SafeBufferedReader class. It has exactly the same public interface as BufferedReader; it just has a slightly different private implementation. I’ll use this class in future chapters in situations where it’s extremely convenient to have a readLine( ) method.

Example 4-1. The SafeBufferedReader class


public class SafeBufferedReader extends BufferedReader {

  public SafeBufferedReader(Reader in) {
    this(in, 1024);

  public SafeBufferedReader(Reader in, int bufferSize) {
    super(in, bufferSize);

  private boolean lookingForLineFeed = false;
  public String readLine( ) throws IOException {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
    while (true) {
      int c = );
      if (c == -1) { // end of stream
        if (sb.length() == 0) return null;
        return sb.toString( );
      else if (c == '\n') {
        if (lookingForLineFeed) {
          lookingForLineFeed = false;
        else {
          return sb.toString( );
      else if (c == '\r') {
        lookingForLineFeed = true;
        return sb.toString( );
      else {
        lookingForLineFeed = false;
        sb.append((char) c);


The BufferedWriter( ) class adds one new method not included in its superclass, called newLine( ), also geared toward writing lines:

public void newLine( ) throws IOException

This method inserts a platform-dependent line-separator string into the output. The line.separator system property determines exactly what the string is: probably a linefeed on Unix and Mac OS X, a carriage return on Mac OS 9, and a carriage return/linefeed pair on Windows. Since network protocols generally specify the required line-terminator, you should not use this method for network programming. Instead, explicitly write the line-terminator the protocol requires.


LineNumberReader is a subclass of BufferedReader that keeps track of the current line number. This can be retrieved at any time with the getLineNumber( ) method:

public int getLineNumber( )

By default, the first line number is 0. However, the number of the current line and all subsequent lines can be changed with the setLineNumber( ) method:

public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber)

This method adjusts only the line numbers that getLineNumber( ) reports. It does not change the point at which the stream is read.

The LineNumberReader’s readLine( ) method shares the same bug as BufferedReader and DataInputStream’s, and is not suitable for network programming. However, the line numbers are also tracked if you use only the regular read( ) methods, and these do not share that bug. Besides these methods and the usual Reader methods, LineNumberReader has only these two constructors:

public LineNumberReader(Reader in)
public LineNumberReader(Reader in, int bufferSize)

Since LineNumberReader is a subclass of BufferedReader, it has an internal character buffer whose size can be set with the second constructor. The default size is 8,192 characters.


The PushbackReader class is the mirror image of the PushbackInputStream class. As usual, the main difference is that it pushes back chars rather than bytes. It provides three unread( ) methods that push characters onto the reader’s input buffer:

public void unread(int c) throws IOException
public void unread(char[] text) throws IOException
public void unread(char[] text, int offset, int length) 
 throws IOException

The first unread( ) method pushes a single character onto the reader. The second pushes an array of characters. The third pushes the specified subarray of characters, starting with text[offset] and continuing through text[offset+length-1].

By default, the size of the pushback buffer is only one character. However, the size can be adjusted in the second constructor:

public PushbackReader(Reader in)
public PushbackReader(Reader in, int bufferSize)

Trying to unread more characters than the buffer will hold throws an IOException.


The PrintWriter class is a replacement for Java 1.0’s PrintStream class that properly handles multibyte character sets and international text. Sun originally planned to deprecate PrintStream in favor of PrintWriter but backed off when it realized this step would invalidate too much existing code, especially code that depended on System.out. Nonetheless, new code should use PrintWriter instead of PrintStream.

Aside from the constructors, the PrintWriter class has an almost identical collection of methods to PrintStream. These include:

public PrintWriter(Writer out)
public PrintWriter(Writer out, boolean autoFlush)
public PrintWriter(OutputStream out)
public PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush)
public void flush( )
public void close( )
public boolean checkError( )
protected void setError( )
public void write(int c)
public void write(char[] text, int offset, int length)
public void write(char[] text)
public void write(String s, int offset, int length)
public void write(String s)
public void print(boolean b)
public void print(char c)
public void print(int i)
public void print(long l)
public void print(float f)
public void print(double d)
public void print(char[] text)
public void print(String s)
public void print(Object o)
public void println( )
public void println(boolean b)
public void println(char c)
public void println(int i)
public void println(long l)
public void println(float f)
public void println(double d)
public void println(char[] text)
public void println(String s)
public void println(Object o)

Most of these methods behave the same for PrintWriter as they do for PrintStream. The exceptions are the four write( ) methods, which write characters rather than bytes; also, if the underlying writer properly handles character set conversion, so do all the methods of the PrintWriter. This is an improvement over the noninternationalizable PrintStream class, but it’s still not good enough for network programming. PrintWriter still has the problems of platform dependency and minimal error reporting that plague PrintStream.

