Chapter 4. Labels and Icons

We’ll begin our look at the Swing components with the JLabel class. In addition, we’ll look at Swing’s new Icon interface and an implementation of this interface called ImageIcon. With just these few new constructs, you’ll begin to see how much Swing has done to improve UI development in Java.


Swing allows you to create labels that can contain text, images, or both. We’ll begin this chapter with a look at the JLabel class.

The JLabel Class

The JLabel class allows you to add basic, nonfunctional labels to a user interface. Because of their inherent simplicity, there is no model class for JLabel components. Figure 4.1 shows a class diagram for JLabel. We’ll get into the two relations to Icon a little later.

JLabel class diagram

Figure 4-1. JLabel class diagram

Unlike java.awt.Label objects, JLabel objects may consist of both text and graphics (icons). For simple text labels, the interface to JLabel is very similar to that of java.awt.Label. The code to create and display a very simple text label looks like this:

import javax.swing*;

public class SimpleJLabelExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    JLabel label = new JLabel("A Very Simple Text Label");

    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());

Running this simple program produces the display shown in Figure 4.2.

A simple JLabel

Figure 4-2. A simple JLabel


The JLabel class contains the properties shown in Table 4.1. The icon and disabledIcon properties specify the icon to be displayed by default and when the label is disabled respectively. If no disabledIcon is specified, a grayscale version of the default icon is created automatically. The font property is shown in this table only because the setFont() method is overridden to call repaint() after calling super.setFont().

Table 4-1. JLabel Properties


Data Type





Default Value

See also properties from the JComponent Class (xref linkend="SWING-CH-3-TABLE-10"/>).      









from L&F



























from L&F

























































displayedMnemonic indicates the character to be rendered as an accelerator key (typically meaning that the first occurrence of this character in the label text is underlined). If the labelFor property has been set, the referenced component will gain focus when the mnemonic is pressed in conjunction with the ALT key.[11] One common use of this feature is to apply mnemonics to labels appearing next to text fields, allowing the fields to gain focus when the shortcut key is pressed. We’ll see an example of this strategy later in this section.


displayedMnemonic is an integer property. However, a setDisplayedMnemonic() method is defined, which takes a char. If you use the version that takes an int, be aware that specifying the value of a lowercase character will cause the character to appear underlined, but will not generate the expected action when pressed. Even if the character appears in lowercase in the labels, the mnemonic should still be set to uppercase. Typically, it makes more sense to use the char method anyway.

The horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment properties are used to specify the alignment of the label’s content (text and icon). The values for these properties are defined in SwingConstants, and must be LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER for horizontalAlignment; for verticalAlignment it must be TOP, BOTTOM, or CENTER. horizontalTextPosition and verticalTextPosition indicate the position of the label’s text relative to the its icon (if both icon and text are defined). Like the alignment properties, the valid values for the text position properties are LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, and CENTER. We’ll cover these properties in more detail in the sections that follow. Note that JLabel implements SwingConstants, so you can refer to the constant values listed in this paragraph as either SwingConstants.XYZ or JLabel.XYZ—whichever you prefer.

The iconTextGap property reflects the space (in pixels) between the label’s icon and text (if both are defined). The text property is simply the label’s textual content. Finally, the UI property holds a reference to the LabelUI object used to render the label.

displayedMnemonic and labelFor Properties

The following example shows how the displayedMnemonic and labelFor properties can be used to direct focus to a component, based on the mnemonic assigned to a label. All we do here is create three labels and three text fields, assigning one field to each label:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

// Shows how displayedMnemonic and labelFor properties work together
public class MnemonicLabels {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create labels and text fields
    JLabel lastName = new JLabel("Last Name", JLabel.RIGHT);
    JLabel middleName = new JLabel("Middle Name", JLabel.RIGHT);
    JLabel firstName = new JLabel("First Name", JLabel.RIGHT);

    JTextField lastField = new JTextField(10);
    JTextField middleField = new JTextField(10);
    JTextField firstField = new JTextField(10);

    // Add displayedMnemonic and labelFor property values

    // Layout and Display
    JPanel p = new JPanel();
    p.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2,5,5));

    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    f.addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());

When executed, this example produces the display shown in Figure 4.3. The first letter in each label is underlined, based on the assigned mnemonic. Pressing ALT-L, ALT-M, or ALT-F will cause focus to shift to the corresponding text field.

JLabels with mnemonics

Figure 4-3. JLabels with mnemonics


Like java.awt.Labels, JLabels allow the specification of a horizontal alignment to indicate whether the label’s contents should be left justified, right justified, or centered. These values can be set in the constructor or by a call to the setHorizontalAlignment() method. In addition, the JLabel class provides the same type of flexibility for specifying the vertical position of the label. However, since the JLabel constructors were modeled after those of java.awt.Label, vertical alignment may only be specified via the setVerticalAlignment() method.

The following example shows the effects of horizontal and vertical alignment:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class AlignmentExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // Create the labels and set alignment
    JLabel label1 = new JLabel("BottomRight", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
    JLabel label2 = new JLabel("CenterLeft", SwingConstants.LEFT);
    JLabel label3 = new JLabel("TopCenter", SwingConstants.CENTER);

    // Add borders to the labels . . . more on Borders later in the book!

    // Put it all together . . .
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());
    Container c = frame.getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));

Figure 4.4 shows the result of running this program.

