Chapter 1. The Need for Machine Learning Design Patterns

In engineering disciplines, design patterns capture best practices and solutions to commonly occurring problems. They codify the knowledge and experience of experts into advice that all practitioners can follow. This book is a catalog of machine learning design patterns that we have observed in the course of working with hundreds of machine learning teams.

What Are Design Patterns?

The idea of patterns, and a catalog of proven patterns, was introduced in the field of architecture by Christopher Alexander and five coauthors in a hugely influential book titled A Pattern Language (Oxford University Press, 1977). In their book, they catalog 253 patterns, introducing them this way:

Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.

Each solution is stated in such a way that it gives the essential field of relationships needed to solve the problem, but in a very general and abstract way—so that you can solve the problem for yourself, in your own way, by adapting it to your preferences, and the local conditions at the place where you are making it.

For example, a couple of the patterns that incorporate human details when building a home are Light on Two Sides of Every Room and Six-Foot Balcony. Think of your favorite room in your home, and your least-favorite room. Does your favorite room have windows on two walls? What about your least-favorite room? According to Alexander:

Rooms lit on two sides, with natural light, create less glare around people and objects; this lets us see things more intricately; and most important, it allows us to read in detail the minute expressions that flash across people’s faces….

Having a name for this pattern saves architects from having to continually rediscover this principle. Yet where and how you get two light sources in any specific local condition is up to the architect’s skill. Similarly, when designing a balcony, how big should it be? Alexander recommends 6 feet by 6 feet as being enough for 2 (mismatched!) chairs and a side table, and 12 feet by 12 feet if you want both a covered sitting space and a sitting space in the sun.

Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides brought the idea to software by cataloging 23 object-oriented design patterns in a 1994 book entitled Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley, 1995). Their catalog includes patterns such as Proxy, Singleton, and Decorator and led to lasting impact on the field of object-oriented programming. In 2005 the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) awarded their annual Programming Languages Achievement Award to the authors, recognizing the impact of their work “on programming practice and programming language design.”

Building production machine learning models is increasingly becoming an engineering discipline, taking advantage of ML methods that have been proven in research settings and applying them to business problems. As machine learning becomes more mainstream, it is important that practitioners take advantage of tried-and-proven methods to address recurring problems.

One benefit of our jobs in the customer-facing part of Google Cloud is that it brings us in contact with a wide variety of machine learning and data science teams and individual developers from around the world. At the same time, we each work closely with internal Google teams solving cutting-edge machine learning problems. Finally, we have been fortunate to work with the TensorFlow, Keras, BigQuery ML, TPU, and Cloud AI Platform teams that are driving the democratization of machine learning research and infrastructure. All this gives us a rather unique perspective from which to catalog the best practices we have observed these teams carrying out.

This book is a catalog of design patterns or repeatable solutions to commonly occurring problems in ML engineering. For example, the Transform pattern (Chapter 6) enforces the separation of inputs, features, and transforms and makes the transformations persistent in order to simplify moving an ML model to production. Similarly, Keyed Predictions, in Chapter 5, is a pattern that enables the large-scale distribution of batch predictions, such as for recommendation models.

For each pattern, we describe the commonly occurring problem that is being addressed and then walk through a variety of potential solutions to the problem, the trade-offs of these solutions, and recommendations for choosing between these solutions. Implementation code for these solutions is provided in SQL (useful if you are carrying out preprocessing and other ETL in Spark SQL, BigQuery, and so on), scikit-learn, and/or Keras with a TensorFlow backend.

How to Use This Book

This is a catalog of patterns that we have observed in practice, among multiple teams. In some cases, the underlying concepts have been known for many years. We don’t claim to have invented or discovered these patterns. Instead, we hope to provide a common frame of reference and set of tools for ML practitioners. We will have succeeded if this book gives you and your team a vocabulary when talking about concepts that you already incorporate intuitively into your ML projects.

We don’t expect you to read this book sequentially (although you can!). Instead, we anticipate that you will skim through the book, read a few sections more deeply than others, reference the ideas in conversations with colleagues, and refer back to the book when faced with problems you remember reading about. If you plan to skip around, we recommend that you start with Chapter 1 and Chapter 8 before dipping into individual patterns.

