Chapter 8. Data Analysis and Lists
Much of the data contained in your worksheets is in the form of a list. In this part, you'll find tips that deal with lists and data analysis.
Tips and Where to Find Them
Tip 158 Using the Table Feature 335
Tip 159 Working with Tables 338
Tip 160 Using Formulas with a Table 341
Tip 161 Numbering Rows in a Table 345
Tip 162 Using Custom Views with Filtering 347
Tip 163 Putting Advanced Filter Results on a Different Sheet 349
Tip 164 Comparing Two Ranges by Using Conditional Formatting 350
Tip 165 Randomizing a List 353
Tip 166 Filling the Gaps in a Report 355
Tip 167 Creating a List from a Summary Table 357
Tip 168 Finding Duplicates by Using Conditional Formatting 360
Tip 169 Creating a Quick Frequency Tabulation 362
Tip 170 Controlling References to Cells within a Pivot Table 365
Tip 171 Grouping Items by Date in a Pivot Table 366
Tip 172 Unlinking a Pivot Table from Its Source 369
Tip 173 Using Pivot Table Slicers 371
Using the Table Feature
One significant new feature introduced in Excel 2007 is tables. A table is a rectangular range of data that has a row of text headings to describe the contents of each column. Excel has always supported tables, of course, but the new implementation makes common tasks much easier to do — and makes the results a lot better looking. More important, the new table features can help eliminate some common errors. Many users overlook this new feature, but it's really worth knowing about.
Understanding what a table is
A table is simply ...
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