Variable Substitution

In the following substitutions, braces ({ }) are optional, except when needed to separate a variable name from following characters that would otherwise be considered part of the name.

Table 5-22. Substitution variables




Value of variable var.


Name of the program.


Individual arguments on command line (positional parameters); 1 n 9.


Number of arguments on command line.


All arguments on command line.


Same as $*, but contents are split into words when the variable is enclosed in double quotes.


Process number of current shell; useful as part of a filename for creating temporary files with unique names.


Exit status of last command (normally 0 for success).


Process number of most recently issued background command.


Current execution options (see the set built-in command). By default, hB for scripts and himBH for interactive shells.


Initially set to name of file invoked for this shell, then set for each command to the last word of the previous command.

Tables 5-23 through Table 5-25 show various types of operators that can be used with bash variables.

Table 5-23. Substitution operators




If varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; otherwise, return word.


Purpose: Returning a default value if the variable is undefined.


Example: ${count:-0} evaluates to 0 if count is undefined.


If varname exists and ...

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