Date and time types

The date and time data types are commonly used to describe the occurrence of events such as birth date. PostgreSQL supports the following date and time types:

Name Size in bytes Description  Low value  High value
Timestamp without time zone 8 Date and time without time zone, equivalent to timestamp 4713 BC  294276 AD
Timestamp with time zone 8
Date and time with timezone, equivalent to timestamptz
4713 BC  294276 AD
Date 4 Date only 4713 BC  294276 AD
Time without time zone 8 Time of day 00:00:00  24:00:00
Time with time zone 12 Time of day with time zone 00:00:00+1459  24:00:00-1459
Interval  16  Time interval -178,000,000 years +178,000,000 years


PostgreSQL stores the timestamp with and without ...

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