Authentication Using a Database

To authenticate a user, you need access to information about the registered users. For the sample application in this chapter, all user information is kept in a database. There are other options, including flat files and LDAP directories. When a user fills out the login page form and clicks Enter, the authentication page shown in Example 13-3 is processed. This is a large page, so each part is discussed in detail after the complete page.

Example 13-3. Authentication page (authenticate.jsp)
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="ora" uri="orataglib" %> <%-- Remove the validUser session bean, if any --%> <c:remove var="validUser" /> <c:if test="${empty param.userName || empty param.password}"> <c:redirect url="login.jsp" > <c:param name="errorMsg" value="You must enter a User Name and Password." /> </c:redirect> </c:if> <%-- See if the user name and password combination is valid. If not, redirect back to the login page with a message. --%> <sql:query var="empInfo"> SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE UserName = ? AND Password = ? <sql:param value="${param.userName}" /> <sql:param value="${param.password}" /> </sql:query> <c:if test="${empInfo.rowCount == 0}"> <c:redirect url="login.jsp" > <c:param name="errorMsg" value="The User Name or Password you entered is not valid." /> </c:redirect> </c:if> <%-- Create an EmployeeBean and save it in the session ...

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