Chapter 4. Optional to Nullable

Tony Hoare may consider the invention of null references his billion dollar mistake,1 but we still need to represent the absence of things in our software systems. How can we use Kotlin to embrace null while still having safe software?

Representing Absence

Perhaps Kotlin’s most attractive feature for Java programmers is its representation of nullability in the type system. This is another area where the grains of Java and Kotlin are different.

Prior to Java 8, Java relied on convention, documentation, and intuition to distinguish between references that could or could not be null. We can deduce that methods that return an item from a collection must be able to return null, but can addressLine3 be null, or do we use an empty string when there is no information?

Over the years, your authors and their colleagues settled into a convention where Java references are assumed to be nonnull unless otherwise flagged. So we might name a field addressLine3OrNull, or a method previousAddressOrNull. Within a codebase, this works well enough (even if it is a little verbose, and requires eternal vigilance to avoid the scourge of NullPointerExceptions).

Some codebases opted to use @Nullable and @NotNullable annotations instead, often supported by tools that would check for correctness. Java 8, released in 2014, enhanced support for annotations to the extent that tools like the Checker Framework could statically check much more than just null safety. More crucially, though, Java 8 also introduced a standard Optional type.

By this time, many JVM developers had dabbled in Scala. They came to appreciate the advantages of using an Optional type (named Option in Scala’s standard library) when absence was possible, and plain references when it was not. Oracle muddied the waters by telling developers not to use its Optional for field or parameter values, but as with many features introduced in Java 8, it was good enough and was adopted into the mainstream usage of Java.

Depending on its age, your Java code may use some or all of these strategies for dealing with absence. It is certainly possible to have a codebase in which Null⁠Pointer​Excep⁠tions are practically never seen, but the reality is that this is hard work. Java is weighed down by null and embarrassed by its halfhearted Optional type.

In contrast, Kotlin embraces null. Making optionality part of the type system rather than the standard library means that Kotlin codebases have refreshing uniformity in their treatment of missing values. It isn’t all perfect: Map<K, V>.get(key) returns null if there is no value for key; but List<T>.get(index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when there is no value at index. Likewise, Iterable<T>.first() throws No⁠Such​Ele⁠ment⁠Exception rather than returning null. Such imperfections are generally caused by the desire for backward compatibility with Java.

Where Kotlin has its own APIs, they are generally good examples of how to safely use null to represent optional properties, parameters, and return values, and we can learn a lot from studying them. After you’ve experienced first-class nullability, returning to languages without this support feels unsafe; you are acutely aware that you are always only a dereference away from a NullPointerException, and that you’re relying on convention to find the safe path through the minefield.

Functional programmers may advise you to use an optional (also known as Maybe) type rather than nullability in Kotlin. We counsel against this, even though it will give you the option to use the same (monadic—there, we said it) tools to represent potential absence, errors, asynchrony, and so on. One reason not to use Optional in Kotlin is that you will lose access to the language features designed specifically to support nullability; in this area the grain of Kotlin is different from the grain of, say, Scala.

Another reason not to use a wrapper type to represent optionality is subtle but important. In the Kotlin type system, T is a subtype of T?. If you have a String that cannot be null, you can always use it where a nullable String is required. In contrast, T is not a subtype of Optional<T>. If you have a String and want to assign it to an optional variable, you first have to wrap it in an Optional. Worse, if you have a function that returns an Optional<String> and later discover a way to always return a result, changing the return type to String will break all your clients. Had your return type been the nullable String?, you could have strengthened it to String while maintaining compatibility. The same applies to properties of data structures: you can easily migrate from optional to nonoptional with nullability—but not, ironically, with Optional.

Your authors love Kotlin’s support for nullability, and have learned to lean on it to solve many problems. It takes a while to wean yourself off of avoiding nulls, but once you have, there is literally a whole new dimension of expressiveness to explore and exploit.

It seems a shame not to have that facility in Travelator, so let’s look at how to migrate from Java code using Optional, to Kotlin and nullable.