Each pattern has a brief problem statement, a canonical solution, an explanation of why the solution works, and a many-part discussion on tradeoffs and alternatives. We recommend that you read the discussion section with the canonical solution firmly in mind, so as to compare and contrast. The pattern description will include code snippets taken from the implementation of the canonical solution. The full code can be found in our GitHub repository. We strongly encourage you to peruse the code as you read the pattern description.

Machine Learning Terminology

Because machine learning practitioners today may have different areas of primary expertise—software engineering, data analysis, DevOps, or statistics—there can be subtle differences in the way that different practitioners use certain terms. In this section, we define terminology that we use throughout the book.

Models and Frameworks

At its core, machine learning is a process of building models that learn from data. This is in contrast to traditional programming where we write explicit rules that tell programs how to behave. Machine learning models are algorithms that learn patterns from data. To illustrate this point, imagine we are a moving company and need to estimate moving costs for potential customers. In traditional programming, we might solve this with an if statement:

if num_bedrooms == 2 and num_bathrooms == 2:
  estimate = 1500
elif num_bedrooms == 3 and sq_ft > 2000:
  estimate = 2500

You can imagine how this will quickly get complicated as we add more variables (number of large furniture items, amount of clothing, fragile items, and so on) and try to handle edge cases. More to the point, asking for all this information ahead of time from customers can cause them to abandon the estimation process. Instead, we can train a machine learning model to estimate moving costs based on past data on previous households our company has moved.

Throughout the book, we primarily use feed-forward neural network models in our examples, but we’ll also reference linear regression models, decision trees, clustering models, and others. Feed-forward neural networks, which we will commonly shorten as neural networks, are a type of machine learning algorithm whereby multiple layers, each with many neurons, analyze and process information and then send that information to the next layer, resulting in a final layer that produces a prediction as output. Though they are in no way identical, neural networks are often compared to the neurons in our brain because of the connectivity between nodes and the way they are able to generalize and form new predictions from the data they process. Neural networks with more than one hidden layer (layers other than the input and output layer) are classified as deep learning (see Figure 1-1).

Machine learning models, regardless of how they are depicted visually, are mathematical functions and can therefore be implemented from scratch using a numerical software package. However, ML engineers in industry tend to employ one of several open source frameworks designed to provide intuitive APIs for building models. The majority of our examples will use TensorFlow, an open source machine learning framework created by Google with a focus on deep learning models. Within the TensorFlow library, we’ll be using the Keras API in our examples, which can be imported through tensorflow.keras. Keras is a higher-level API for building neural networks. While Keras supports many backends, we’ll be using its TensorFlow backend. In other examples, we’ll be using scikit-learn, XGBoost, and PyTorch, which are other popular open source frameworks that provide utilities for preparing your data, along with APIs for building linear and deep models. Machine learning continues to become more accessible, and one exciting development is the availability of machine learning models that can be expressed in SQL. We’ll use BigQuery ML as an example of this, especially in situations where we want to combine data preprocessing and model creation.

A breakdown of different types of machine learning, with a few examples of each. Note that although it is not included in this diagram, neural networks like autoencoders can also be used for unsupervised learning.
Figure 1-1. A breakdown of different types of machine learning, with a few examples of each. Note that although it is not included in this diagram, neural networks like autoencoders can also be used for unsupervised learning.

Conversely, neural networks with only an input and output layer are another subset of machine learning known as linear models. Linear models represent the patterns they’ve learned from data using a linear function. Decision trees are machine learning models that use your data to create a subset of paths with various branches. These branches approximate the results of different outcomes from your data. Finally, clustering models look for similarities between different subsets of your data and use these identified patterns to group data into clusters.

Machine learning problems (see Figure 1-1) can be broken into two types: supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning defines problems where you know the ground truth label for your data in advance. For example, this could include labeling an image as “cat” or labeling a baby as being 2.3 kg at birth. You feed this labeled data to your model in hopes that it can learn enough to label new examples. With unsupervised learning, you do not know the labels for your data in advance, and the goal is to build a model that can find natural groupings of your data (called clustering), compress the information content (dimensionality reduction), or find association rules. The majority of this book will focus on supervised learning because the vast majority of machine learning models used in production are supervised.

With supervised learning, problems can typically be defined as either classification or regression. Classification models assign your input data a label (or labels) from a discrete, predefined set of categories. Examples of classification problems include determining the type of pet breed in an image, tagging a document, or predicting whether or not a transaction is fraudulent. Regression models assign continuous, numerical values to your inputs. Examples of regression models include predicting the duration of a bike trip, a company’s future revenue, or the price of a product.

