Chapter 20. Persistence

20.0. Introduction

In the early years of web development, to keep a value around as users moved from page to page, you’d have to make use of session persistence functionality built into the environment, attach the data to the web page URL, or provide it in a hidden form field. Of course, this persisted the data from page to page, but once you closed the browser, the data was lost.

JavaScript added a third approach, a cookie, which could not only persist from page to page, but cause the data to persist beyond the current session. With cookies, you could not only access data such as login information throughout a website, but you could close the browser and reopen it another day and still have access to the same data.

These techniques still exist, but now, because of the needs of more complex web applications, including applications that support offline functionality, browsers support a variety of sophisticated data storage and persistence techniques.

No area of JavaScript has gone through more upheaval recently than persistence. Whether it’s storing data between sessions or enabling access to information while offline, complex new ideas have been spawned, supported by web pages and implementations, only to quietly fade away when something new and shiny appeared.

Probably one of the more famous examples of an idea that came and went is Google Gears—an offline storage mechanism that generated considerable excitement in 2007 when it debuted, only to die a fairly quick and unexpected death when Google announced in November 2009 that it was dropping support for Gears in favor of the new Web Applications/HTML5 persistence initiatives.

Fun new technology aside, the old approaches, such as using data encoding on an URL or a cookie, still exist and still provide a service that some of the newer techniques don’t provide: simplicity. This chapter touches on all of the techniques, from the old time to the new, the simple to the complex.


Some of the methods explored in this chapter are cutting edge, based on specifications that are still being developed. Use with caution.

See Also

For more on Google’s Gears decision, see the blog post at

20.1. Attaching Persistent Information to URLs


You want to store a small fragment of information so that the information is available to anyone accessing the page.


Persisting a fragment of information in a web page for general access by everyone is dependent on the old school capability of attaching information to a URL. The information can be passed as a page fragment:


JavaScript can be used to add a page fragment, though this is more of a way to store a simple state than anything more complex:

The data can also be encoded as parameters in a query string, which starts with a question mark, followed by the parameters passed as key/value pairs separated by equal signs, and separated from each other by ampersands:

There are limits to lengths of URLs, and probably for numbers of GET pairs, but I would hope we wouldn’t ever approach these limits. This also isn’t an approach you would use in place of a cookie. For instance, if you want to capture user input into a form, in case the users have to leave before finishing the form entries (or they accidentally close their browser tab page), you should put this data into a cookie, which is more secure, and more specific to the person.

Data encoding in the URL is more of a way to capture page state so that a person can send a link to the page in that state to another person, or link it within a web page. Example 20-1 demonstrates how something like data persistence via URL can work. In the web page, there are three buttons and one div element controlled by the action of the buttons. One button moves the div element to the right, one button increases the size of the element, and one button changes its color. As each button is clicked, the div element is adjusted, and the newly applied CSS value is stored with the appropriate button.

When the state of the page is changed, a link within the page is updated to reflect the state of the page. Note that the actual window.location property and even the property is not changed. The reason is that the page reloads as a security precaution when you update any component of window.location except the hash value.


Allowing a person to change the URL in the location bar, which isn’t reflected in the actual page, introduces the threat of spoofing—one page masquerading as another in order to scam passwords and other confidential information.

Now you can reload the page and have the script restore the page to the state in the URL when it reloads—but that’s a lot of moving parts. In the example, we’ll just create a static state link, and leave it at that.

