In Chapter 3 we discussed in detail the concept of binary classification—that is, placing items into one of two types or classes. In many cases, we will be satisfied with an approach that can make such a distinction. But what if the items in one class are not created equally and we want to rank the items within a class? In short, what if we want to say that one email is the most spammy and another is the second most spammy, or we want to distinguish among them in some other meaningful way? Suppose we not only wanted to filter spam from our email, but we also wanted to place “more important” messages at the top of the queue. This is a very common problem in machine learning, and it will be the focus of this chapter.
Generating rules for ranking a list of items is an increasingly common task in machine learning, yet you may not have thought of it in these terms. More likely, you have heard of something like a recommendation system, which implicitly produces a ranking of products. Even if you have not heard of a recommendation system, it’s almost certain that you have used or interacted with a recommendation system at some point. Some of the most successful ecommerce websites have benefited from leveraging data on their users to generate recommendations for other products their users might be interested in.
For example, if you have ever shopped at, then you have interacted with a recommendation system. The problem Amazon faces is simple: what items in their inventory are you most likely to buy? The implication of that statement is that the items in Amazon’s inventory have an ordering specific to each user. Likewise, has a massive library of DVDs available to its customers to rent. In order for those customers to get the most out of the site, Netflix employs a sophisticated recommendation system to present people with rental suggestions.
For both companies, these recommendations are based on two kinds of data. First, there is the data pertaining to the inventory itself. For Amazon, if the product is a television, this data might contain the type (e.g., plasma, LCD, LED), manufacturer, price, and so on. For Netflix, this data might be the genre of a film, its cast, director, running time, etc. Second, there is the data related to the browsing and purchasing behavior of the customers. This sort of data can help Amazon understand what accessories most people look for when shopping for a new plasma TV and can help Netflix understand which romantic comedies George A. Romero fans most often rent. For both types of data, the features are well identified. That is, we know the labels for categorical data such as product type or movie genre; likewise, user-generated data is well structured in the form of purchase/rental records and explicit ratings.
Because we usually have explicit examples of the outputs of interest when doing ranking, this is a type of machine learning problem that is often called supervised learning. This is in contrast to unsupervised learning, where there are no pre-existing examples of the outputs when we start working with the data. To better understand the difference, think of supervised learning as a process of learning through instruction. For example, if you want to teach someone how to bake a cherry pie, you might hand him a recipe and then let him taste the pie that results. After seeing how the result tastes, he might decide to adjust the ingredients a bit. Having a record of the ingredients he has used (i.e., the inputs) and the taste of the result (i.e., the output) means that he can analyze the contributions of each ingredient and try to find the perfect cherry pie recipe.
Alternatively, if you only knew that dishes with refried beans tend to also come with tortillas, whereas dishes with baked cherries tend to come with dough, you might be able to group other ingredients into classes that would ultimately resemble the sorts of things you’d use to make Mexican food versus the sorts of things you’d use to make American desserts. Indeed, a common form of unsupervised learning is clustering, where we want to assign items to a fixed number of groups based on commonalities or differences.
If you have already read and worked through the exercise in Chapter 3, then you have already solved a supervised learning problem. For spam classification, we knew the terms associated with spam and ham messages, and we trained our classifier using that recipe. That was a very simple problem, and so we were able to obtain relatively good classification results using a feature set with only a single element: email message terms. For ranking, however, we need to assign a unique weight to each item to stratify them in a finer way.
So in the next section we will begin to address the question proposed in the title of this section: how do you sort something when you don’t already know its order? As you may have guessed, to do this in the context of ordering emails by their importance, we will have to reword the question in terms of the features available to us in the email data and how those features relate to an email’s priority.
What makes an email important? To begin to answer this, let’s first step back and think about what email is. First, it is a transaction-based medium. People send and receive messages over time. As such, in order to determine the importance of an email, we need to focus on the transactions themselves. Unlike the spam classification task, where we could use static information from all emails to determine their type, to rank emails by importance we must focus on the dynamics of the in- and out-bound transactions. Specifically, we want to make a determination as to the likelihood a person will interact with a new email once it has been received. Put differently, given the set of features we have chosen to study, how likely is the reader to perform an action on this email in the immediate future?
