

Abeler, J., 101

Acquiring a Company problem, 71, 73, 7576, 214215, 215f, 220221

Acquisition utility, 92

Active trading, 170171

Adaval, R., 51

Admissions, decisions about, 211212

Adomdza, G. K., 26

Advisers, ethics of, 154155

Affect heuristic, 10, 212

African Americans, implicit attitudes toward, 147148, 151

Ager, J. W., 109

Ainslie, G., 106

Akerlof, G. A., 74, 139

Alicke, M. D., 23, 27

Allison, S. T., 29

Alpert, M., 16

Altruistic punishment, 142

Ambady, N., 212

Analogical reasoning, in decision-making improvement, 219221

diverse training, 221

specific training, 221

Anchoring, 10, 4953, 167169

in accounting firms, 52

affecting decisions, 50

in everyday life, 5152

hindsight bias and, 5556

in negotiation, 203205

processes leading to anchoring bias, 53

Anderson, C., 29, 155

Andrus, Elvis, 43

Angelone, B. L., 66

Appelman, A., 122

Armor, D. A., 80

Art and Science of Negotiation, The, 205

Asendorpf, J. B., 149

Åstebro, T., 26

Asymmetry in self-serving biases, 202

Attitudes, implicit, 147151

Auctions, 7779

Availability heuristic, 78

biases emanating from, 3438

during performance appraisals, 36

ease of recall (based on vividness and recency), 3437

internal feelings about tempting fate, 36

retrievability (based on memory structures), 3738

Avnaim-Pesso, L., 107

Awareness. See Bounded awareness

Axsom, D., 67

Ayres, I., 6465


Babcock, L., 51, 101, 112, 200

Badaracco, J. L., Jr., 158

Bajaj, V., 125

Balance theory, 218

Balcetis, E., 112113

Ball, S. B., 76, 214

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