Example 20-1. Using the URL and the query string to preserve state
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Remember me?</title>
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border: 1px solid #333;
  background-color: #ffff00;
div p
  margin: 10px;

  // found at
  function getQueryParam( name ) {
        name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
        var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
        var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
        var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
        if( results == null )
           return null;
           return results[1];

   window.onload=function() {

      // set up button

      var move = getQueryParam("move");
      if (!move) return;

      var size = getQueryParam("size");
      var color = getQueryParam("color");

      // update element
      var square = document.getElementById("square"); + "px"; + "px"; + "px";"#" + color;

      // update data-state values

   function updateURL () {
      var move = document.getElementById("move").getAttribute("data-state");
      var color = document.getElementById("color").getAttribute("data-state");
      var size = document.getElementById("size").getAttribute("data-state");

      var link = document.getElementById("link");
      var path = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + location.pathname +
                "?move=" + move + "&size=" + size + "&color=" + color;
      link.innerHTML="<p><a href='" + path + "'>static state link</a></p>";


   function moveSquare() {
      var move = parseInt(document.getElementById("move").getAttribute("data-
      document.getElementById("square").style.left=move + "px";
      document.getElementById("move").setAttribute("data-state", move);

   function resizeSquare() {
      var size = parseInt(document.getElementById("size").getAttribute("data-
      var square = document.getElementById("square"); + "px"; + "px";

   function changeColor() {
     var color = document.getElementById("color").getAttribute("data-state");
     var hexcolor;
     if (color == "0000ff") {
     } else {
       hexcolor = "0000ff";
     document.getElementById("square").style.backgroundColor="#" +

  <button id="move" data-state="0">Move Square</button>
  <button id="size" data-state="100">Increase Square Size</button>
  <button id="color" data-state="#ffff00">Change Color</button>
  <div id="link"></div>
  <div id="square">
    <p>This is the object</p>

Figure 20-1 shows the web page after several changes to the square element, and after the page is reloaded using the link.

Page after reloading and using persistence through URL
Figure 20-1. Page after reloading and using persistence through URL

See Also

Recipes 8.7 and 8.8 demonstrate how to use the location.hash property to store state in the URL and return to that state when the page is reloaded. The query string routine in the example is described at


You want to persist some information about or for the user within the existing browser session.


If the amount of data is less than 4k in size, use a browser cookie. A cookie is a patterned line of text that you assign to the document.cookie property:

document.cookie="cookiename=cookievalue; expires=date; path=path";


Cookies are still one of the easiest, simplest, and most widely used persistent storage technique for web pages today. They’re easy to set, safe, well understood by most people who browse web pages, and require little overhead.

People can also turn cookie support off in their browsers, which means your application has to work, regardless. In addition, the amount of data stored is small—less than 4k—and doesn’t support complex data structures. There’s also the security restrictions associated with cookies: they’re domain-specific. Despite the restriction, though, cookies are also insecure, as any data stored is done so in plain text. You don’t want to use cookies to store passwords.


Read the article “Improving Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice” if you’re interested in implementing “Remember Me” using cookies on your site.

Cookies are created by assigning the cookie to the document.cookie property. The cookie consists of a name/value pair, separated by an equal sign:


There are parameters that can follow the cookie/value pair, all separated by semi-colons (;). The parameters are:

path=path (such as / or /subdir)

Defaults to the current location.

domain=domain (such as, for all subdomains, or a given subdomain,

Defaults to current host.

max-age=maximum age in seconds

Meant more for session-based short restrictions.

expires=date in GMTString-format

Defaults to expiring at end of session.


Can only be transmitted via HTTPS.

Here’s an example. This cookie keyword is Language, with a value of JavaScript, set to expire at a given time with expires, and with path set to the top-level domain:

Language=JavaScript; expires=Mon, 22 Feb 2010 01:00:59 GMT; path=/

If we wanted the cookie to expire when the browser closes, all we need do is leave off the expires.

To retrieve the cookie, we have to retrieve the entire document.cookie property, which returns all cookies set on the domain. The application needs to find all of the cookies, and then look for a specific one. To erase the cookie, all we need do is set it with a past date.

To demonstrate, Example 20-2 contains a web page that has two input fields, one for the cookie name and one for the value. Clicking the Set Cookie button creates the cookie; clicking the Get Cookie retrieves the value for the given cookie; clicking the Erase Cookie button erases the cookie.