The critical new dimension that this problem incorporates is time. In a transaction-based context, in order to rank things by importance, we need to have some concept of time. A natural way to use time to determine the importance of an email is to measure how long it takes a user to perform some action on an email. The shorter the average time it takes a user to perform some action on an email, given its set of features, the more important emails of that type may be.
The implicit assumption in this model is that more important emails will be acted on sooner than less important emails. Intuitively, this makes sense. All of us have stared at the queue in our inbox and filtered through emails that needed an immediate response versus those that could wait. The filtering that we do naturally is what we will attempt to teach our algorithm to do in the following sections. Before we can begin, however, we must determine which features in email messages are good proxy measures for priority.
If you use Google’s Gmail service for your email, you will know that the idea of a “priority inbox” was first popularized by Google in 2010. Of course, it was this problem that inspired the case study on ranking for this chapter, so it will be useful to revisit the approach that Google took in implementing their ranking algorithm as we move toward designing our own. Fortunately, several months after the priority inbox feature was released by Google, they published a paper entitled “The Learning Behind Gmail Priority Inbox,” which describes their strategy for designing the supervised learning approach and how to implement it at scale DA10. For the purposes of this chapter, we are interested only in the former, but we highly recommend the paper as a supplement to what we discuss here. And at four pages in length, it is well worth the time commitment.
As we mentioned, measuring time is critical, and in Google’s case they have the luxury of a long and detailed history of users’ interactions with email. Specifically, Google’s priority inbox attempts to predict the probability that a user will perform some action on an email within a fixed number of seconds from its delivery. The set of actions a user can perform in Gmail is large: reading, replying, labeling, etc. Also, delivery is not explicitly the time at which an email is received by the server, but the time at which it is delivered to the user—i.e., when she checks her email.
As with spam classification, this is a relatively simple problem to state: what is the probability that a user will perform some actions, within our set of possible actions, between some minimum and maximum numbers of seconds, given a set of features for that email and the knowledge that the user has recently checked his email?
Within the universe of possible email features, which did Google decide to focus on? As you might expect, they incorporated a very large number. As the authors of the paper note, unlike spam classification—which nearly all users will code the same way—everyone has a different way of ordering the priority of email. Given this variability in how users may evaluate the feature set, Google’s approach needed to incorporate multiple features. To begin designing the algorithm, Google engineers explored various different types of email features, which they describe as follows:
There are many hundred features falling into a few categories. Social features are based on the degree of interaction between sender and recipient, e.g. the percentage of a sender’s mail that is read by the recipient. Content features attempt to identify headers and recent terms that are highly correlated with the recipient acting (or not) on the mail, e.g. the presence of a recent term in the subject. Recent user terms are discovered as a pre-processing step prior to learning. Thread features note the user’s interaction with the thread so far, e.g. if a user began a thread. Label features examine the labels that the user applies to mail using filters. We calculate feature values during ranking and we temporarily store those values for later learning. Continuous features are automatically partitioned into binary features using a simple ID3 style algorithm on the histogram of the feature values.
As we mentioned, Google has a long history of its users’ interactions with Gmail, which affords them a rich perspective into what actions users perform on emails and when. Unfortunately, such detailed email logs are not available to us in this exercise. Instead, we will again use the SpamAssassin public corpus, available for free download at
Though this data set was distributed as a means of testing spam classification algorithms, it also contains a convenient timeline of a single user’s email. Given this single thread, we can repurpose the data set to design and test a priority email ranking system. Also, we will focus only on the ham emails from this data set, so we know that all of the messages we will examine are those that the user would want in her inbox.
Before we can proceed, however, we must consider how our data differs from that of a full-detail email log—such as Google’s—and how that affects the features we will be able to use in our algorithm. Let’s begin by going through each of the four categories proposed by Google and determining how they might fit into the data we are using.