Data and Feature Engineering

Data is at the heart of any machine learning problem. When we talk about datasets, we’re referring to the data used for training, validating, and testing a machine learning model. The bulk of your data will be training data: the data fed to your model during the training process. Validation data is data that is held out from your training set and used to evaluate how the model is performing after each training epoch (or pass through the training data). The performance of the model on the validation data is used to decide when to stop the training run, and to choose hyperparameters, such as the number of trees in a random forest model. Test data is data that is not used in the training process at all and is used to evaluate how the trained model performs. Performance reports of the machine learning model must be computed on the independent test data, rather than the training or validation tests. It’s also important that the data be split in such a way that all three datasets (training, test, validation) have similar statistical properties.

The data you use to train your model can take many forms depending on the model type. We define structured data as numerical and categorical data. Numerical data includes integer and float values, and categorical data includes data that can be divided into a finite set of groups, like type of car or education level. You can also think of structured data as data you would commonly find in a spreadsheet. Throughout the book, we’ll use the term tabular data interchangeably with structured data. Unstructured data, on the other hand, includes data that cannot be represented as neatly. This typically includes free-form text, images, video, and audio.

Numeric data can often be fed directly to a machine learning model, where other data requires various data preprocessing before it’s ready to be sent to a model. This preprocessing step typically includes scaling numerical values, or converting nonnumerical data into a numerical format that can be understood by your model. Another term for preprocessing is feature engineering. We’ll use these two terms interchangeably throughout the book.

There are various terms used to describe data as it goes through the feature engineering process. Input describes a single column in your dataset before it has been processed, and feature describes a single column after it has been processed. For example, a timestamp could be your input, and the feature would be day of the week. To convert the data from timestamp to day of the week, you’ll need to do some data preprocessing. This preprocessing step can also be referred to as data transformation.

An instance is an item you’d like to send to your model for prediction. An instance could be a row in your test dataset (without the label column), an image you want to classify, or a text document to send to a sentiment analysis model. Given a set of features about the instance, the model will calculate a predicted value. In order to do that, the model is trained on training examples, which associate an instance with a label. A training example refers to a single instance (row) of data from your dataset that will be fed to your model. Building on the timestamp use case, a full training example might include: “day of week,” “city,” and “type of car.” A label is the output column in your dataset—the item your model is predicting. Label can refer both to the target column in your dataset (also called a ground truth label) and the output given by your model (also called a prediction). A sample label for the training example outlined above could be “trip duration”—in this case, a float value denoting minutes.

Once you’ve assembled your dataset and determined the features for your model, data validation is the process of computing statistics on your data, understanding your schema, and evaluating the dataset to identify problems like drift and training-serving skew. Evaluating various statistics on your data can help you ensure the dataset contains a balanced representation of each feature. In cases where it’s not possible to collect more data, understanding data balance will help you design your model to account for this. Understanding your schema involves defining the data type for each feature and identifying training examples where certain values may be incorrect or missing. Finally, data validation can identify inconsistencies that may affect the quality of your training and test sets. For example, maybe the majority of your training dataset contains weekday examples while your test set contains primarily weekend examples.

The Machine Learning Process

The first step in a typical machine learning workflow is training—the process of passing training data to a model so that it can learn to identify patterns. After training, the next step in the process is testing how your model performs on data outside of your training set. This is known as model evaluation. You might run training and evaluation multiple times, performing additional feature engineering and tweaking your model architecture. Once you are happy with your model’s performance during evaluation, you’ll likely want to serve your model so that others can access it to make predictions. We use the term serving to refer to accepting incoming requests and sending back predictions by deploying the model as a microservice. The serving infrastructure could be in the cloud, on-premises, or on-device.

The process of sending new data to your model and making use of its output is called prediction. This can refer both to generating predictions from local models that have not yet been deployed as well as getting predictions from deployed models. For deployed models, we’ll refer both to online and batch prediction. Online prediction is used when you want to get predictions on a few examples in near real time. With online prediction, the emphasis is on low latency. Batch prediction, on the other hand, refers to generating predictions on a large set of data offline. Batch prediction jobs take longer than online prediction and are useful for precomputing predictions (such as in recommendation systems) and in analyzing your model’s predictions across a large sample of new data.