Example 20-2. Demonstrating cookies
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
<title>Persisting via Cookies</title>
  margin: 5px;

// if cookie enabled
window.onload=function() {

   if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {


// set cookie expiration date in year 2010
function setCookie() {

   var cookie = document.getElementById("cookie").value;
   var value = document.getElementById("value").value;

   var futureDate = new Date();
   futureDate.setDate(futureDate.getDate() + 10);

   var tmp=cookie + "=" + encodeURI(value) + "; expires=" +
                   futureDate.toGMTString() + "; path=/";

// each cookie separated by semicolon;
function readCookie() {

  var key = document.getElementById("cookie").value;

  var cookie = document.cookie;
  var first = cookie.indexOf(key+"=");

  // cookie exists
  if (first >= 0) {
    var str = cookie.substring(first,cookie.length);
    var last = str.indexOf(";");

    // if last cookie
    if (last < 0) last = str.length;

    // get cookie value
    str = str.substring(0,last).split("=");
  } else {
    alert("none found");

// set cookie date to the past to erase
function eraseCookie () {

   var key = document.getElementById("cookie").value;

   var cookieDate = new Date();
   cookieDate.setDate(cookieDate.getDate() - 10);

   document.cookie=key + "= ; expires="+cookieDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/";
<label for="cookie"> Enter cookie:</label> <input type="text" id="cookie" /> <br />
<label for="value">Cookie Value:</label> <input type="text" id="value" /><br />
<button id="set">Set Cookie</button>
<button id="get">Get Cookie</button>
<button id="erase">Erase Cookie</button>

See Also

See Recipe 3.6 for how to access a future date.

20.3. Persisting Information Using the History.pushState Method and window.onpopevent


You’ve looked at all the ways of handling the back button and controlling page state for an Ajax application, and you’re saying to yourself, “There has to be a better way.”


There is a better way, a much better way...but it’s going to be some time before you’ll be able to incorporate the technique into your applications: using HTML5’s new history.pushState and history.replaceState methods to persist a state object, and the window.onpopevent:

window.history.pushState({ page : page}, "Page " + page, "?page=" + page);

window.onpopstate = function(event) {
     // check for event.state, if found, reload state
      if (!event.state) return;
      var page =;


Addressing the significant problems Ajax developers have had with trying to persist state through back button events or page reloads, HTML5 has new history object methods, pushState and replaceState, to persist state information, and then an associated window.onpopevent that can be used to restore the page state.

In the past, we had the ability to persist information regarding the page state, though we’ve had to be conservative in how much data we persist. A popular approach, and one demonstrated in Recipe 20.1, is to store the data in the page URL hash, which updates the page history and can be pulled via JavaScript.

The problem with this approach is that updating the hash may update the history. If you hit the back button, the URL with the hash shows in the location bar, but no event is triggered so you can grab the data and restore the page. The workaround was to use a timer to check for the new hash and then restore the page if a new hash was found. Not an attractive solution, and one most of us decided just wasn’t worth trying.

Now, you can easily store any object that can be passed to JSON.stringify. Since the data is stored locally, the early implementor, Firefox, limits the size of the JSON representation to 640k. However, unless you’re recording the state of every pixel in the page, 640k should be more than sufficient.

To see how the new event and methods work, Example 20-3 is a recreation of Example 8-2, from Recipe 8.8. The changes to the application include the removal of the use of the hash location fragment, which is replaced by history.pushState, and the window.onpopstate event handler, both of which are highlighted in the code. There’s one other minor change—in the functionOne function, also highlighted—and I’ll get into the reason why after the example.