The most critical difference between a full-detail email log and what we will be working with is that we can only see the messages received. This means that we will be effectively “flying half-blind,” as we have no data on when and how a user responded to emails, or if the user was the originator of a thread. This is a significant limitation, and therefore the methods and algorithms used in this chapter should be considered as exercises only and not examples of how enterprise priority inbox systems should be implemented. What we hope to accomplish is to show how, even with this limitation, we can use the data we have to create proxy measures for email importance and still design a relatively good ranking system.
Given that email is a transaction-based medium, it follows that social features will be paramount in assessing the importance of an email. In our case, however, we can see only one half of that transaction. In the full-detail case, we would want to measure the volume of interactions between the user and various email senders in order to determine which senders receive more immediate actions from the user. With our data, however, we can measure only incoming volume. So we can assume that this one-way volume is a good proxy for the type of social features we are attempting to extract from the data.
Clearly this is not ideal. Recall, however, that for this exercise we will be using only the ham messages from the SpamAssassin public corpus. If one receives a large volume of ham email messages from a certain address, then it may be that the user has a strong social connection to the sender. Alternatively, it may be the case that the user is signed up to a mailing list with a high volume and would prefer that these emails not receive a high priority. This is exactly the reason why we must incorporate other features to balance these types of information when developing our ranking system.
One problem with looking only at the volume of messages from a given address is that the temporal component is protracted. Because our data set is static compared to a fully detailed email log, we must partition the data into temporal segments and measure volume over these periods to get a better understanding of the temporal dynamics.
As we will discuss in detail later, for this exercise we will simply order all of the messages chronologically, then split the set in half. The first half will be used to train the ranking algorithm, and the second half will be used to test. As such, message volume from each email address over the entire time period covered by the training data will be used to train our ranker’s social feature.
Given the nature of our data, this may be a good start, but we will need to achieve a deeper understanding if we hope to rank messages more accurately. One way to partition the data to gain a more granular view of these dynamics is to identify conversation threads and then measure the intra-thread activity. (To identify threads, we can borrow techniques used by other email clients and match message subjects with key thread terms, such as “RE:”.) Although we do not know what actions the user is taking on a thread, the assumption here is that if it is very active, then it is likely to be more important than less active threads. By compressing the temporal partitions into these small pieces, we can get a much more accurate proxy for the thread features we need to model email priority.
Next, there are many content features we could extract from the emails to add to our feature set. In this case, we will continue to keep things relatively simple by extending the text-mining techniques we used in Chapter 3 to this context. Specifically, if there are common terms in the subjects and bodies of emails received by a user, then future emails that contain these terms in the subject and body may be more important than those that do not. This is actually a common technique, and it is mentioned briefly in the description of Google’s priority inbox. By adding content features based on terms for both the email subject and body, we will encounter an interesting problem of weighting. Typically, there are considerably fewer terms in an email’s subject than the body; therefore, we should not weight the relative importance of common terms in these two features equally.
Finally, there are also many features used in enterprise distributed priority inbox implementations—like Gmail’s—that are simply unavailable to us in this exercise. We have already mentioned that we are blind to much of the social feature set, and therefore must use proxies to measure these interactions. Furthermore, there are many user actions that we do not even have the ability to approximate. For example, user actions such as labeling or moving email messages are completely hidden from our view. In the Google priority inbox implementation, these actions form a large portion of the action set, but they are completely missing here. Again, although this is a weakness to the approach described here when compared to those that use full-detail email logs, because they are not available in this case, the fact that they are missing will not affect our results.
We now have a basic blueprint for the feature set we will use to create our email ranking system. We begin by ordering the messages chronologically because in this case much of what we are interested in predicting is contained in the temporal dimension. The first half of these messages are used to train our ranker. Next, we have four features we will use during training. The first is a proxy for the social feature, which measures the volume of messages from a given user in the training data. Next, we attempt to compress the temporal measurements by looking for threads and ranking active threads higher than inactive ones. Finally, we add two content features based on frequent terms in email subjects and message bodies. Figure 4-1 is an illustration of how these features are extracted from an email.
