You probably noticed that the page looks a bit busy and long at this point. Each article is being displayed in its entirety on the home page. It would be nice to display a few words, and then provide a link to “read more.” This will shorten the page significantly, and make it easier to read as well.
Go back to the Article Manager in the back end of Joomla (under the Content menu). Click the Front Page column heading. The three articles on the home page of the website will jump to the top of the listing, as shown in Figure 10-7.
The articles displayed on the home page will not appear in their display order in the Article Manager after you've clicked the Front Page column heading. Furthermore, you cannot reorder the home page articles here. If you need to change the order of the home page articles, you must do that in the Front Page Manager.
Now click on the article title for Latest News. You'll get the article editing screen, shown in Figure 10-8.
In Firefox, the web browser I'm using to edit my Joomla site, the text in the ...
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