23. Java EE 5.0 Deployment
As developers, you have a variety of choices when it comes to the deployment environment for Seam applications.
If you can deploy in a Java EE 5.0-compliant application server, you have no problem. Seam is designed to work in that environment. The book examples are fully tested on the EJB3 profile of JBoss AS 4.0.5+. With minimal modifications to configuration files and JAR files, your Seam application could easily run in JBoss AS 5.0 and Sun’s GlassFish Application Server.
If you do not have a Java EE 5.0 application server but have access to a J2EE 1.4 server, you can write your applications in Seam POJOs instead of EJB3 beans. This approach is discussed in Chapter 24, Seam Without EJB3. But as we mentioned, Seam ...
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