
[Achouiantz & Nordin 2013]

Achouiantz, Christophe; Nordin, Johan: The Kanban Kick-start Field Guide, 2013; http://bit.ly/KanbanFieldGuide.

[Agile Report 2020]

13th Annual State of Agile Report, 2020; https://stateofagile.com/#ufh-i-613553418-13th-annual-state-of-agile-report/7027494.

[Anderson 2003]

Anderson, David J.: Agile Management for Software Engineering: Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.

[Anderson 2010]

Anderson, David J.: Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. Seattle, WA: Blue Hole Press, 2010. (Dt. Ausgabe: Kanban – Evolutionspan class="spacef"/>äres Change Management für IT-Organisationen. Heidelberg: dpunkt.verlag, 2011.)

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