CHAPTER 24 Income and Deduction Strategies

  1. Tax-Saving Tips
  2. Audit-Proofing Your Return
  3. Common Errors and How to Avoid Them
  4. Tax Assistance

Understanding what income you must report and the various business deductions you may claim is only half the job. You must also know when to report income and when to postpone it, when to claim certain deductions and when not to claim them. You should also be aware of the common traps that business owners often fall into with their income and deductions.

Finally, it is important to recognize that you should not always go at it alone. You may need to get the assistance of tax professionals or additional information from the IRS. You need to know how to obtain referrals to tax professionals. You also need to know some important IRS telephone numbers to call for assistance. This information is included throughout this chapter for your convenience.

Tax-Saving Tips

Tax-Planning Decisions

Some deductions are under your control because you can decide whether to incur the expenditure. Also, sometimes you are permitted to make tax elections on when to report income or when to claim write-offs. Here are some pointers that can help you minimize your income and maximize your deductions. Or, you can follow the reverse strategy if you already have losses for the year and want to accelerate income to offset those losses (and defer deductions).

  • Cash-basis businesses. If you account for your expenses and income on a cash basis, you can influence when ...

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