Example 20-3. Shows Example 8-2 from Recipe 8.8 converted to using the new history.pushState and window.onpopstate event handler
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Remember me--new, and improved!</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
   window.onload=function() {

   window.onpopstate = function(event) {
     // check for event.state, if found, reload state
      if (!event.state) return;
      var page =;
      switch (page) {
        case "one" :
        case "two" :
        case "three" :

   // display next panel, based on button's class
   function nextPanel() {
      var page = document.getElementById("next").getAttribute("data-page");
      switch(page) {
         case "zero" :
         case "one" :
         case "two" :
   // set both the button class, and create the state link, add to page
   function setPage(page) {
      window.history.pushState({ page : page}, "Page " + page, "?page=" + page);

   // function one, two, three - change div, set button and link
   function functionOne() {
      var square = document.getElementById("square");"relative";"0";"#ff0000";"200px";"200px";"10px";"20px";

   function functionTwo() {
      var square = document.getElementById("square");"#ffff00";"absolute";"200px";

   function functionThree() {
      var square = document.getElementById("square");"400px";"400px";"#00ff00";"400px";
<button id="next" data-page="zero">Next Action</button>
<div id="square" class="zero">
<p>This is the object</p>

In this example, the state object that is stored is extremely simple: a page property and its associated value. The history.pushState also takes a title parameter, which is used for the session history entry, and a URL. For the example, I appended a query string representing the page. What is displayed in the location bar is:

The history.replaceState method takes the same parameters, but modifies the current history entry instead of creating a new one.

When using the browser back button to traverse through the created history entries, or when hitting the page reload, a window.onpopstate event is fired. This is really the truly important component in this new functionality, and is the event we’ve needed for years. To restore the web page to the stored state, we create a window.onpopstate event handler function, accessing the state object from the event passed to the window handler function:

window.onpopstate = function(event) {
    // check for event.state, if found, reload state
     if (!event.state) return;
     var page =;

In the example, when you click the button three times to get to the third “page,” reload the page, or hit the back button, the window.onpopstate event handlers fires. Perfect timing to get the state data, and repair the page. Works beautifully, too. In the Firefox Minefield edition, that is.

One other change that had to be made to the older example, is that functionOne had to be modified and the following style settings added: = "relative"; = "0";

The reason is that unlike Example 8-2, which goes through a complete page reload, the new state methods and event handler actually do preserve the state in-page. This means the changes going from step one to step two (setting position to absolute and moving the div element) have to be canceled out in the first function in order to truly restore the page state. It’s a small price to pay for this lovely new functionality.

Again, the example only worked with the Firefox nightly. However, the back button did seem to work with the WebKit nightly.

20.4. Using sessionStorage for Client-Side Storage


You want to easily store session information without running into the size and cross-page contamination problems associated with cookies, and prevent loss of information if the browser is refreshed.


Use the new DOM Storage sessionStorage functionality:

sessionStorage.setItem("name", "Shelley");"St. Louis";
var name = sessionStorage,getItem("name");
var city =;


One of the constraints with cookies is they are domain/subdomain-specific, not page-specific. Most of the time, this isn’t a problem. However, there are times when such domain specificity isn’t sufficient.

For instance, a person has two browser tabs open to the same shopping site and adds a few items to the shopping cart in one tab. In the tab, the shopper clicks a button to add an item because of the admonishment to add the item to the cart in order to see the price. The shopper decides against the item and closes the tab page, thinking that action is enough to ensure the item isn’t in the cart. The shopper then clicks the check-out option in the other opened tag, assuming that the only items currently in the cart are the ones that were added in that browser page.

If the users aren’t paying attention, they may not notice that the cookie-based shopping cart has been updated from both pages, and they’ll end up buying something they didn’t want.

While it is true that many web users are savvy enough to not make this mistake, there are many who aren’t; they assume that persistence is browser-page-specific, not necessarily domain-specific. With sessionStorage (to paraphrase the famous quote about Las Vegas), what happens in the page, stays in the page.

As an example of the differences between the cookies and the new storage option, Example 20-4 stores information from a form in both a cookie and sessionStorage. Clicking the button to get the data gets whatever is stored for the key in both, and displays it in the page: the sessionStorage data in the first block, the cookie data in the second. The remove button erases whatever exists in both.