The word prediction is apt when it comes to forecasting future values, such as in predicting the duration of a bicycle ride or predicting whether a shopping cart will be abandoned. It is less intuitive in the case of image and text classification models. If an ML model looks at a text review and outputs that the sentiment is positive, it’s not really a “prediction” (there is no future outcome). Hence, you will also see word inference being used to refer to predictions. The statistical term inference is being repurposed here, but it’s not really about reasoning.

Often, the processes of collecting training data, feature engineering, training, and evaluating your model are handled separately from the production pipeline. When this is the case, you’ll reevaluate your solution whenever you decide you have enough additional data to train a new version of your model. In other situations, you may have new data being ingested continuously and need to process this data immediately before sending it to your model for training or prediction. This is known as streaming. To handle streaming data, you’ll need a multistep solution for performing feature engineering, training, evaluation, and predictions. Such multistep solutions are called ML pipelines.

Data and Model Tooling

There are various Google Cloud products we’ll be referencing that provide tooling for solving data and machine learning problems. These products are merely one option for implementing the design patterns referenced in this book and are not meant to be an exhaustive list. All of the products included here are serverless, allowing us to focus more on implementing machine learning design patterns instead of the infrastructure behind them.

BigQuery is an enterprise data warehouse designed for analyzing large datasets quickly with SQL. We’ll use BigQuery in our examples for data collection and feature engineering. Data in BigQuery is organized by Datasets, and a Dataset can have multiple Tables. Many of our examples will use data from Google Cloud Public Datasets, a set of free, publicly available data hosted in BigQuery. Google Cloud Public Datasets consists of hundreds of different datasets, including NOAA weather data since 1929, Stack Overflow questions and answers, open source code from GitHub, natality data, and more. To build some of the models in our examples, we’ll use BigQuery Machine Learning (or BigQuery ML). BigQuery ML is a tool for building models from data stored in BigQuery. With BigQuery ML, we can train, evaluate, and generate predictions on our models using SQL. It supports classification and regression models, along with unsupervised clustering models. It’s also possible to import previously trained TensorFlow models to BigQuery ML for prediction.

Cloud AI Platform includes a variety of products for training and serving custom machine learning models on Google Cloud. In our examples, we’ll be using AI Platform Training and AI Platform Prediction. AI Platform Training provides infrastructure for training machine learning models on Google Cloud. With AI Platform Prediction, you can deploy your trained models and generate predictions on them using an API. Both services support TensorFlow, scikit-Learn, and XGBoost models, along with custom containers for models built with other frameworks. We’ll also reference Explainable AI, a tool for interpreting the results of your model’s predictions, available for models deployed to AI Platform.


Within an organization, there are many different job roles relating to data and machine learning. Below we’ll define a few common ones referenced frequently throughout the book. This book is targeted primarily at data scientists, data engineers, and ML engineers, so let’s start with those.

A data scientist is someone focused on collecting, interpreting, and processing datasets. They run statistical and exploratory analysis on data. As it relates to machine learning, a data scientist may work on data collection, feature engineering, model building, and more. Data scientists often work in Python or R in a notebook environment, and are usually the first to build out an organization’s machine learning models.

A data engineer is focused on the infrastructure and workflows powering an organization’s data. They might help manage how a company ingests data, data pipelines, and how data is stored and transferred. Data engineers implement infrastructure and pipelines around data.

Machine learning engineers do similar tasks to data engineers, but for ML models. They take models developed by data scientists, and manage the infrastructure and operations around training and deploying those models. ML engineers help build production systems to handle updating models, model versioning, and serving predictions to end users.

The smaller the data science team at a company and the more agile the team is, the more likely it is that the same person plays multiple roles. If you are in such a situation, it is very likely that you read the above three descriptions and saw yourself partially in all three categories. You might commonly start out a machine learning project as a data engineer and build data pipelines to operationalize the ingest of data. Then, you transition to the data scientist role and build the ML model(s). Finally, you put on the ML engineer hat and move the model to production. In larger organizations, machine learning projects may move through the same phases, but different teams might be involved in each phase.

Research scientists, data analysts, and developers may also build and use AI models, but these job roles are not a focus audience for this book.

