(“f” after a page number refers to a figure).
3-D cameras, 75
8-bit mode, 284–285
16-bit mode, 284–285
35mm film camera equivalences, 85
1960s alternative scene, 11–13
Abbott, Berenice, Blossom Restaurant, Manhattan, 221f
Abe, Koya, Digital Art Chapter 5:
Analogies, After the Toilet of Venus, 26f
Abeles, Kim, Thunder of Waters, 53f
abstract shapes, 48
Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq, 67–68
AC adapters, 107
acid-free board, 305b
active autofocus, 88
Adams, Bill, Billboard 2006, 41f
RAW plugin, 271f
advertising industry, 281
aerial perspective, 347–348
aesthetic keys, 195–196
afternoon light, 167
Airey, Theresa, The Wishing Well, 154f
albums, ...
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