Example 20-4. Comparing sessionStorage and cookies
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
<title>Comparing Cookies and sessionStorage</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
  background-color: #ffff00;
  margin: 5px;
  width: 100px;
  padding: 1px;
   window.onload=function() {


   // set data for both session and cookie
   function setData() {
     var key = document.getElementById("key").value;
     var value = document.getElementById("value").value;

     // set sessionStorage
     var current = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
     if (current) {
     } else {

     // set cookie
     current = getCookie(key);
     if (current) {
     } else {

   function getData() {
     try {
        var key = document.getElementById("key").value;

        // sessionStorage
        var value = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
        if (!value) value ="";
           document.getElementById("sessionstr").innerHTML="<p>" +
value + "</p>";

        // cookie
        value = getCookie(key);
        if (!value) value="";
           document.getElementById("cookiestr").innerHTML="<p>" +
value + "</p>";

     } catch(e) {

   function removeData() {
     var key = document.getElementById("key").value;

     // sessionStorage

     // cookie
  // set session cookie
   function setCookie(cookie,value) {

      var tmp=cookie + "=" + encodeURI(value) + ";path=/";

   // each cookie separated by semicolon;
   function getCookie(key) {

      var cookie = document.cookie;
      var first = cookie.indexOf(key+"=");

      // cookie exists
      if (first >= 0) {
         var str = cookie.substring(first,cookie.length);
         var last = str.indexOf(";");

         // if last cookie
         if (last < 0) last = str.length;

         // get cookie value
         str = str.substring(0,last).split("=");
         return decodeURI(str[1]);
       } else {
         return null;

   // set cookie date to the past to erase
   function eraseCookie (key) {
      var cookieDate = new Date();
      cookieDate.setDate(cookieDate.getDate() - 10);
      var tmp=key +
"= ; expires="+cookieDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/";
      <label for="key"> Enter key:</label>
<input type="text" id="key" /> <br /> <br />
      <label for="value">Enter value:</label>
 <input type="text" id="value" /><br /><br />
   <button id="set">Set data</button>
   <button id="get">Get data</button>
   <button id="erase">Erase data</button>
   <div id="sessionstr"><p></p></div>
   <div id="cookiestr"><p></p></div>

Load the example page (it’s in the book examples) in Firefox 3.5 and up. Add one or more items to the same key value, and then click the button labeled “Get data”, as shown in Figure 20-2.

Now, open the same page in a new tab window, and click the “Get data” button. The activity results in a page like that shown in Figure 20-3.

In the new tab window, the cookie value persists because the cookie is session-specific, which means it lasts until you close the browser. The cookie lives beyond the first tab window, but the sessionStorage, which is specific to the tab window, does not.

Now, in the new tab window, add a couple more items to the key value, and click “Get data” again, as shown in Figure 20-4.

Showing current value for “apple” in sessionStorage and Cookie
Figure 20-2. Showing current value for “apple” in sessionStorage and Cookie
Again, showing current value for “apple” in sessionStorage and Cookie, but in a new tab window
Figure 20-3. Again, showing current value for “apple” in sessionStorage and Cookie, but in a new tab window

Return to the original tab window, and click “Get data”. As you can see in Figure 20-5, the items added in the second tab are showing with the cookie, but not the sessionStorage item.

Adding more values to “apple” in new tab window
Figure 20-4. Adding more values to “apple” in new tab window
Returning to the original tab window and clicking “Get data” with “apple”
Figure 20-5. Returning to the original tab window and clicking “Get data” with “apple”

Lastly, in the original tab window, click the “Erase data” button. Figure 20-6 shows the results of clicking “Get data” on the original window, while Figure 20-7 shows the results when clicking “Get data” in the second tab window. Again, note the disparities between the cookie and sessionStorage.

After clicking the “Erase data” button in the original tab window, and then clicking “Get data”
Figure 20-6. After clicking the “Erase data” button in the original tab window, and then clicking “Get data”
Clicking “Get data” in the second window, after erasing data in first
Figure 20-7. Clicking “Get data” in the second window, after erasing data in first

The reason for all of these images is to demonstrate the significant differences between sessionStorage and cookies, aside from how they’re set and accessed in JavaScript. Hopefully, the images and the example also demonstrate the potential hazards involved when using sessionStorage, especially in circumstances where cookies have normally been used.