Refactoring from Optional to Nullable

Travelator trips are divided into Legs, where each Leg is an unbroken journey. Here is one of the utility functions we’ve found in the code:

public class Legs {

    public static Optional<Leg> findLongestLegOver(
        List<Leg> legs,
        Duration duration
    ) {
        Leg result = null;
        for (Leg leg : legs) {
            if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
                if (result == null ||
                    isLongerThan(leg, result.getPlannedDuration())
                ) {
                    result = leg;
        return Optional.ofNullable(result);

    private static boolean isLongerThan(Leg leg, Duration duration) {
        return leg.getPlannedDuration().compareTo(duration) > 0;

The tests check that the code works as intended, and allow us to see its behavior at a glance:

public class LongestLegOverTests {

    private final List<Leg> legs = List.of(
        leg("one hour", Duration.ofHours(1)),
        leg("one day", Duration.ofDays(1)),
        leg("two hours", Duration.ofHours(2))
    private final Duration oneDay = Duration.ofDays(1);

    public void is_absent_when_no_legs() {
            findLongestLegOver(emptyList(), Duration.ZERO)

    public void is_absent_when_no_legs_long_enough() {
            findLongestLegOver(legs, oneDay)

    public void is_longest_leg_when_one_match() {
            "one day",
            findLongestLegOver(legs, oneDay.minusMillis(1))

    public void is_longest_leg_when_more_than_one_match() {
            "one day",
            findLongestLegOver(legs, Duration.ofMinutes(59))


Let’s see what we can do to make things better in Kotlin. Converting to Kotlin gives us this (after a little reformatting):

object Legs {
    fun findLongestLegOver(
        legs: List<Leg>,
        duration: Duration
    ): Optional<Leg> {
        var result: Leg? = null
        for (leg in legs) {
            if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
                if (result == null ||
                    isLongerThan(leg, result.plannedDuration))
                    result = leg
        return Optional.ofNullable(result)

    private fun isLongerThan(leg: Leg, duration: Duration): Boolean {
        return leg.plannedDuration.compareTo(duration) > 0

The method parameters are as we might expect, with Kotlin List<Leg> transparently accepting a java.util.List. (We examine Java and Kotlin collections more in Chapter 6.) It’s worth mentioning here that when a Kotlin function declares a nonnullable parameter (legs and duration here), the compiler inserts a null check before the function body. That way, if Java callers sneak in a null, we’ll know straightaway. Because of these defensive checks, Kotlin detects unexpected nulls as close as possible to their source, in contrast to Java, where a reference can be set to null a long way in time and space from where it finally explodes.

Returning to the example, the Kotlin for loop is very similar to Java’s, except for the use of the in keyword rather than :, and similarly applies to any type that extends Iterable.

The converted findLongestLegOver code is not very idiomatic Kotlin. (Arguably, since the introduction of streams, it isn’t very idiomatic Java either.) Instead of a for loop, we should look for something more intention revealing, but let’s park that for now because our primary mission is to migrate from Optional to nullable. We’ll illustrate that by converting our tests one by one, so that we have a mix, as we would in a codebase that we were migrating. To make use of nullability in our clients, they have to be Kotlin, so let’s convert the tests:

class LongestLegOverTests {
    fun is_absent_when_no_legs() {
            findLongestLegOver(emptyList(), Duration.ZERO)

    fun is_absent_when_no_legs_long_enough() {
            findLongestLegOver(legs, oneDay)

    fun is_longest_leg_when_one_match() {
            "one day",
            findLongestLegOver(legs, oneDay.minusMillis(1))

    fun is_longest_leg_when_more_than_one_match() {
            "one day",
            findLongestLegOver(legs, Duration.ofMinutes(59))


Now to migrate gradually, we’ll need two versions of findLongestLegOver: the existing Optional<Leg>-returning one, and a new one that returns Leg?. We can do that by extracting the guts of the current implementation. This is currently:

fun findLongestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Optional<Leg> {
    var result: Leg? = null
    for (leg in legs) {
        if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
            if (result == null ||
                isLongerThan(leg, result.plannedDuration))
                result = leg
    return Optional.ofNullable(result)

