The Perl CGI Module

The Perl CGI module has some helpful functions to simplify generating common snippets of HTML. We can enable all these by modifying our use statement to:

use CGI ':all'

We can then generate HTML elements by calling the corresponding function. For example, we can include text within a level-one heading tag pair (<h1>text</h1>) by writing h1("text").

Many of these functions take attributes that are reflected in the generated HTML. For example, to generate the tag <th align="LEFT" bgcolor="SKYBLUE">, we would write:

th({-align=>"LEFT", -bgcolor=>"SKYBLUE"}, $Name).

Example 18-3 rewrites our our previous example using CGI functions.

Example 18-3. The CGI Animal list script rewritten with CGI functions

use strict;

# Connect to the MySQL server, run the query, store the result
use DBI;
my $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=AnimalDB",
 "the_password", {PrintError=>0, RaiseError=>1}); my $results = $dbh->selectall_hashref('SELECT * FROM Animals', 'Name'); $dbh->disconnect(); # Prepare and display the results in HTML format use CGI ':all'; my @AnimalsDataArray; foreach my $Name (keys %$results) { my $AnimalsDataArrayRow = th({-align=>"LEFT", -bgcolor=>"SKYBLUE"}, $Name). td({-bgcolor=>"PINK"}, [$results->{$Name}->{Count}]); push @AnimalsDataArray, $AnimalsDataArrayRow; } my $result= header(-type=>"text/html", -charset=>'UTF-8'). start_html(-title=>"List of Animals", -encoding => 'UTF-8'). h1("Pet roll call"). table( {-border=>'true'}, ...

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