action property, 168
Adobe Photoshop, 91–93
-agentlib parameter, 278
-agentpath parameter, 278
alpha attribute, 76–77
altDown event, 257
overview, 132
along paths, 139–145
timelines, 133–139
AnimationPath class, 142
applets vs. applications, 38
vs. applets, 38
compiling, 269–273
with swing, 180
Applications tab, 21
ApplyEffects function, 103–104
Bloom effect, 106–108
ColorAdjust effect, 110
DistantLights, 120–121
DropShadow effect, 116–117
GaussianBlur effect, 111
Glow effect, 114–115
InvertMask effect, 119
Perspective Transform, 128
PointLights, 122
SepiaTone effect, 125
SpotLights, 123
Arc attribute, 67
arcHeight attribute, 63–64
arcs, drawing, 65–68
ArcTo function, 141
ArcType attribute, 67
arcWidth attribute, ...
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