Chapter 1. Writing Servlets and JSPs


The purpose of this chapter is to bring relative newcomers up to speed in writing, compiling, and packaging servlets and JSPs. If you have never developed a servlet or JSP before, or just need to brush up on the technology to jumpstart your development, then the upcoming recipes provide simple programming examples and an overview of the components that you require on the user classpath to compile servlets.

Recipe 1.1 and Recipe 1.2 provide a brief introduction to servlets and JSPs, respectively. A comprehensive description of a servlet or JSP’s role in the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), is beyond the scope of these recipes. However, information that relates directly to J2EE technology, such as databases and JDBC; using servlets with the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI); and using servlets with JavaMail (or email) is distributed throughout the book (and index!).

The “See Also” sections concluding each recipe provide pointers to closely related chapters, an online tutorial managed by Sun Microsystems, and other O’Reilly books that cover these topics in depth.

1.1. Writing a Servlet


You want to write a servlet that is part of a web application.


Create a Java class that extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet. Make sure to import the classes from servlet.jar (or servlet-api.jar)—you’ll need them to compile the servlet.


A servlet is a Java class that is designed to respond with dynamic content to client requests over a network. If you are familiar with Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs, then servlets are a Java technology that can replace CGI programs. Often called a web component (along with JSPs), a servlet is executed within a runtime environment provided by a servlet container or web container such as Jakarta Tomcat or BEA WebLogic.


A web container can be an add-on component to an HTTP server, or it can be a standalone server such as Tomcat, which is capable of managing HTTP requests for both static content (HTML files) as well as for servlets and JSPs.

Servlets are installed in web containers as part of web applications . These applications are collections of web resources such as HTML pages, images, multimedia content, servlets, JavaServer Pages, XML configuration files, Java support classes, and Java support libraries. When a web application is deployed in a web container, the container creates and loads instances of the Java servlet class into its Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to handle requests for the servlet.


A servlet handles each request as a separate thread. Therefore, servlet developers have to consider whether to synchronize access to instance variables, class variables, or shared resources such as a database connection, depending on how these resources are used.

All servlets implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface. Web application developers typically write servlets that extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet, an abstract class that implements the Servlet interface and is specially designed to handle HTTP requests.

The following basic sequence occurs when the web container creates a servlet instance:

  1. The servlet container calls the servlet’s init( ) method, which is designed to initialize resources that the servlet might use, such as a logger (see Chapter 14). The init( ) method gets called only once during the servlet’s lifetime.

  2. The init( ) method initializes an object that implements the javax.servlet.ServletConfig interface. This object gives the servlet access to initialization parameters declared in the deployment descriptor (see Recipe 1.5). ServletConfig also gives the servlet access to a javax.servlet.ServletContext object, with which the servlet can log messages, dispatch requests to other web components, and get access to other web resources in the same application (see Recipe 13.5).


Servlet developers are not required to implement the init( ) method in their HttpServlet subclasses.

  1. The servlet container calls the servlet’s service( ) method in response to servlet requests. In terms of HttpServlets, service( ) automatically calls the appropriate HTTP method to handle the request by calling (generally) the servlet’s doGet( ) or doPost( ) methods. For example, the servlet responds to a user sending a POST HTTP request with a doPost( ) method execution.

  2. When calling the two principal HttpServlet methods, doGet( ) or doPost( ), the servlet container creates javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects and passes them in as parameters to these request handler methods. HttpServletRequest represents the request; HttpServletResponse encapsulates the servlet’s response to the request.


Example 1-1 shows the typical uses of the request and response objects. It is a good idea to read the servlet API documentation (at, as many of the method names (e.g., request.getContextPath( )) are self-explanatory.

  1. The servlet or web container, not the developer, manages the servlet’s lifecycle, or how long an instance of the servlet exists in the JVM to handle requests. When the servlet container is set to remove the servlet from service, it calls the servlet’s destroy( ) method, in which the servlet can release any resources, such as a database connection.

Example 1-1 shows a typical servlet idiom for handling an HTML form. The doGet( ) method displays the form itself. The doPost( ) method handles the submitted form data, since in doGet( ), the HTML form tag specifies the servlet’s own address as the target for the form data.

The servlet (named FirstServlet) specifies that the declared class is part of the com.jspservletcookbook package. It is important to create packages for your servlets and utility classes, and then to store your classes in a directory structure beneath WEB-INF that matches these package names.