Research scientists focus primarily on finding and developing new algorithms to advance the discipline of ML. This could include a variety of subfields within machine learning, like model architectures, natural language processing, computer vision, hyperparameter tuning, model interpretability, and more. Unlike the other roles discussed here, research scientists spend most of their time prototyping and evaluating new approaches to ML, rather than building out production ML systems.

Data analysts evaluate and gather insights from data, then summarize these insights for other teams within their organization. They tend to work in SQL and spreadsheets, and use business intelligence tools to create data visualizations to share their findings. Data analysts work closely with product teams to understand how their insights can help address business problems and create value. While data analysts focus on identifying trends in existing data and deriving insights from it, data scientists are concerned with using that data to generate future predictions and in automating or scaling out the generation of insights. With the increasing democratization of machine learning, data analysts can upskill themselves to become data scientists.

Developers are in charge of building production systems that enable end users to access ML models. They are often involved in designing the APIs that query models and return predictions in a user-friendly format via a web or mobile application. This could involve models hosted in the cloud, or models served on-device. Developers utilize the model serving infrastructure implemented by ML Engineers to build applications and user interfaces for surfacing predictions to model users.

Figure 1-2 illustrates how these different roles work together throughout an organization’s machine learning model development process.

There are many different job roles relating to data and machine learning, and these roles collaborate on the ML workflow, from data ingestion to model serving and the end user interface. For example, the data engineer works on data ingestion and data validation and collaborates closely with data scientists.
Figure 1-2. There are many different job roles related to data and machine learning, and these roles collaborate on the ML workflow, from data ingestion to model serving and the end user interface. For example, the data engineer works on data ingestion and data validation and collaborates closely with data scientists.

Common Challenges in Machine Learning

Why do we need a book about machine learning design patterns? The process of building out ML systems presents a variety of unique challenges that influence ML design. Understanding these challenges will help you, an ML practitioner, develop a frame of reference for the solutions introduced throughout the book.

Data Quality

Machine learning models are only as reliable as the data used to train them. If you train a machine learning model on an incomplete dataset, on data with poorly selected features, or on data that doesn’t accurately represent the population using the model, your model’s predictions will be a direct reflection of that data. As a result, machine learning models are often referred to as “garbage in, garbage out.” Here we’ll highlight four important components of data quality: accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness.

Data accuracy refers to both your training data’s features and the ground truth labels corresponding with those features. Understanding where your data came from and any potential errors in the data collection process can help ensure feature accuracy. After your data has been collected, it’s important to do a thorough analysis to screen for typos, duplicate entries, measurement inconsistencies in tabular data, missing features, and any other errors that may affect data quality. Duplicates in your training dataset, for example, can cause your model to incorrectly assign more weight to these data points.

Accurate data labels are just as important as feature accuracy. Your model relies solely on the ground truth labels in your training data to update its weights and minimize loss. As a result, incorrectly labeled training examples can cause misleading model accuracy. For example, let’s say you’re building a sentiment analysis model and 25% of your “positive” training examples have been incorrectly labeled as “negative.” Your model will have an inaccurate picture of what should be considered negative sentiment, and this will be directly reflected in its predictions.

To understand data completeness, let’s say you’re training a model to identify cat breeds. You train the model on an extensive dataset of cat images, and the resulting model is able to classify images into 1 of 10 possible categories (“Bengal,” “Siamese,” and so forth) with 99% accuracy. When you deploy your model to production, however, you find that in addition to uploading cat photos for classification, many of your users are uploading photos of dogs and are disappointed with the model’s results. Because the model was trained only to identify 10 different cat breeds, this is all it knows how to do. These 10 breed categories are, essentially, the model’s entire “world view.” No matter what you send the model, you can expect it to slot it into one of these 10 categories. It may even do so with high confidence for an image that looks nothing like a cat. Additionally, there’s no way your model will be able to return “not a cat” if this data and label weren’t included in the training dataset.

Another aspect of data completeness is ensuring your training data contains a varied representation of each label. In the cat breed detection example, if all of your images are close-ups of a cat’s face, your model won’t be able to correctly identify an image of a cat from the side, or a full-body cat image. To look at a tabular data example, if you are building a model to predict the price of real estate in a specific city but only include training examples of houses larger than 2,000 square feet, your resulting model will perform poorly on smaller houses.

