Chapter 4. A Brief Tour of the Joomla! Administration Interface


  • Configuring sites via Global Configuration

  • Creating and editing users

  • User permissions

  • Media Manager

  • Site management tools

Now that Joomla is installed, it's time to take a peek in the back end of the web site. Back end is a term that refers to the administrative side of Joomla, where most changes are made. The term front end, in contrast, refers to the public-facing part of the web site.

The back end of your Joomla web site is typically accessible by the following address: Unless you have done something to specifically change that address (such as install an extension that will change the URL), that's where the administrative interface is located.

This chapter will show you some features you'll use as your site's super administrator, including the global configuration, user management, mailing features, and clearing the site's cache.


The Global Configuration is used for configuring the web site's functions. Here you can set the site name, change database and FTP information, set global metatags, and much more. Enter your username and password to access the back end of your web site, and click the Global Configuration icon (see Figure 4-1) or choose Site


Figure 4.1. FIGURE 4-1

Global Configuration has three configuration tabs: Site, System, and Server. ...

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