Chapter 7
Retirement and Annuity Income
7.1 Retirement Distributions on Form 1099-R
7.3 Lump-Sum Options If You Were Born Before January 2, 1936
7.5 Capital Gain Treatment for Pre-1974 Participation
7.6 Lump-Sum Payments Received by Beneficiary
7.7 Tax-Free Rollovers From Qualified Plans
7.8 Direct Rollover or Personal Rollover
7.9 Rollover of Proceeds From Sale of Property
7.10 Distribution of Employer Stock or Other Securities
7.11 Survivor Annuity for Spouse
7.12 Court Distributions to Former Spouse Under a QDRO
7.13 When Retirement Benefits Must Begin
7.15 Penalty for Distributions Before Age 59½
7.16 Restrictions on Loans From Company Plans
7.17 Tax Benefits of 401(k) Plans
7.18 Limit on Salary-Reduction Deferrals
7.19 Withdrawals From 401(k) Plans Restricted
7.20 Designated Roth Contributions to 401(k) Plans
7.21 Annuities for Employees of Tax-Exempts and Schools (403(b) Plans)
7.22 Government and Exempt Organization Deferred Pay Plans
7.23 Figuring the Taxable Part of Your Annuity
7.25 When You Convert Your Endowment Policy
7.26 Reporting Employee Annuities
7.27 Simplified Method for Calculating Taxable Employee Annuity
7.28 Employee's Cost in Annuity
7.29 Withdrawals From Employer's Qualified Retirement Plan Before Annuity Starting Date
For employees, coverage in a qualified employer retirement plan is a valuable fringe benefit, as employer contributions are ...
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