In the next section, we will implement the priority inbox approach we just described. Using the features listed here, we will specify a weighting scheme that attempts to quickly push more important messages to the top of the stack. As before, however, our first steps will be to take the raw email data and extract the relevant pieces to fit into our feature set.
By now you will have noticed a trend: before we can get to the
sexy parts of machine learning, we need to get our hands dirty hacking
at the data to split, pull, and parse it until it’s in a shape fit for
our analysis. So far, we have had to suffer only slightly during this
process. To build the spam classifier, we simply had to extract the
email message body, and then we let the tm
package do all of the heavy lifting. For
this exercise, however, we are adding several other features to our data
set and complicating the process by adding a temporal dimension as well.
As such, we will have to operate on the data considerably more. But we
are hackers, and getting dirty with data is what we like!
For this exercise, we will be focusing on only the ham email messages from the SpamAssassin public corpus. Unlike the spam classification exercise, here we are not concerned with the type of email, but rather with how each should be ranked in terms of priority. Therefore, we will use the largest easy ham data set and won’t worry about including other types of emails. Because we may safely assume a user would not distinguish among emails in this way when determining which emails have a higher priority, there is no reason to carry this information into our ranking system.[8] Instead, we want to be able to learn as much about our features sets from a single user’s emails, which is why we will use the emails in the first easy ham data set.
library(tm) library(ggplot2) data.path <- "../../03-Classification/code/data/" easyham.path <- paste(data.path, "easy_ham/", sep="")
Similarly to Chapter 3, the
only R packages we will be using in this exercise are tm
, for extracting common terms from the
emails subjects and bodies, and ggplot2
, for visualizing the the results.
Also, because the the SpamAssassin public corpus is a relatively large
text data set, we will not duplicate it in the data/ folder for this chapter. Instead, we will
set the relative path for the data back to its location in the Chapter 3 files.
Next, we will create a series of functions that will work together to parse each email into the feature set illustrated in Example 4-1. From this diagram we know that we need to extract four elements from each email message: the sender’s address, date received, subject, and message body.
Recall that in Chapter 2 we introduced the idea of data as rectangles. For this exercise, therefore, the task of constructing the training data is one of “rectangularization.” We need to shape the email data set to fit into a usable feature set. The features we extract from the emails will be the columns of our training data, and each row will be the unique values from a single email filling in the rectangle. Conceptualizing data this way is very useful, as we need to take the semi-structured text data in the email messages and turn them into a highly structured training data set that we can use to rank future emails. <- function(path) { full.msg <- msg.full(path) date <- from <- get.from(full.msg) subj <- get.subject(full.msg) msg <- get.msg(full.msg) return(c(date, from, subj, msg, path)) }
To explore this process, we will work backward and begin by
examining the
This will call a series of helper functions that extract the
appropriate data from each message and then order these elements into
a single vector. The vector created by the command c(date, from, subj, msg, path)
the single row of data that will populate our training data. The
process of turning each email message into these vectors, however,
requires some classic text hacking.
We include the path string as the final column because it will make ordering the data easier during the testing phase.
msg.full <- function(path) { con <- file(path, open="rt", encoding="latin1") msg <- readLines(con) close(con) return(msg) }
If you worked through the exercise in Chapter 3, this msg.full
function will look very familiar.
Here we are simply opening a connection file path and reading the
file’s contents into a character vector. The readLines
will produce a vector whose elements are each line in the file. Unlike
in Chapter 3, here we do not
preprocess the data at this step, because we need to extract various
elements from the messages. Instead, we will return the entire email
as a character vector and write separate functions to work on this
vector to extract the necessary data.
With the message vector in hand, we must begin to fight our way through the data in order to extract as much usable information as possible from the email messages—and organize them in a uniform way—to build our training data. We will begin with the relatively easy task of extracting the sender’s address. To do this—and all of the data extraction in this section—we need to identify the text patterns in the email messages that identify the data we are looking for. To do so, let’s take a look at a few email messages.