We “Extract Function” on all but the return statement of this findLongestLegOver. We can’t give it the same name, so we use longestLegOver; we make it public because this is our new interface:

fun findLongestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Optional<Leg> {
    var result: Leg? = longestLegOver(legs, duration)
    return Optional.ofNullable(result)

fun longestLegOver(legs: List<Leg>, duration: Duration): Leg? {
    var result: Leg? = null
    for (leg in legs) {
        if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
            if (result == null ||
                isLongerThan(leg, result.plannedDuration))
                result = leg
    return result

The refactoring has left a vestigial result variable in findLongestLegOver. We can select it and “Inline” to give:

fun findLongestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Optional<Leg> {
    return Optional.ofNullable(longestLegOver(legs, duration))

Now we have two versions of our interface, one defined in terms of the other. We can leave our Java clients consuming the Optional from findLongestLegOver and convert our Kotlin clients to call the nullable-returning longestLegOver. Let’s show the conversion with our tests.

We’ll do the absent ones first. They currently call assert⁠Equals​(Optional.empty<Any>(), findLongestLegOver…):

fun is_absent_when_no_legs() {
        findLongestLegOver(emptyList(), Duration.ZERO)

fun is_absent_when_no_legs_long_enough() {
        findLongestLegOver(legs, oneDay)

So we change them to assertNull(longestLegOver(...):

fun `is absent when no legs`() {
    assertNull(longestLegOver(emptyList(), Duration.ZERO))

fun `is absent when no legs long enough`() {
    assertNull(longestLegOver(legs, oneDay))

Note that we’ve changed the test names to use `backtick quoted identifiers`. IntelliJ will do this for us if we Alt-Enter on function_names with_underscores_in_tests.

Now for the calls that don’t return empty:

fun is_longest_leg_when_one_match() {
        "one day",
        findLongestLegOver(legs, oneDay.minusMillis(1))

fun is_longest_leg_when_more_than_one_match() {
        "one day",
        findLongestLegOver(legs, Duration.ofMinutes(59))

The Kotlin equivalent of Optional.orElseThrow() (aka get() pre-Java 10) is the !! (bang-bang or dammit) operator. Both the Java orElseThrow and the Kotlin !! return the value or throw an exception if there isn’t one. Kotlin logically throws a NullPointerException. Java equally logically throws a NoSuchElementExecption; they just think of absence in different ways! Provided we haven’t relied on the type of the exception, we can replace findLongestLegOver(...).orElseThrow() with longestLegOver(...)!!:

fun `is longest leg when one match`() {
        "one day",
        longestLegOver(legs, oneDay.minusMillis(1))

fun `is longest leg when more than one match`() {
        "one day",
        longestLegOver(legs, Duration.ofMinutes(59))

We’ve converted the first of the nonnull-returning tests (is longest leg when one match) with the !! operator. If it were to fail (which it doesn’t, but we like to plan for these things), it would fail with a thrown NullPointerException rather than with a nice diagnostic. In the second case, we’ve solved that problem with the safe call operator ?., which continues evaluation only if its receiver is not null. This means that if the leg is null, the error will read as follows, which is much nicer:

Expected :one day
Actual   :null

Tests are one of the few places we use !! in practice, and even here there is usually a better alternative.

We can work this refactoring through our clients, converting them to Kotlin and then to using longestLegOver. Once we have converted all of them, we can delete the Optional-returning findLongestLegOver.

Refactoring to Idiomatic Kotlin

Now all the code in this example is Kotlin, and we’ve seen how to migrate from optional to nullable. We could stop there, but consistent with our policy of going the extra refactoring mile, we’ll press on to see what else this code has to teach us.

