Chapter 6. Spark SQL and Datasets

In Chapters 4 and 5, we covered Spark SQL and the DataFrame API. We looked at how to connect to built-in and external data sources, took a peek at the Spark SQL engine, and explored topics such as the interoperability between SQL and DataFrames, creating and managing views and tables, and advanced DataFrame and SQL transformations.

Although we briefly introduced the Dataset API in Chapter 3, we skimmed over the salient aspects of how Datasets—strongly typed distributed collections—are created, stored, and serialized and deserialized in Spark.

In this chapter, we go under the hood to understand Datasets: we’ll explore working with Datasets in Java and Scala, how Spark manages memory to accommodate Dataset constructs as part of the high-level API, and the costs associated with using Datasets.

Single API for Java and Scala

As you may recall from Chapter 3 (Figure 3-1 and Table 3-6), Datasets offer a unified and singular API for strongly typed objects. Among the languages supported by Spark, only Scala and Java are strongly typed; hence, Python and R support only the untyped DataFrame API.

Datasets are domain-specific typed objects that can be operated on in parallel using functional programming or the DSL operators you’re familiar with from the DataFrame API.

Thanks to this singular API, Java developers no longer risk lagging behind. For example, any future interface or behavior changes to Scala’s groupBy(), flatMap(), map(), or filter() API will ...

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