

Aberration, lenses and, 185187

astigmatism, 186187

chromatic, 185186

spherical, 185


property of light, 1718

Additive method, 8889


microscopy, 266267


conditioning systems, 4647

solar heating systems, 4143

Astigmatism, lenses aberration and, 186187

Audio-visual equipment, laboratory safety of, 332


Back relection, 112

Ball lenses, 175177

Beamsplitters, 223236

dichroic plate, 229

experiments for, 231236

near infrared region plate, 229

other types, 229230

quartz, 229

types, 224230

elliptical plate, 227

Glan Thompson polarizing, 226

lateral displacement polarizing, 226

mirror, 228

pellicle, 228

polarizing, 224225

polka-dot, 227

rectangular polarizing, 225

standard cube, 224

visible, 229

Binoculars, ...

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