The third aspect of data quality is data consistency. For large datasets, it’s common to divide the work of data collection and labeling among a group of people. Developing a set of standards for this process can help ensure consistency across your dataset, since each person involved in this will inevitably bring their own biases to the process. Like data completeness, data inconsistencies can be found in both data features and labels. For an example of inconsistent features, let’s say you’re collecting atmospheric data from temperature sensors. If each sensor has been calibrated to different standards, this will result in inaccurate and unreliable model predictions. Inconsistencies can also refer to data format. If you’re capturing location data, some people may write out a full street address as “Main Street” and others may abbreviate it as “Main St.” Measurement units, like miles and kilometers, can also differ around the world.

In regards to labeling inconsistencies, let’s return to the text sentiment example. In this case, it’s likely people will not always agree on what is considered positive and negative when labeling training data. To solve this, you can have multiple people labeling each example in your dataset, then take the most commonly applied label for each item. Being aware of potential labeler bias, and implementing systems to account for it, will ensure label consistency throughout your dataset. We’ll explore the concept of bias in the “Design Pattern 30: Fairness Lens” in Chapter 7.

Timeliness in data refers to the latency between when an event occurred and when it was added to your database. If you’re collecting data on application logs, for example, an error log might take a few hours to show up in your log database. For a dataset recording credit card transactions, it might take one day from when the transaction occurred before it is reported in your system. To deal with timeliness, it’s useful to record as much information as possible about a particular data point, and make sure that information is reflected when you transform your data into features for a machine learning model. More specifically, you can keep track of the timestamp of when an event occurred and when it was added to your dataset. Then, when performing feature engineering, you can account for these differences accordingly.


In traditional programming, the output of a program is reproducible and guaranteed. For example, if you write a Python program that reverses a string, you know that an input of the word “banana” will always return an output of “ananab.” Similarly, if there’s a bug in your program causing it to incorrectly reverse strings containing numbers, you could send the program to a colleague and expect them to be able to reproduce the error with the same inputs you used (unless the bug has something to do with the program maintaining some incorrect internal state, differences in architecture such as floating point precision, or differences in execution such as threading).

Machine learning models, on the other hand, have an inherent element of randomness. When training, ML model weights are initialized with random values. These weights then converge during training as the model iterates and learns from the data. Because of this, the same model code given the same training data will produce slightly different results across training runs. This introduces a challenge of reproducibility. If you train a model to 98.1% accuracy, a repeated training run is not guaranteed to reach the same result. This can make it difficult to run comparisons across experiments.

In order to address this problem of repeatability, it’s common to set the random seed value used by your model to ensure that the same randomness will be applied each time you run training. In TensorFlow, you can do this by running tf.random.set_seed(value) at the beginning of your program.

Additionally, in scikit-learn, many utility functions for shuffling your data also allow you to set a random seed value:

from sklearn.utils import shuffle
data = shuffle(data, random_state=value)

Keep in mind that you’ll need to use the same data and the same random seed when training your model to ensure repeatable, reproducible results across different experiments.

Training an ML model involves several artifacts that need to be fixed in order to ensure reproducibility: the data used, the splitting mechanism used to generate datasets for training and validation, data preparation and model hyperparameters, and variables like the batch size and learning rate schedule.

Reproducibility also applies to machine learning framework dependencies. In addition to manually setting a random seed, frameworks also implement elements of randomness internally that are executed when you call a function to train your model. If this underlying implementation changes between different framework versions, repeatability is not guaranteed. As a concrete example, if one version of a framework’s train() method makes 13 calls to rand(), and a newer version of the same framework makes 14 calls, using different versions between experiments will cause slightly different results, even with the same data and model code. Running ML workloads in containers and standardizing library versions can help ensure repeatability. Chapter 6 introduces a series of patterns for making ML processes reproducible.

Finally, reproducibility can refer to a model’s training environment. Often, due to large datasets and complexity, many models take a significant amount of time to train. This can be accelerated by employing distribution strategies like data or model parallelism (see Chapter 5). With this acceleration, however, comes an added challenge of repeatability when you rerun code that makes use of distributed training.

Data Drift

While machine learning models typically represent a static relationship between inputs and outputs, data can change significantly over time. Data drift refers to the challenge of ensuring your machine learning models stay relevant, and that model predictions are an accurate reflection of the environment in which they’re being used.