Example 4-1. Examples of emails “From” text pattern variations
Email #1
X-Sender: (Unverified)
Message-Id: <p05100300ba138e802c7d@[]>
To: Yahoogroups Forteana <>
From: Joe McNally <>
X-Yahoo-Profile: wolf_solent23
MIME-Version: 1.0
Mailing-List: list; contact
Email #2
Delivery-Date: Fri Sep 6 17:27:57 2002
From: (Paul Svensson)
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 12:27:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Spambayes] Corpus Collection (Was: Re: Deployment)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
After exploring a few email messages, we can observe key
patterns in the text that identify the sender’s email address. Example 4-1 shows two
excerpts from emails that highlight these patterns. First, we need to
identify the line in each message that contains the email address.
From the examples, we can see that this line
always has the term “From: ”, which again is
specified by the email protocol mentioned in Chapter 2. So, we will use this information to
search the character vector for each email to identify the correct
element. As we can see from Example 4-1, however,
there is variation among emails in how the email address is written.
This line always contains the name of the sender and the sender’s
email address, but sometimes the address is encapsulated in angled
brackets (Email #1) whereas in others it is not enclosed in brackets
(Email #2). For that reason, we will write a get.from
function that uses regular
expressions to extract the data for this feature.
get.from <- function(msg.vec) { from <- msg.vec[grepl("From: ", msg.vec)] from <- strsplit(from, '[":<> ]')[[1]] from <- from[which(from !="" & from !=" ")] return(from[grepl("@", from)][1]) }
As we have already seen, R has many powerful functions for
working with regular expressions. The grepl
function works
just like a regular grep
for matching regular expression patterns, but the “l” stands for
logical. So, rather than returning vector
indices, it will return a vector of the same length as msg.vec
with Boolean values indicating where
the pattern was matched in the character vector. After the first line
in this function, the from
is a character vector with a single element: the “From :” lines
highlighted in Example 4-1.
Now that we have the correct line, we need to extract the
address itself. To do this, we will use the strsplit
function, which will split a
character element into a list by a given regular expression pattern.
In order to properly extract the addresses, we need to account for the
variation in the text patterns observed in Example 4-1. To do so,
we create a set of characters for our pattern by using the square
brackets. Here, the characters we want to split the text by are
colons, angle brackets, and an empty character. This pattern will
always put the address as the first element in the list, so we can
pull that from the list with [[1]]
Because of the variation in the pattern, however, it will also add
empty elements to this vector. In order to return only the email
address itself, we will ignore those empty elements, then look for the
remaining element containing the “@” symbol and return that. We now
have parsed one-fourth of the data needed to generate our training
get.msg <- function(msg.vec) { msg <- msg.vec[seq(which(msg.vec == "")[1] + 1, length(msg.vec), 1)] return(paste(msg, collapse="\n")) }
Extracting the next two features, the message subject and body,
is relatively simple. In Chapter 3, we needed to extract the
message body in order to quantify the terms in spam and ham email
messages. The get.msg
therefore, simply replicates the pattern we used to perform the same
task here. Recall that the message body always appears after the first
empty line break in the email. So, we simply look for the first empty
element in msg.vec
and return all
of the elements after that. To simplify the text mining process, we
collapse these vectors into a single character vector with the
function and return
get.subject <- function(msg.vec) { subj <- msg.vec[grepl("Subject: ", msg.vec)] if(length(subj) > 0) { return(strsplit(subj, "Subject: ")[[1]][2]) } else { return("") } }
Extracting the email’s subject is akin to extracting the
sender’s address, but is actually a bit simpler. With the get.subject
function, we will again use the grepl
function to look for the “Subject: ”
pattern in each email to find the line in the message that contains
the subject. There is a catch, however: as it turns out, not every
message in the data set actually has a subject. As such, the pattern
matching we are using will blow up on these edge cases. In order to
guard against this, we will simply test to see whether our call to
has actually returned
anything. To test this, we check that the length
of subj
is greater than zero. If it is, we
split the line based on our pattern and return the second element. If
not, we return an empty character. By default in R, when matching
functions such as grepl
do not make
a match, special values such as integer(0)
or character(0)
will be returned. These values have a zero length, so this
type of check is always a good idea when running a function over a lot
of messy data.
