© Mark Conway Munro 2017

Mark Conway Munro, Learn FileMaker Pro 16, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2863-0_28

28. Getting Started with Layouts

Mark Conway Munro

(1)Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA

A new database file is created with a single empty layout representing the default table. As a developer, you are responsible to define the fields and relationships that make up the data structure. Similarly, you are responsible for the user interface and must add, rename, design, delete, and organize layouts.

In this chapter, we explore the following subjects:

  • Planning layouts

  • Working with layout parts

  • Adding layouts

  • Deleting layouts

  • Using the manage layouts dialog

  • Optimizing layout performance

Planning Layouts

Before building layouts, take a moment to review ...

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