
The user preferences have been changed. The time has come to see how to convert those recorded changes into visual realities. The process isn’t long, but the details can get a bit sticky. It’s probably obvious by now that the information will come from information stored in a cookie. That extracted information is used in three ways.

  • As a URL for a background image

  • As URLs and display text for links

  • As part of a stylesheet declaration for font family and size

We’ll encounter each use as we go. For now, soak in the code for dive.html, coming right up in Example 7.2.

Example 7-2. dive.html

 1 <HTML> 2 <HEAD> 3 <TITLE> 4 Your Take-A-Dive Links Page 5 </TITLE> 6 <SCRIPT LANGAUGE="JavaScript1.2" SRC="cookies.js"></SCRIPT> 7 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> 8 <!-- 9 10 var newsNames = new Array(); 11 var indexNames = new Array(); 12 13 function getAttributes() { 14 var htmlStr = GetCookie('htmlPrefs'); 15 if (htmlStr == null) { 16 alert('Welcome. You must first set your user preferences.' + 17 'Please choose OK to load the User Settings page.'); 18 self.location.href = 'prefs.html'; 19 } 20 var htmlArray = htmlStr.split('-->'); 21 for (var i = 0; i < htmlArray.length; i++) { 22 var tagInfo = htmlArray[i].split('='); 23 if (tagInfo[0] != "") { 24 if (tagInfo[0].indexOf('newsNames') == 0) { 25 newsNames[newsNames.length] = tagInfo[1]; 26 } 27 else if (tagInfo[0].indexOf('indexNames') == 0) { 28 indexNames[indexNames.length] = tagInfo[1]; 29 } 30 else { eval(tagInfo[0] + ' = "' ...

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