The FirstServlet class imports the necessary classes for compiling a basic servlet, which are the emphasized import statements in Example 1-1. The Java class extends HttpServlet. The only defined methods are doGet( ) , which displays the HTML form in response to a GET HTTP request, and doPost( ), which handles the posted data.

Example 1-1. A typical HttpServlet used for handling an HTML form
package com.jspservletcookbook;    


import java.util.Enumeration;import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class FirstServlet extends HttpServlet {
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, 
    HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, {
    //set the MIME type of the response, "text/html"
    //use a PrintWriter to send text data to the client who has requested the
    //servlet out = response.getWriter( );

    //Begin assembling the HTML content
    out.println("<title>Help Page</title></head><body>");
    out.println("<h2>Please submit your information</h2>");
   //make sure method="post" so that the servlet service method
   //calls doPost in the response to this form submit
        "<form method=\"post\" action =\"" + request.getContextPath( ) +
            "/firstservlet\" >");

    out.println("<table border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">");
    out.println("Your first name: </td>  <td valign=\"top\">");
    out.println("<input type=\"text\" name=\"firstname\" size=\"20\">");
    out.println("</td></tr><tr><td valign=\"top\">");
    out.println("Your last name: </td>  <td valign=\"top\">");
    out.println("<input type=\"text\" name=\"lastname\" size=\"20\">");
    out.println("</td></tr><tr><td valign=\"top\">");
    out.println("Your email: </td>  <td valign=\"top\">");
    out.println("<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"20\">");
    out.println("</td></tr><tr><td valign=\"top\">");

    out.println("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Info\"></td></tr>");

  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 
    HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, {
    //display the parameter names and values
    Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames( );

    String parName;//this will hold the name of the parameter
    boolean emptyEnum = false;

    if (! paramNames.hasMoreElements( ))
        emptyEnum = true;
    //set the MIME type of the response, "text/html"
    //use a PrintWriter to send text data to the client out = response.getWriter( );
    //Begin assembling the HTML content
    out.println("<title>Submitted Parameters</title></head><body>");
    if (emptyEnum){
           "<h2>Sorry, the request does not contain any parameters</h2>");
    } else {
        "<h2>Here are the submitted parameter values</h2>");
    while(paramNames.hasMoreElements( )){
        parName = (String) paramNames.nextElement( );

            "<strong>" + parName + "</strong> : " +

        out.println("<br />");

  }// doPost

You might have noticed that doGet( ) and doPost( ) each throw ServletException and IOException. The servlet throws IOException because the response.getWriter( ) (as well as PrintWriter.close( )) method call can throw an IOException. The doPost( ) and doGet( ) methods can throw a ServletException to indicate that a problem occurred when handling the request. For example, if the servlet detected a security violation or some other request problem, then it could include the following code within doGet( ) or doPost( ):

//detects a problem that prevents proper request handling...
throw new ServletException("The servlet cannot handle this request.");

Figure 1-1 shows the output displayed by the servlet’s doGet( ) method in a browser.

The servlet’s output for doGet( ) method
Figure 1-1. The servlet’s output for doGet( ) method

Figure 1-2 shows the servlet’s output for the doPost( ) method.

The servlet’s output for the doPost( ) method
Figure 1-2. The servlet’s output for the doPost( ) method

See Also

Recipe 1.3 on compiling a servlet; Recipe 1.4 on packaging servlets and JSPs; Recipe 1.5 on creating the deployment descriptor; Chapter 2 on deploying servlets and JSPs; Chapter 3 on naming servlets; the javax.servlet.http package JavaDoc:; the J2EE tutorial from Sun Microsystems:; Jason Hunter’s Java Servlet Programming (O’Reilly).

1.2. Writing a JSP


You want to create a JSP and include it in a web application.


Create the JSP as a text file using HTML template text as needed. Store the JSP file at the top level of the web application.


A JavaServer Pages (JSP) component is a type of Java servlet that is designed to fulfill the role of a user interface for a Java web application. Web developers write JSPs as text files that combine HTML or XHTML code, XML elements, and embedded JSP actions and commands. JSPs were originally designed around the model of embedded server-side scripting tools such as Microsoft Corporation’s ASP technology; however, JSPs have evolved to focus on XML elements, including custom-designed elements, or custom tags , as the principal method of generating dynamic web content.

JSP files typically have a .jsp extension, as in mypage.jsp. When a client requests the JSP page for the first time, or if the developer precompiles the JSP (see Chapter 5), the web container translates the textual document into a servlet.


