Chapter 6. Photos and Home Videos
EVER SEE A KID these days swipe a photo on a laptop screen? When the thing doesn’t budge, the ensuing look—part puzzled, part frustrated—says it all. Pictures in the Touchscreen Age were meant to be swiped, pinched, and tapped. It’s just so darn fun zooming in and out and flicking across huge collections. Is it really a surprise that we rarely bother rummaging through photo-filled shoeboxes anymore?
For its part, the Fire makes picture browsing lots of fun. Thanks to a built-in Amazon app called Gallery, your Fire is ready to serve as a portable memory machine—a showcase for the best pictures (and videos) in your collection. This chapter puts it all into focus: from moving your memories onto the Fire, getting (and keeping) them organized, and sharing and showing ’em off.
Getting Pictures and Videos onto the Fire
Three different approaches await for when you’re ready to transfer images to the Fire. All three methods are worth knowing about, but the one you’ll want depends on how much you’re moving. Email is best for small batch transfers; PC-to-Fire connections work well for a few dozen pics, or even slightly larger collections; and a dedicated, web-syncing app is what you need to handle large and constantly changing photo galleries.
If you’ve uploaded photos or videos to Amazon’s Cloud Drive (Cloud vs. Device), you may be wondering whether there’s ...
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