
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.


Arnal UF system 124, 124f


Bank filtration (BF) 
chemical processes 131
description 131, 131f
long-lasting filtration technology 130
sand and gravel deposits 130
Beer-Lambert law 59


Candle filter 
Clear Kisii 103–104, 103f
colloidal silver coating 105
cost 106
Hong Phuc filter 105
Katadyn product 105
Kisii system 105
lab tests 104
local construction companies 104
maintenance 105
RWD 105
water purification 103–104
Carbon nanotube (CNT) 
iodinated resins 172–173
nanosorbent form 170
renewable energy 170–172
silver particles 170
Ceramic disk filter 
colloidal silver coating 107
cost 108
description 106, 107f
local materials 110
maintenance 108
strengths ...

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