If your website or application users are familiar with the cookie persistence across tabbed windows, sessionStorage can be an unpleasant surprise. Along with the different behavior, there’s also the fact that browser menu options to delete cookies probably won’t have an impact on sessionStorage, which could also be an unwelcome surprise for your users. Use sessionStorage with caution.

The sessionStorage object is currently supported in Firefox 3.5 and up, Safari 4.x and up, and IE 8. There are some implementation differences for sessionStorage, but the example shown in this recipe is consistently implemented across all environments.

One last note on sessionStorage, as it relates to its implementation. Both sessionStorage and localStorage, covered in the next recipe, are part of the new DOM Storage specification, currently under development by the W3C. Both are window object properties, which means they can be accessed globally. Both are implementations of the Storage object, and changes to the prototype for Storage result in changes to both the sessionStorage and localStorage objects:

Storage.prototype.someMethod = function (param) { ...};

Aside from the differences, covered in this recipe and the next, another major difference is that the Storage objects don’t make a round trip to the server—they’re purely client-side storage techniques.

See Also

For more information on the Storage object, sessionStorage, localStorage, or the Storage DOM, consult the specification. See Recipe 20.5 for a different look at how sessionStorage and localStorage can be set and retrieved, and other supported properties on both.

20.5. Creating a localStorage Client-Side Data Storage Item


You want to shadow form element entries (or any data) in such a way that if the browser crashes, the user accidentally closes the browser, or the Internet connection is lost, the user can continue.


You could use cookies if the data is small enough, but that strategy doesn’t work in an offline situation. Another, better approach, especially when you’re persisting larger amounts of data or if you have to support functionality when no Internet connection is present, is to use the new localStorage:

var value = document.getElementById("formelem").value;
If (value) {
   localStorage.formelem = value;
// recover
var value = localStorage.formelem;
document.getElementById("formelem").value = value;


Recipe 20.4 covered sessionStorage, one of the new DOM Storage techniques. The localStorage object interface is the same, with the same approaches to setting the data:

// use item methods

// use property names directly
sessionStorage.keyName = "value:
localStorage.keyName = "value";

// use the key method
sessionStorage.key(0) = "value";
localStorage.key(0) = "value:

and for getting the data:

// use item methods
value = sessionStorage.getItem("key");
value = localStorage.getItem("key");

// use property names directly
value = sessionStorage.keyName:
value = localStorage.keyName;

// use the key method
value = sessionStorage.key(0);
value = localStorage.key(0):

Both also support the length property, which provides a count of stored item pairs, and the clear method (no parameters), which clears out all Storage (but Firefox only supports clearing storage for localStorage). In addition, both are scoped to the HTML5 origin, which means that the data storage is shared across all pages in a domain, but not across protocols (e.g., http is not the same as https) or ports.

The difference between the two is how long data is stored. The sessionStorage object only stores data for the session, but the localStorage object stores data on the client forever, or until specifically removed.

The sessionStorage and localStorage objects also support one event: the storage event. This is an interesting event, in that it fires on all pages when changes are made to a localStorage item. It is also an area of low-compatibility among browsers: you can capture the event on the body or document elements for Firefox, on the body for IE, or on the document for Safari.

Example 20-5 demonstrates a more comprehensive implementation than the use case covered in the solution for this recipe. In the example, all elements of a small form have their onchange event handler method assigned to a function that captures the change element name and value, and stores the values in the local storage via localStorage. When the form is submitted, all of the stored form data is cleared.

When the page is loaded, the form elements onchange event handler is assigned to the function to store the values, and if the value is already stored, it is restored to the form element. To test the application, enter data into a couple of the form fields—but, before clicking the submit button, refresh the page. Without the use of localStorage, you’d lose the data. Now, when you reload the page, the form is restored to the state it was in before the page was reloaded.