For example, let’s say you’re training a model to classify news article headlines into categories like “politics,” “business,” and “technology.” If you train and evaluate your model on historical news articles from the 20th century, it likely won’t perform as well on current data. Today, we know that an article with the word “smartphone” in the headline is probably about technology. However, a model trained on historical data would have no knowledge of this word. To solve for drift, it’s important to continually update your training dataset, retrain your model, and modify the weight your model assigns to particular groups of input data.

To see a less-obvious example of drift, look at the NOAA dataset of severe storms in BigQuery. If we were training a model to predict the likelihood of a storm in a given area, we would need to take into account the way weather reporting has changed over time. We can see in Figure 1-3 that the total number of severe storms recorded has been steadily increasing since 1950.

Number of severe storms reported in a year, as recorded by NOAA from 1950 to 2011.
Figure 1-3. Number of severe storms reported in a year, as recorded by NOAA from 1950 to 2011.

From this trend, we can see that training a model on data before 2000 to generate predictions on storms today would lead to inaccurate predictions. In addition to the total number of reported storms increasing, it’s also important to consider other factors that may have influenced the data in Figure 1-3. For example, the technology for observing storms has improved over time, most dramatically with the introduction of weather radars in the 1990s. In the context of features, this may mean that newer data contains more information about each storm, and that a feature available in today’s data may not have been observed in 1950. Exploratory data analysis can help identify this type of drift and can inform the correct window of data to use for training. Section , “Design Pattern 23: Bridged Schema” provides a way to handle datasets in which the availability of features improves over time.


The challenge of scaling is present throughout many stages of a typical machine learning workflow. You’ll likely encounter scaling challenges in data collection and preprocessing, training, and serving. When ingesting and preparing data for a machine learning model, the size of the dataset will dictate the tooling required for your solution. It is often the job of data engineers to build out data pipelines that can scale to handle datasets with millions of rows.

For model training, ML engineers are responsible for determining the necessary infrastructure for a specific training job. Depending on the type and size of the dataset, model training can be time consuming and computationally expensive, requiring infrastructure (like GPUs) designed specifically for ML workloads. Image models, for instance, typically require much more training infrastructure than models trained entirely on tabular data.

In the context of model serving, the infrastructure required to support a team of data scientists getting predictions from a model prototype is entirely different from the infrastructure necessary to support a production model getting millions of prediction requests every hour. Developers and ML engineers are typically responsible for handling the scaling challenges associated with model deployment and serving prediction requests.

Most of the ML patterns in this book are useful without regard to organizational maturity. However, several of the patterns in Chapters 6 and 7 address resilience and reproducibility challenges in different ways, and the choice between them will often come down to the use case and the ability of your organization to absorb complexity.

Multiple Objectives

Though there is often a single team responsible for building a machine learning model, many teams across an organization will make use of the model in some way. Inevitably, these teams may have different ideas of what defines a successful model.

To understand how this may play out in practice, let’s say you’re building a model to identify defective products from images. As a data scientist, your goal may be to minimize your model’s cross-entropy loss. The product manager, on the other hand, may want to reduce the number of defective products that are misclassified and sent to customers. Finally, the executive team’s goal might be to increase revenue by 30%. Each of these goals vary in what they are optimizing for, and balancing these differing needs within an organization can present a challenge.

As a data scientist, you could translate the product team’s needs into the context of your model by saying false negatives are five times more costly than false positives. Therefore, you should optimize for recall over precision to satisfy this when designing your model. You can then find a balance between the product team’s goal of optimizing for precision and your goal of minimizing the model’s loss.

When defining the goals for your model, it’s important to consider the needs of different teams across an organization, and how each team’s needs relate back to the model. By analyzing what each team is optimizing for before building out your solution, you can find areas of compromise in order to optimally balance these multiple objectives.


Design patterns are a way to codify the knowledge and experience of experts into advice that all practitioners can follow. The design patterns in this book capture best practices and solutions to commonly occurring problems in designing, building, and deploying machine learning systems. The common challenges in machine learning tend to revolve around data quality, reproducibility, data drift, scale, and having to satisfy multiple objectives.

We tend to use different ML design patterns at different stages of the ML life cycle. There are patterns that are useful in problem framing and assessing feasibility. The majority of patterns address either development or deployment, and quite a few patterns address the interplay between these stages.

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