JLabel alignment

Figure 4-4. JLabel alignment

Working with Images

To this point, there have not been many striking differences between Swing JLabels and good old AWT Labels. The fundamental difference between the two is that JLabel allows the label to be composed of text, graphics, or both, while the old Label class only allowed simple text labels. This is a powerful enhancement, making it very simple to add graphics to your user interface. Images used in JLabels (as well as buttons) are of type javax.swing.Icon, an interface described in detail in the next section.

The following two lines of code show how simple it is to create a label containing an image:

ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("images/smile.gif");
JLabel label = new JLabel(icon);

For labels that contain both graphics and text, Swing provides considerable flexibility with respect to the relative location of the text and image. The text for the label may be displayed at any one of nine locations relative to the image. These locations are specified via the setVerticalTextPosition() and setHorizontalTextPosition() methods, which take values from the SwingConstants class discussed earlier. Note the distinction between the label’s text position and its alignment; text position reflects the position of the text relative to the image, while alignment specifies the location of the label’s contents (image and text) relative to the borders of the label.

Another useful feature of the JLabel class is the ability to enable and disable the label by “graying out” the label and text. By default, a call to JLabel.setEnabled(false) will switch the image to an automatically generated grayscale version of the original image and alter the text rendering in some (L&F-specific) way. However, the grayscale image is only used if no disabled icon has been set. The setDisabledIcon() method can be used to set an alternate image for the disabled label.

Additionally, the spacing between the image and the text can be specified by a call to setIconTextGap() , which takes a single parameter specifying the number of pixels between the image and the icon. This setting has no effect if both the horizontal and the vertical text positions have been set to SwingConstants.CENTER, since in this case the text will be placed directly over the image.

Figure 4.5 shows a group of labels with text and image, with the text at each of the nine locations relative to the image. Labels 0 and 1 are disabled, the first one using the default disabled image and the second one using an explicitly specified alternate image. Labels 2 and 3 show nondefault text gap settings. Here’s the source code that produces these labels:

JLabel text position and properties

Figure 4-5. JLabel text position and properties

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class ImageLabelExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    JLabel[] labels= new JLabel[9];

    labels[0] = makeLabel(JLabel.TOP, JLabel.LEFT);
    labels[1] = makeLabel(JLabel.TOP, JLabel.CENTER);
    labels[2] = makeLabel(JLabel.TOP, JLabel.RIGHT);
    labels[3] = makeLabel(JLabel.CENTER, JLabel.LEFT);
    labels[4] = makeLabel(JLabel.CENTER, JLabel.CENTER);
    labels[5] = makeLabel(JLabel.CENTER, JLabel.RIGHT);
    labels[6] = makeLabel(JLabel.BOTTOM, JLabel.LEFT);
    labels[7] = makeLabel(JLabel.BOTTOM, JLabel.CENTER);
    labels[8] = makeLabel(JLabel.BOTTOM, JLabel.RIGHT);

    // Disable label 0

    // Disable label 1 with a disabled icon
    labels[1].setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon("images/no.gif"));

    // Change text gap on labels 2 and 3

    // Add the labels to a frame and display it
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());
    Container c = frame.getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 3, 3));
    for (int i=0;i<9;i++)

  protected static JLabel makeLabel(int vert, int horiz) {
    JLabel l = new JLabel("Smile", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER);
    return l;

  private static Icon icon = new ImageIcon("images/smile.gif");

Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything we did in this example. We’ll explain icons in more detail in this chapter, and will get to borders and frames later in the book. For now, just concentrate on the various properties we set on the different labels and compare the code to the display it produced in Figure 4.5.


The only events explicitly fired by JLabel are PropertyChangeEvents.


JLabel defines a single constant as shown in Table 4.2. A client property set with this constant as a key is used by JComponent.AccessibleJComponent to derive a name for components that haven’t explicitly set one. If the component has a LABELED_BY_PROPERTY defined, the text from the JLabel referenced by the property value will be used as the accessible name of the component.

Table 4-2. JLabel Constant






Client property key used as a back-pointer by the labelFor property.


protected Component labelFor

Contains the value of the labelFor property.



Creates a label with no text or icon.

JLabel(Icon image), JLabel(Icon image, int horizontalAlignment)

Create labels displaying the given icon. If specified, the horizontal alignment must be one of the following values taken from SwingConstants: LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER.

JLabel(String text), JLabel(String text, int horizontalAlignment)

Create labels displaying the given text. If specified, the horizontal alignment must be one of the following values taken from SwingConstants: LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER.

JLabel(String text, Icon image, int horizontalAlignment)

Creates a label with an image, text, and specified horizontal alignment. The horizontal alignment must be one of the following values taken from SwingConstants: LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER.

User Interface Method

public void updateUI()

Indicates that the look-and-feel (L&F) has changed.

Other Public Method

public void setDisplayedMnemonic(char aChar)

Provides a convenient way to set the mnemonic property by passing in a char (instead of the property’s actual type, int). The character is converted to uppercase and passed to the other setDisplayedMnemonic() method as an int.

Protected Methods

protected int checkHorizontalKey(int x, String s)

Used internally to validate horizontalAlignment and horizontalTextPosition values. It returns the given integer if its value is LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT. Otherwise, it throws an IllegalArgumentException, with the given string as the exception text. You should never need to call this method directly.

protected int checkVerticalKey(int y, String s)

Used internally to validate verticalAlignment and verticalTextPosition values. It returns the given integer if its value is TOP, CENTER, or BOTTOM. Otherwise, it throws an IllegalArgumentException, with the given string as the exception text. You should never need to call this method directly.

[11] This is actually up to the look-and-feel, but the basic look-and-feel implements it this way, and none of the other Swing L&Fs change this behavior.

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