In the code/data/hard_ham/ folder in the files for Chapter 3, see file 00175.* for a problematic email message. As is often the case when attempting to work a data set into your problem, you will run into edge cases like this. Getting through them will take some trial and error, as it did for us in this case. The important thing is to stay calm and dig deeper into the data to find the problem. You’re not doing it right if you do not stumble on your way to parsing a data set into a workable form!
We now have three-quarters of our features extracted, but it is the final element—the date and time the message was received—that will cause us to suffer the most. This field will be difficult to work with for two reasons. First, dealing with dates is almost always a painful prospect, as different programming languages often have slightly different ways of thinking about time, and in this case, R is no different. Eventually we will want to convert the date strings into POSIX date objects in order to sort the data chronologically. But to do this, we need a common character representation of the dates, which leads directly to the second reason for our suffering: there is considerable variation within the SpamAssassin public corpus in how the receival dates and times of messages are represented. Example 4-2 illustrates a few examples of this variation.
Example 4-2. Examples of email date and time received text pattern variation
Email #1
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 18:26:25 +0700
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:54:46 -0500
From: Chris Garrigues lt;cwg-dated-1030377287.06fa6d@DeepEddy.Comgt;
Message-ID: lt;1029945287.4797.TMDA@deepeddy.vircio.comgt;
Email #2
List-Unsubscribe: lt;;,
List-Archive: lt;;
X-Original-Date: 30 Aug 2002 08:50:38 -0500
Date: 30 Aug 2002 08:50:38 -0500
Email #3
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:36:32 GMT
Subject: [zzzzteana] Re: Bomb Ikea
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Email #4
Path: not-for-mail
From: Michael Hudson lt;mwh@python.netgt;
Date: 04 Dec 2002 11:49:23 +0000
Message-Id: lt;2madyyyyqa0s.fsf@starship.python.netgt;
As you can see, there are many things that we need to be cognizant of when extracting the date and time information from each email. The first thing to notice from the examples in Example 4-2 is that the data we want to extract is always identified by “Date: ”; however, there are many traps in using this pattern that we must be mindful of. As Email #1 from Example 4-2 illustrates, sometimes there will be multiple lines that match this pattern. Likewise, Email #2 shows that some lines may be partial matches, and in either case the data on these lines can be conflicting—as it is in Email #1. Next, we can observe even in these four examples that dates and times are not stored in a uniform way across all emails. In all emails, there are extraneous GMT offsets and other types of labeling information. Finally, the format for the date and time in Email #4 is totally different from the previous two.
All of this information will be critical in getting the data
into a uniform and workable form. For now, however, we need to focus
only on extracting the date and time information without the
extraneous offset information by defining a
function. Once we have all of the
date/time strings, we will need to deal with converting the
conflicting date/time formats to a uniform POSIX object, but this will
not be handled by the
function. <- function(msg.vec) { date.grep <- grepl("^Date: ", msg.vec) date.grepl <- which(date.grep == TRUE) date <- msg.vec[date.grep[1]] date <- strsplit(date, "\\+|\\-|: ")[[1]][2] date <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", date) return(strtrim(date, 25)) }
As we mentioned, many emails have multiple full or partial
matches to the “Date: ” pattern. Notice, however, from Emails #1 and
#2 in Example 4-2
that only one line from the email has “Date: ” at the start of the
string. In Email #1, there are several empty characters preceding this
pattern, and in Email #2 the pattern is partially matched to
“X-Original-Date: ”. We can force the regular expression to match only strings
that have “Date: ” at the start of the string by using the caret
operator with "^Date: "
. Now grepl
will return
only when that pattern starts
an element of the message vector.
Next, we want to return the first element in msg.vec
that matches this pattern. We may be
able to get away with simply returning the element in msg.vec
that matches our pattern in grepl
, but what if an email message contains
a line that begins “Date: ”? If this edge case were to occur, we know
the first element that matched our pattern will come from the
message’s header because header information always comes before the
message body. To prevent this problem, we always return the first
matching element.
