
So let’s jump right into the project, starting with Example 20-1, rnfunctions.php, the include file of main functions. This file contains a little more than just the functions, though, because I have added the database login details here instead of using yet another separate file. So the first half-dozen lines of code define the host, database name, username, and password of the database to use.

It doesn’t matter what you call the database, as long as it already exists (see Chapter 8 for how to create a new database). Also make sure to correctly assign a MySQL username and password to $dbuser and $dbpass. With correct values, the subsequent two lines will open a connection to MySQL and select the database. The last of the initial instructions sets the name of the social networking site by assigning the value “Robin’s Nest” to the variable $appname. If you want to change the name, here’s the place to do so.

The Functions

The project uses six main functions:


Checks whether a table already exists and, if not, creates it.


Returns a value of 1 if a table already exists, otherwise 0.


Issues a query to MySQL, outputting an error message if it fails.


Destroys a PHP session and clears its data to log users out.


Removes potentially malicious code or tags from user input.


Displays a user’s image and “about me” if they have one.

All of these should be obvious in their action to you by now, with the possible exception ...

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