Chapter 1. Lexical Structure

JavaScript programs are written using the Unicode character set. Unicode is a superset of ASCII and Latin-1 and supports virtually every written language currently used on the planet.

JavaScript is a case-sensitive language. This means that language keywords, variables, function names, and other identifiers must always be typed with a consistent capitalization of letters. The while keyword, for example, must be typed “while,” not “While” or “WHILE.” Similarly, online, Online, OnLine, and ONLINE are four distinct variable names.


JavaScript supports two styles of comments. Any text between a // and the end of a line is treated as a comment and is ignored by JavaScript. Any text between the characters /* and */ is also treated as a comment; these comments may span multiple lines but may not be nested. The following lines of code are all legal JavaScript comments:

// This is a single-line comment.
/* This is also a comment */  // And here is another.
 * This is yet another comment.
 * It has multiple lines.

Identifiers and Reserved Words

An identifier is simply a name. In JavaScript, identifiers are used to name variables and functions and to provide labels for certain loops in JavaScript code. A JavaScript identifier must begin with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). Subsequent characters can be letters, digits, underscores, or dollar signs.

JavaScript reserves a number of identifiers as the keywords of the language itself. You cannot use these words as identifiers in your programs:

break      delete     function   return     typeof
case       do         if         switch     var
catch      else       in         this       void
continue   false      instanceof throw      while
debugger   finally    new        true       with
default    for        null       try

JavaScript also reserves certain keywords that are not currently used by the language but which might be used in future versions. ECMAScript 5 reserves the following words:

class  const  enum  export  extends  import  super

In addition, the following words, which are legal in ordinary JavaScript code, are reserved in strict mode:

implements  let      private    public  yield
interface   package  protected  static

Strict mode also imposes restrictions on the use of the following identifiers. They are not fully reserved, but they are not allowed as variable, function, or parameter names:

arguments   eval

ECMAScript 3 reserved all the keywords of the Java language, and although this has been relaxed in ECMAScript 5, you should still avoid all of these identifiers if you plan to run your code under an ECMAScript 3 implementation of JavaScript:

abstract   double     goto        native     static
boolean    enum       implements  package    super
byte       export     import      private    synchronized
char       extends    int         protected  throws
class      final      interface   public     transient
const      float      long        short      volatile

Optional Semicolons

Like many programming languages, JavaScript uses the semicolon (;) to separate statements (see Chapter 4) from each other. This is important to make the meaning of your code clear: without a separator, the end of one statement might appear to be the beginning of the next, or vice versa. In JavaScript, you can usually omit the semicolon between two statements if those statements are written on separate lines. (You can also omit a semicolon at the end of a program or if the next token in the program is a closing curly brace }.) Many JavaScript programmers (and the code in this book) use semicolons to explicitly mark the ends of statements, even where they are not required. Another style is to omit semicolons whenever possible, using them only in the few situations that require them. Whichever style you choose, there are a few details you should understand about optional semicolons in JavaScript.

Consider the following code. Since the two statements appear on separate lines, the first semicolon could be omitted:

a = 3;
b = 4;

Written as follows, however, the first semicolon is required:

a = 3; b = 4;

Note that JavaScript does not treat every line break as a semicolon: it usually treats line breaks as semicolons only if it can’t parse the code without the semicolons. More formally, JavaScript interprets a line break as a semicolon if it appears after the return, break, or continue keywords, or before the ++ or -- operators, or if the next nonspace character cannot be interpreted as a continuation of the current statement.

These statement termination rules lead to some surprising cases. This code looks like two separate statements separated with a newline:

var y = x + f

But the parentheses on the second line of code can be interpreted as a function invocation of f from the first line, and JavaScript interprets the code like this:

var y = x + f(a+b).toString();

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