It isn’t hard to write a PrintWriter class that does work for network programming. You simply have to require the programmer to specify a line separator and let the IOExceptions fall where they may. Example 4-2 demonstrates. Notice that all the constructors require an explicit line-separator string to be provided.

Example 4-2. SafePrintWriter
 * @(#) 1.0 04/06/28
 * Placed in the public domain
 * No rights reserved.


 * @version   1.1, 2004-06-28
 * @author  Elliotte Rusty Harold
 * @since Java Network Programming, 2nd edition
public class SafePrintWriter extends Writer {

  protected Writer out;

  private boolean autoFlush = false;
  private String lineSeparator;
  private boolean closed = false;

  public SafePrintWriter(Writer out, String lineSeparator) {
    this(out, false, lineSeparator);

  public SafePrintWriter(Writer out, char lineSeparator) {
    this(out, false, String.valueOf(lineSeparator));

  public SafePrintWriter(Writer out, boolean autoFlush, String lineSeparator) {
    this.out = out;
    this.autoFlush = autoFlush;
    if (lineSeparator == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("Null line separator");
    this.lineSeparator = lineSeparator;

  public SafePrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush, 
   String encoding, String lineSeparator) 
   throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    this(new OutputStreamWriter(out, encoding), autoFlush, lineSeparator);

  public void flush( ) throws IOException {
    synchronized (lock) {
      if (closed) throw new IOException("Stream closed");
      out.flush( );

  public void close( ) throws IOException {
    try {
      this.flush( );
    catch (IOException ex) {
    synchronized (lock) {
      out.close( );
      this.closed = true;

  public void write(int c) throws IOException {

    synchronized (lock) {
      if (closed) throw new IOException("Stream closed");


  public void write(char[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
    synchronized (lock) {
      if (closed) throw new IOException("Stream closed");
      out.write(text, offset, length);

  public void write(char[] text) throws IOException {

    synchronized (lock) {
      if (closed) throw new IOException("Stream closed");
      out.write(text, 0, text.length);

  public void write(String s, int offset, int length) throws IOException {

    synchronized (lock) {
      if (closed) throw new IOException("Stream closed");
      out.write(s, offset, length);


  public void print(boolean b) throws IOException {
    if (b) this.write("true");
    else this.write("false");

  public void println(boolean b) throws IOException {
    if (b) this.write("true");
    else this.write("false");
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(char c) throws IOException {

  public void println(char c) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(int i) throws IOException {

  public void println(int i) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(long l) throws IOException {

  public void println(long l) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(float f) throws IOException {

  public void println(float f) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(double d) throws IOException {

  public void println(double d) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(char[] text) throws IOException {

  public void println(char[] text) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(String s) throws IOException {
    if (s == null) this.write("null");
    else this.write(s);

  public void println(String s) throws IOException {
    if (s == null) this.write("null");
    else this.write(s);
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void print(Object o) throws IOException {
    if (o == null) this.write("null");
    else this.write(o.toString( ));

  public void println(Object o) throws IOException {
    if (o == null) this.write("null");
    else this.write(o.toString( ));
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );

  public void println( ) throws IOException {
    if (autoFlush) out.flush( );


This class actually extends Writer rather than FilterWriter, unlike PrintWriter. It could extend FilterWriter instead; however, this would save only one field and one line of code, since this class needs to override every single method in FilterWriter (close( ), flush( ), and all three write( ) methods). The reason for this is twofold. First, the PrintWriter class has to be much more careful about synchronization than the FilterWriter class. Second, some of the classes that may be used as an underlying Writer for this class, notably CharArrayWriter, do not implement the proper semantics for close( ) and allow further writes to take place even after the writer is closed. Consequently, programmers have to handle the checks for whether the stream is closed in this class rather than relying on the underlying Writer out to do it for them.


This chapter has been a whirlwind tour of the package, covering the bare minimum you need to know to write network programs. For a more detailed and comprehensive look with many more examples, check out my other book in this series, Java I/O (O’Reilly).

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