Here is the current version of Legs:

object Legs {
    fun longestLegOver(
        legs: List<Leg>,
        duration: Duration
    ): Leg? {
        var result: Leg? = null
        for (leg in legs) {
            if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
                if (result == null ||
                    isLongerThan(leg, result.plannedDuration))
                    result = leg
        return result

    private fun isLongerThan(leg: Leg, duration: Duration): Boolean {
        return leg.plannedDuration.compareTo(duration) > 0

The functions are contained in an object because our Java methods were static, so the conversion needed somewhere to put them. As we’ll see in Chapter 8, Kotlin doesn’t need this extra level of namespace, so we can “Move to top level” on longestLegOver. At the time of writing, this doesn’t work very well, because IntelliJ fails to bring isLongerThan with its calling function, leaving it in Legs. The breakage is easy to fix though, leaving us with a top-level function and fixed-up references in existing code:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? {
    var result: Leg? = null
    for (leg in legs) {
        if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
            if (result == null ||
                isLongerThan(leg, result.plannedDuration))
                result = leg
    return result

private fun isLongerThan(leg: Leg, duration: Duration) =
    leg.plannedDuration.compareTo(duration) > 0

You may have noticed that isLongerThan has lost its braces and return statement. We’ll talk though the pros and cons of single-expression functions in Chapter 9.

While we’re here, there’s something odd about the phrase isLongerThan(leg, ...). It just doesn’t read right in English. You’ll no doubt get bored of our infatuation with extension functions (certainly by the end of Chapter 10), but while we still have your goodwill, let’s Alt-Enter on the leg parameter and “Convert parameter to receiver”, so that we can write leg.isLongerThan(...):

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? {
    var result: Leg? = null
    for (leg in legs) {
        if (leg.isLongerThan(duration))
            if (result == null ||
                result = leg
    return result

private fun Leg.isLongerThan(duration: Duration) =
    plannedDuration.compareTo(duration) > 0

So far, our changes have all been structural, changing where code is defined and how we call it. Structural refactors are inherently quite (as in mostly, rather than completely) safe. They can change the behavior of code that relies on polymorphism (either through methods or functions) or reflection, but otherwise, if the code continues to compile, it probably behaves.

Now we are going to turn our attention to the algorithm in longestLegOver. Refactoring algorithms is more dangerous, especially ones like this that rely on mutation, because tool support for transforming them is not good. We have good tests though, and it’s hard to work out what this does by reading it, so let’s see what we can do.

The only suggestion IntelliJ gives is to replace compareTo with >, so let’s do that first. At this point, Duncan at least has run out of refactoring talent (if we were actually pairing maybe you would have a suggestion?) and so decides to rewrite the function from scratch.

To reimplement the functionality, we ask ourselves, “What is the code trying to do?” The answer is, helpfully, in the name of the function: longestLegOver. To implement this calculation, we can find the longest leg, and if it is longer than duration, return it, otherwise null. After typing legs. at the beginning of the function, we look at the suggestions and find maxByOrNull. Our longest leg is going to be legs.max⁠By​Or⁠Null(Leg::plannedDuration). This API helpfully returns Leg? (and includes the phrase orNull) to remind us that it can’t give a result if legs is empty. Converting our algorithm “find the longest leg, and if it is longer than duration, return it, otherwise null” to code directly, we get:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? {
    val longestLeg: Leg? = legs.maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration)
    if (longestLeg != null && longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration)
        return longestLeg
        return null

That passes the tests, but those multiple returns are ugly. IntelliJ will helpfully offer to lift the return out of the if:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? {
    val longestLeg: Leg? = legs.maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration)
    return if (longestLeg != null && longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration)

Now, Kotlin’s nullability support allows several ways to refactor this, depending on your tastes.