Example 20-5. Using localStorage to back up form entries in case of page reload or browser crash
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
   window.onload=function() {
     try {
        var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

        // capture submit to clear storage

        for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {

           if (elems[i].type == "text") {

              // restore
              var value = localStorage.getItem(elems[i].id);
              if (value) elems[i].value = value;

              // change event
       } catch (e) {

   // store field values
   function processField() {
     localStorage.setItem(, this.value);

   // clear individual fields
   function clearStored() {
     var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
     for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {

       if (elems[i].type == "text") {

   <form id="inputform">
      <label for="field1">Enter field1:</label> <input type="text" id="field1" />
<br /> <br />
      <label for="field2">Enter field2:</label> <input type="text" id="field2"
/><br /><br />
      <label for="field3">Enter field1:</label> <input type="text" id="field3" />
<br /> <br />
      <label for="field4">Enter field1:</label> <input type="text" id="field4" />
<br /> <br />
      <input type="submit" value="Save" />

The size alloted for localStorage varies by browser, and some browsers, such as Firefox, allow users to extend the Storage object limits.

The localStorage object can be used for offline work. For the form example, you can store the data in the localStorage and provide a button to click when connected to the Internet, in order to sync the data from localStorage to server-side storage.

See Also

See Recipe 20.4 for more on the Storage object, and on sessionStorage and localStorage.

20.6. Persisting Data Using a Relational Data Store


You want a more sophisticated data store on the client than what’s provided with other persistent storage methods, such as localStorage. You’d also like to use your mad SQL skills.


You can use SQL in client applications, with some significant limitations. There is a W3C Web SQL Database Working Draft for using a relational database such as SQLite on the client, but support for the specification is provided only in WebKit browsers (Safari and Chrome) and the latest Opera (10.5):

You can create a database:

var db = openDatabase("dbname","1.0", "Bird Database", 1024 * 1024);

and you can create tables, within a transaction:

db.transaction(function(tx)) {

Then query on the tables:

db.transation(function(tx)) {
   tx.executeSQL('SELECT * birdTable', [], sqlFunction, sqlError);

var sqlFunction = function(tx,recs) {
   var rows = recs.rows;
   for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {


I hesitated to cover the Web SQL Database specification because the implementation is limited, and the specification is currently blocked at the W3C. Only WebKit (and Chrome and Safari) and Opera have made any progress with this implementation, and there’s no guarantee that Mozilla or Microsoft will pick up on it, especially since the specification is blocked.

It is an interesting concept, but it has significant problems. One is security, naturally.

In our current applications, the client part of the applications handles one form of security, and the server component handles the other, including database security and protection against SQL injection: attaching text on to a data field value that actually triggers a SQL command—such as drop all tables, or expose private data. Now, with client-side relational database support, we’re introducing a new set of security concerns on the client.

Another concern is the increasing burden we put on client-side storage. Each new innovation exposes new vulnerabilities, increases the size and complexity of our browsers, and embeds all sorts of data on our machines. Yet the vast majority of JavaScript applications don’t need to create their own version of Gmail, or a Photoshop-like paint program.

Then there’s the separation of a skill set. While it’s true that in small-to-medium shops, the same people who develop the frontend application probably participate in the server-side development, it’s not unusual in many shops to have the tasks handled by different groups. So people who may not be terribly experienced at relational database management might be tossing around SQL transactions (and believe me, relational database application development is a dedicated skill).

From an implementation point of view, only SQLite is currently supported. One difference in implementations, if you have worked with server-side SQL applications, is that client-side SQL is asynchronous by default. This means your application is not blocked until the transaction completes, which provides its own challenge.

However, there’s nothing wrong with playing around with something new. If you’re interested, pick up a browser that supports the functionality and give it a shot. However, I would avoid production use until we’re sure this technology is going to have a life beyond 2010.

See Also

The Web SQL Database specification can be found at

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