A Key Management Example

Now we’ll proceed to a framework for enterprise-wide key management. Figure 10-1 shows the role of the keystore in the creation and execution of a signed jar file. Thejarsigner utility consults the keystore for the private key of the entity that is signing the jar file. Once the signed jar file is produced, it is placed on a web server, where it can be downloaded into an appletviewer or the Java Plug-in. When the jar file is read on the remote system, the keystore is consulted in order to retrieve the public key of the entity that signed the jar file so that the jar file’s signature can be verified.

the keytool database in a signed JAR file

Figure 10-1. the keytool database in a signed JAR file

Note that the two keystores in this example are (probably) separate files on separate machines. They probably have completely different entries as well -- even for the entry that represents the signer. The signer’s entry in her own database must have the private key of the signer while the signer’s entry in the user’s database needs only a certificate for the signer. However, the keystore could (in this and all examples) be a shared database.

Since access to the private key of the signer is protected by a password, the signer and the end user are able to share a single database without concern that the end user may obtain access to the signer’s private key (assuming that she keeps her password secret, of course). ...

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