The JSP 2.0 specification refers to the conversion of a JSP into a servlet as the translation phase . When the JSP (now a servlet class) responds to requests, the specification calls this stage the request phase . The resulting servlet instance is called the page implementation object .

A JSP compiler (such as Tomcat’s Jasper component) automatically converts the text-based document into a servlet. The web container creates an instance of the servlet and makes the servlet available to handle requests. These tasks are transparent to the developer, who never has to handle the translated servlet source code (although they can examine the code to find out what’s happening behind the scenes, which is always instructive).

The developer focuses on the JSP’s dynamic behavior and which JSP elements or custom-designed tags she uses to generate the response. Developing the JSP as a text-based document rather than Java source code allows a professional designer to work on the graphics, HTML, or dynamic HTML, leaving the XML tags and dynamic content to programmers.

Example 1-2 shows a JSP that displays the current date and time. The example JSP shows how to import and use a custom tag library, which Chapter 23 describes in great detail. The code also uses the jsp:useBean standard action, a built-in XML element that you can use to create a new Java object for use in the JSP page. Here are the basic steps for writing a JSP:

  1. Open up a text editor, or a programmer’s editor that offers JSP syntax highlighting.

  2. If you are developing a JSP for handling HTTP requests, then input the HTML code just as you would for an HTML file.

  3. Include any necessary JSP directives, such as the taglib directive in Example 1-2, at the top of the file. A directive begins with the <%@ s.

  4. Type in the standard actions or custom tags wherever they are needed.

  5. Save the file with a .jsp extension in the directory you have designated for JSPs. A typical location is the top-level directory of a web application that you are developing in your filesystem.


Some JSPs are developed as XML files, or JSP documents, consisting solely of well-formed XML elements and their attributes. The JSP 2.0 specification recommends that you give these files a .jspx extension. See Recipe 5.5 for further details on JSP documents.

Example 1-2. A JSP file that displays the date
<%-- use the 'taglib' directive to make the JSTL 1.0 core tags available; use the uri 
"" for JSTL 1.1 --%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

<%-- use the 'jsp:useBean' standard action to create the Date object;  the object is set 
as an attribute in page scope 
<jsp:useBean id="date" class="java.util.Date" />

<head><title>First JSP</title></head>
<h2>Here is today's date</h2>

<c:out value="${date}" />


To view the output of this file in a browser, request the file by typing the URL into the browser location field, as in: http://localhost:8080/home/firstJ.jsp. The name of the file is firstJ.jsp. If this is the first time that anyone has requested the JSP, then you will notice a delay as the JSP container converts your text file into Java source code, then compiles the source into a servlet.


You can avoid delays by precompiling the JSP. If you request the JSP with a jsp_precompile=true parameter, Tomcat converts the JSP, but does not send back a response. An example is http://localhost:8080/home/firstJ.jsp?jsp_precompile=true.

Figure 1-3 shows the JSP output in a browser.

Output from the firstJ.jsp page
Figure 1-3. Output from the firstJ.jsp page

If you select “View Source” from the browser menu to view the page’s source code, you won’t see any of the special JSP syntax: the comment characters (<%-- --%> ), the taglib directive, the jsp:useBean action, or the c:out tag. The servlet sends only the template text and the generated date string to the client.

See Also

Recipe 5.1-Recipe 5.3 on precompiling JSPs; Chapter 2 on deploying servlets and JSPs; Recipe 1.1 and Recipe 1.3 on writing and compiling a servlet; Recipe 1.4 on packaging servlets and JSPs; Recipe 1.5 on creating the deployment descriptor; the J2EE tutorial from Sun Microsystems:; Hans Bergsten’s JavaServer Pages (O’Reilly).

1.3. Compiling a Servlet


You have written a servlet, and now you want to compile it into a class file.


Make sure that servlet.jar (for Tomcat 4.1.24) or servlet-api.jar (for Tomcat 5) is on your user classpath. Use javac as you would for any other Java source file.


At a minimum, you have to place the servlet classes on your classpath in order to compile a servlet. These classes are located in these Java packages:

  • javax.servlet

  • javax.servlet.http

Tomcat 5 supports the servlet API 2.4; the JAR file that you need on the classpath is located at <Tomcat-5-installation-directory>/common/lib/servlet-api.jar. Tomcat 4.1.24 uses the servlet 2.3 API. The servlet classes are located at: <Tomcat-4-installation-directory>/common/lib/servlet.jar.

