ACB. See Application control block

ACCESS, nested sets model in, 99

ACM Turing Award, 199

Adelson-Velskii, G. M., 144

Adjacency and depth model, 160–161

Adjacency and nested sets model, 159–160

Adjacency arrays, 6–7

Adjacency list model, 17

converting, 90–92

finding subordinates in, 56

fixing, 22–25

leveled, 31–32

navigation in, 25–28

nodes in, 28

normalization and, 19–22

procedural code and, 34

simple, 17–19

SQL databases and, 89

Adjacency lists

for graphs, 6

with self-references, 157–158

subordinate, 158–159

Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000 (Ben-Gan & Moreau), 35

Aggregate functions, 69


based on self-joins, 27

in hierarchy, 33–34

American Library Association (ALA), 192



INSERT, 20–21

normalization ...

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