

1Cliff Kuang und Robert Fabricant, »User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play«, New York: MCD/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2019, 86.

1 Der Mensch ist ein Gewohnheitstier – Jakobs Gesetz

2Jakob Nielsen, »End of Web Design«, Nielsen Norman Group, 22. Juli 2000, https://www.nngroup.com/articles/end-of-web-design.

3Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition, New York: Basic Books, 2013, 10.

2 Minimaler Aufwand für maximalen Erfolg – Fitts’ Gesetz

4Paul M. Fitts, »The Information Capacity of the Human Motor System in Controlling the Amplitude of Movement«, Journal of Experimental Psychology 47, Nr. 6 (1954): 381–391.

5Kiran Dandekar, Balasundar I. ...

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