For BEA WebLogic 7.0, the servlet classes and many other subpackages of the javax package (e.g., javax.ejb, javax.mail, javax.sql) are located at: <WebLogic-installation-directory>/weblogic700/server/lib/weblogic.jar.


If you are using Ant to compile servlet classes, then proceed to Recipe 4.4, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. That recipe is devoted specifically to the topic of using Ant to compile a servlet. If you use an IDE, follow its instructions for placing a JAR file on the classpath.

The following command line compiles a servlet in the src directory and places the compiled class, nested within its package-related directories, in the build directory:

javac -classpath K:\tomcat5\jakarta-tomcat-5\dist\common\lib\servlet-api.jar 
      -d ./build ./src/

For this command line to run successfully, you must change to the parent directory of the src directory.


Recipe 1.4 explains the typical directory structure, including the src directory, for developing a web application.

If the servlet depends on any other libraries, you have to include those JAR files on your classpath as well. I have included only the servlet-api.jar JAR file in this command line.

You also have to substitute the directory path for your own installation of Tomcat for this line of the prior command-line sequence:


This command line uses the built-in javac compiler that comes with the Sun Microsystems Java Software Development Kit (JDK). For this command to work properly, you have to include the location of the Java SDK that you are using in the PATH environment variable. For example, on a Unix-based Mac OS X 10.2 system, the directory path /usr/bin must be included in the PATH variable. On my Windows NT machine, the PATH includes h:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin.

See Also

Chapter 2 on deploying servlets and JSPs; Chapter 3 on naming servlets; Recipe 1.4 on packaging servlets and JSPs; Recipe 1.5 on creating the deployment descriptor; the J2EE tutorial from Sun Microsystems:; Jason Hunter’s Java Servlet Programming (O’Reilly).

1.4. Packaging Servlets and JSPs


You want to set up a directory structure for packaging and creating a Web ARchive (WAR) file for servlets and JSPs.


Set up a directory structure in your filesystem, then use the jar tool or Ant to create the WAR.


Except in the rarest of circumstances, you’ll usually develop a servlet or JSP as part of a web application. It is relatively easy to set up a directory structure on your filesystem to hold web-application components, which include HTML files, servlets, JSPs, graphics, JAR libraries, possibly movies and sound files, as well as XML configuration files (such as the deployment descriptor; see Recipe 1.5).

The simplest organization for this structure is to create the exact layout of a web application on your filesystem, then use the jar tool to create a WAR file.


A WAR file is like a ZIP archive. You deploy your web application into a web container by deploying the WAR. See Chapter 2 for recipes about various deployment scenarios.

The web application structure involving the WEB-INF subdirectory is standard to all Java web applications and specified by the servlet API specification (in the section named Web Applications. Here is what this directory structure looks like, given a top-level directory name of myapp:


The servlet specification specifies a WEB-INF subdirectory and two child directories, classes and lib. The WEB-INF subdirectory contains the application’s deployment descriptor, named web.xml. The JSP files and HTML live in the top-level directory (myapp). Servlet classes, JavaBean classes, and any other utility classes are located in the WEB-INF/classes directory, in a structure that matches their package name. If you have a fully qualified class name of com.myorg.MyServlet, then this servlet class must be located in WEB-INF/classes/com/myorg/MyServlet.class.

The WEB-INF/lib directory contains any JAR libraries that your web application requires, such as database drivers, the log4j.jar, and the required JARs for using the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (see Chapter 23).

Once you are ready to test the application in WAR format, change to the top-level directory. Type the following command, naming the WAR file after the top-level directory of your application. These command-line phrases work on both Windows and Unix systems (I used them with Windows NT 4 and Mac OS X 10.2):

jar cvf myapp.war .

Don’t forget the final dot (.) character, which specifies to the jar tool to include the current directory’s contents and its subdirectories in the WAR file. This command creates the myapp.war file in the current directory.


The WAR name becomes the application name and context path for your web application. For example, myapp.war is typically associated with a context path of /myapp when you deploy the application to a web container.