Now we need to process this line of text in order to return a
string that can eventually be converted into a POSIX object in R.
We’ve already noted that there is extraneous information and that the
dates and times are not stored in a uniform format. To isolate the
date and time information, we will split the string by characters to
denote extraneous information. In this case, that will be a colon, a
plus sign, or a minus character. In most cases, this will leave us
with only the date and time information, plus some trailing empty
characters. The use of the gsub
function in the next line will substitute any leading or trailing
whitespace in the character string. Finally, to deal with the kind of
extraneous data we observe in Email #3 in Example 4-2,
we will simply trim off any characters after a 25-character limit. A
standard data/time string is 25 characters long, so we know that
anything over this is extraneous. <- dir(easyham.path) <-[which( != "cmds")] easyham.parse <- lapply(, function(p), p, sep=""))) ehparse.matrix <-, easyham.parse) allparse.df <- data.frame(ehparse.matrix, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) names(allparse.df) <- c("Date", "From.EMail", "Subject", "Message", "Path")
Congratulations! You have successfully suffered though
transforming this amorphous set of emails into a structured rectangle
suitable for training our ranking algorithm. Now all we have to do is
throw the switch. Similar to what we did in Chapter 3, we will create a vector
with all of the “easy ham” files, remove the extra “cmds” file from
the vector, and then use the lapply
function to apply the
function to each email file. Because we are pointing to files in the
data directory for the previous chapter, we also have to be sure to
concatenate the relative path to these files using the paste
function and our easyham.path
inside the lapply
Next, we need to convert the list of vectors returned by
into a matrix—i.e., our data
rectangle. As before, we will use the
function with rbind
to create the ehparse.matrix
object. We will then convert
this to a data frame of character vectors, and then set the column
names to c("Date", "From.EMail", "Subject",
"Message", "Path")
. To check the results, use head(allparse.df)
to inspect the first few
rows of the data frame. To conserve space, we will not reproduce this
here, but we recommend that you do.
Before we can proceed to creating a weighting scheme from this data, however, there is still some remaining housekeeping.
date.converter <- function(dates, pattern1, pattern2) { pattern1.convert <- strptime(dates, pattern1) pattern2.convert <- strptime(dates, pattern2) pattern1.convert[] <- pattern2.convert[] return(pattern1.convert) } pattern1 <- "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" pattern2 <- "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" allparse.df$Date <- date.converter(allparse.df$Date, pattern1, pattern2)
As we mentioned, our first trial with extracting the dates was simply isolating the text. Now we need to take that text and convert it into POSIX objects that can be compared logically. This is necessary because we need to sort the emails chronologically. Recall that running through this entire exercise is the notion of time, and how temporal differences among observed features can be used to infer importance. The character representation of dates and times will not suffice.
As we saw in Example 4-2,
there are two variations on the date format. From these examples,
Email #3 has a date/time string of the format “Wed, 04 Dec 2002
11:36:32,” whereas Email #4 is of the format “04 Dec 2002 11:49:23”.
To convert these two strings into POSIX formats, we will need to use the strptime
function, but pass it two different
date/time formats to make the conversion. Each element of these
strings matches a specific POSIX format element, so we will need to
specify conversion strings that match these variants.
R uses the standard POSIX date/time format strings to make
these conversions. There are many options for these strings, and we
recommend reading through the documentation in the strptime
function using the ?strptime
command to see all of the
options. Here we will be using only a select few, but understanding
them in greater depth will be very useful for working with dates and
times in R.