We can use the Elvis operator ?:, which evaluates to its lefthand side unless that is null, in which case it evaluates its righthand side. This lets us return early if we have no longest leg:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? {
    val longestLeg = legs.maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration) ?:
        return null
    return if (longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration)

We could go with a single ?.let expression. The ?. evaluates to null if fed a null; otherwise, it pipes the longest leg into the let block for us:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? =
    legs.maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration)?.let { longestLeg ->
        if (longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration)

So inside the let, longestLeg cannot be null. That is succinct, and it is a pleasing single expression, but it may be hard to comprehend in a single glance. Spelling out the options with a when is clearer:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? {
    val longestLeg = legs.maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration)
    return when {
        longestLeg == null -> null
        longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration -> longestLeg
        else -> null

To simplify further, we need a trick that Duncan (who is writing this) has so far failed to internalize: takeIf returns its receiver if a predicate is true; otherwise, it returns null. This is exactly the logic of our previous let block. So we can write:

fun longestLegOver(
    legs: List<Leg>,
    duration: Duration
): Leg? =
    legs.maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration)?.takeIf { longestLeg ->
        longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration

Depending on our team’s experience with Kotlin, that may be too subtle. Nat thinks it’s fine, but we’re going to err on the side of explicitness, so the when version gets to stay, at least until the next time someone refactors here.

Finally, let’s convert the legs parameter to the receiver in an extension function. This allows us to rename the function to something less dubious:

fun List<Leg>.longestOver(duration: Duration): Leg? {
    val longestLeg = maxByOrNull(Leg::plannedDuration)
    return when {
        longestLeg == null -> null
        longestLeg.plannedDuration > duration -> longestLeg
        else -> null

Just before we finish this chapter, take the time to compare this version with the original. Are there any advantages to the old version?

public class Legs {

    public static Optional<Leg> findLongestLegOver(
        List<Leg> legs,
        Duration duration
    ) {
        Leg result = null;
        for (Leg leg : legs) {
            if (isLongerThan(leg, duration))
                if (result == null ||
                    isLongerThan(leg, result.getPlannedDuration())
                ) {
                    result = leg;
        return Optional.ofNullable(result);

    private static boolean isLongerThan(Leg leg, Duration duration) {
        return leg.getPlannedDuration().compareTo(duration) > 0;

Usually we would say “it depends,” but in this case we think that the new version is better on pretty much every front. It is shorter and simpler; it’s easier to see how it works; and in most cases it results in fewer calls to getPlannedDuration(), which is a relatively expensive operation. What if we had taken the same approach in Java? A direct translation is:

public class Legs {

    public static Optional<Leg> findLongestLegOver(
        List<Leg> legs,
        Duration duration
    ) {
        var longestLeg =
        if (longestLeg.isEmpty()) {
            return Optional.empty();
        } else if (isLongerThan(longestLeg.get(), duration)) {
            return longestLeg;
        } else {
            return Optional.empty();

    private static boolean isLongerThan(Leg leg, Duration duration) {
        return leg.getPlannedDuration().compareTo(duration) > 0;

Actually, that isn’t bad, but compared with the Kotlin version, you can see how Optional adds noise to pretty much every line of the method. Because of this, a version using Optional.filter is probably preferable, even though it suffers from the same comprehension problems as the Kotlin takeIf. Which is to say, Duncan can’t tell that it works without running the tests, but Nat prefers it.

public static Optional<Leg> findLongestLegOver(
    List<Leg> legs,
    Duration duration
) {
        .filter(leg -> isLongerThan(leg, duration));

Moving On

The absence or presence of information is inescapable in our code. By raising it to first-class status, Kotlin makes sure that we take account of absence when we have to and are not overwhelmed by it when we don’t. In comparison, Java’s Optional type feels clumsy. Luckily, we can easily migrate from Optional to nullable and support both simultaneously when we are not ready to convert all our code to Kotlin.

In Chapter 10, Functions to Extension Functions, we’ll see how nullable types combine with other Kotlin language features—the safe call and Elvis operators, and extension functions—to form a grain that results in designs quite different from those we write in Java.

But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. In the next chapter, we’ll look at a typical Java class and translate it into a typical Kotlin class. Translation from Java to Kotlin is more than syntactic: the two languages differ in their acceptance of mutable state.

1 “Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake” on YouTube.

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