If you want to view the contents of the WAR at the command line, type this:

jar tvf alpine-final.war

If the WAR file is very large and you want to view its contents one page at a time, use this command:

jar tvf alpine-final.war |more

Here is example output from this command:

H:\classes\webservices\finalproj\dist>jar tvf alpine-final.war
     0 Mon Nov 18 14:10:36 EST 2002 META-INF/
    48 Mon Nov 18 14:10:36 EST 2002 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
   555 Tue Nov 05 17:08:16 EST 2002 request.jsp
   914 Mon Nov 18 08:53:00 EST 2002 response.jsp
     0 Mon Nov 18 14:10:36 EST 2002 WEB-INF/
     0 Mon Nov 18 14:10:36 EST 2002 WEB-INF/classes/
     0 Tue Nov 05 11:09:34 EST 2002 WEB-INF/classes/com/
     0 Tue Nov 05 11:09:34 EST 2002 WEB-INF/classes/com/parkerriver/

Many development teams are using Ant to compile and create WAR files for their servlets and JSPs. Recipe 2.6 describes using Ant for developing and updating web applications.

I jumpstart your progress toward that recipe by showing the kind of directory structure you might use for a comprehensive web application, one that contains numerous servlets, JSPs, static HTML files, as well as various graphics and multimedia components. When using Ant to build a WAR file from this kind of directory structure, you can filter out the directories that you do not want to include in the final WAR, such as the top-level src, dist, and meta directories.



The WEB-INF/tlds and WEB-INF/jspf optional directories may contain Tag Library Descriptor files and JSP fragments (chunks of JSPs that are designed to be included in other JSPs, such as server-side includes), respectively.

See Also

Chapter 2 on deploying servlets and JSPs; Chapter 3 on naming servlets; The deployment sections of Tomcat: The Definitive Guide, by Brittain and Darwin (O’Reilly); the J2EE tutorial from Sun Microsystems:

1.5. Creating the Deployment Descriptor


You want to create the deployment descriptor for your application.


Name the XML file web.xml and place it in the WEB-INF directory of your web application. If you do not have an existing example of web.xml, then cut and paste the examples given in the servlet v2.3 or 2.4 specifications and start from there.


The deployment descriptor is a very important part of your web application. It conveys the requirements for your web application in a concise format that is readable by most XML editors. The web.xml file is where you:

  • Register and create URL mappings for your servlets

  • Register or specify any of the application’s filters and listeners

  • Specify context init parameter name/value pairs

  • Configure error pages

  • Specify your application’s welcome files

  • Configure session timeouts

  • Specifiy security settings that control who can request which web components

This is just a subset of the configurations that you can use with web.xml. While a number of chapters in this book contain detailed examples of web.xml (refer to the “See Also” section), this recipe shows simplified versions of the servlet v2.3 and v2.4 deployment descriptors.

Example 1-3 shows a simple web application with a servlet, a filter, a listener, and a session-config element, as well as an error-page configuration. The web.xml in Example 1-3 uses the servlet v2.3 Document Type Definition (DTD). The main difference between the deployment descriptors of 2.3 and 2.4 is that 2.3 uses a DTD and 2.4 is based on an XML schema. You’ll notice that the old version of web.xml has the DOCTYPE declaration at the top of the file, while the 2.4 version uses the namespace attributes of the web-app element to refer to the XML schema. The XML elements of Example 1-3 have to be in the same order as specified by the DTD.

Example 1-3. The deployment descriptor for servlet API 2.3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"


  <display-name>Servlet 2.3 deployment descriptor</display-name>





     <servlet-name> MyServlet </servlet-name>




Example 1-3 shows the web.xml file for an application that has just one servlet, accessed at the path <context path>/myservlet. Sessions time out in 15 minutes with this application. If a client requests a URL that cannot be found, the web container forwards the request to the /err404.jsp page, based on the error-page configuration. The filter named RequestFilter applies to all requests for static and dynamic content in this context. At startup, the web container creates an instance of the listener class com.jspservletcookbook.ReqListener.

Everything about Example 1-4 is the same as Example 1-3, except that the web-app element at the top of the file refers to an XML schema with its namespace attributes. In addition, elements can appear in arbitrary order with the servlet v2.4 deployment descriptor. For instance, if you were so inclined you could list your servlets and mappings before your listeners and filters.

Example 1-4. A servlet v2.4 deployment descriptor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><web-app xmlns=""
  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=
    "" version="2.4">

<!-- the rest of the file is the same as Example 1-3 after the web-app opening tag -->



The servlet 2.4 version of the deployment descriptor also contains definitions for various elements that are not included in the servlet 2.3 web.xml version: jsp-config, message-destination, message-destination-ref, and service-ref. The syntax for these elements appears in the specifications for JSP v2.0 and J2EE v1.4.

See Also

Chapter 2 on deploying servlets and JSPs; Chapter 3 on naming servlets; Chapter 9 on configuring the deployment descriptor for error handling; the J2EE tutorial from Sun Microsystems:

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