We need to convert the strings in the Date
column of allparse.df
to the two different POSIX
formats separately, then recombine them back into the data frame to
complete the conversion. To accomplish this, we will define the
function to take two
different POSIX patterns and a character vector of date strings. When
the pattern passed to strptime
not match the string passed to it, the default behavior is to return
. We can use this to recombine
the converted character vectors by replacing the elements with
from the first conversion with
those from the second. Because we know there are only two patterns
present in the data, the result will be a single vector with all date
strings converted to POSIX objects.
allparse.df$Subject <- tolower(allparse.df$Subject) allparse.df$From.EMail <- tolower(allparse.df$From.EMail) priority.df <- allparse.df[with(allparse.df, order(Date)),] priority.train <- priority.df[1:(round(nrow(priority.df) / 2)),]
The final bit of cleanup is to convert the character vectors in
the Subject
and From
columns to all lowercase. Again, this is done to ensure that all data
entries are as uniform as possible before we move into the training
phase. Next, we sort the data chronologically using a combination of
the with
and order
commands in R. (R has a particularly
unintuitive way of doing sorting, but this shorthand is something you
will find yourself doing very often, so it is best to get familiar
with it.) The combination will return a vector of the element indices
in ascending chronological order. Then, to order the data frame by
these indices, we need to reference the elements of allparse.df
in that order, and add the final
comma before closing the square bracket so all columns are sorted this
Finally, we store the first half of the chronologically sorted
data frame as priority.train
. The
data in this data frame will be used to train our ranker. Later, we
will use the second half of priority.df
to test the ranker. With the
data fully formed, we are ready to begin designing our ranking scheme.
Given our feature set, one way to proceed is to define weights for
each observed feature in the training data.
Before we can proceed to implementing a weighting scheme, we need to digress briefly to discuss scales. Consider for a moment your own email activity. Do you interact with roughly the same people on a regular basis? Do you know about how many emails you receive in a day? How many emails do you receive from total strangers in a week? If you are like us, and we suspect, like most other people, your email activity crudely adheres to the 80/20 cliche. That is, about 80% of your email activity is conducted with about 20% of the total number of people in your address book. So, why is this important?
We need to be able to devise a scheme for weighting the observation of certain features in our data, but because of the potential differences in scale among these observations, we cannot compare them directly. More precisely, we cannot compare their absolute values directly. Let’s take the training data that we have just finished parsing. We know that one of the features that we are adding to our ranker is an approximation of social interaction based on the volume of emails received from each address in our training data.
from.weight <- ddply(priority.train, .(From.EMail), summarise, Freq=length(Subject))
To begin to explore how this scaling affects our first
feature, we will need to count the number of times each email address
appears in our data. To do this, we will use the plyr
package, which we have already loaded
in as a dependency for ggplot2
. If
you worked through the example in Chapter 1, you
have already seen plyr
in action.
Briefly, the family of functions in plyr
are used to chop data into smaller
squares and cubes so that we can operate over these pieces all at
once. (This is very similar to the popular Map-Reduce paradigm used in
many large-scale data analysis environments.) Here we will perform a
very simple task: find all of the columns with matching addresses in
the From.Email
column and count
To do this, we use the ddply
function, which operates on data
frames, with our training data. The syntax has us define the data
grouping we want first—which in this case is only the
dimension—and then the operation we will
run over that grouping. Here we will use the summarise
option to create a new column
named Freq
with the count
information. You can use the head(from.weight)
command to inspect the results.
In this case, the operation asks for the length
of the vector at column Subject
in the chopped-up data frame, but
we actually could have used any column name from the training data
to get the same result because all columns matching our criteria
will have the same length. Becoming more familiar with using
for manipulating data will
be extremely valuable to you going forward, and we highly recommend
the package author’s documentation HW11.
To get a better sense of the scale of this data, let’s plot the results. Figure 4-2 shows a bar chart of the volume of emails from users who have sent more than six emails. We have performed this truncation to make it easier to read, but even with this data removed, we can already see how quickly the data scales. The top emailer,, has sent 45 messages in our data. That’s about 15 times more emails than the average person in our training data! But is pretty unique. As you can see from Figure 4-2, there are only a few other senders near his level, and the frequency drops off very quickly after them. How could we weight an observation from an average person in our training data without skewing that value to account for outliers like our top emailers?
The answer comes in transforming the scales. We need to make the numerical relationship among the units in our feature set less extreme. If we compare the absolute frequency counts, then an email from will be weighted as 15 times more important than email from an average sender. This is very problematic because we will want to establish a threshold for being either a priority message or not, based on the range of weight values produced by our ranker at the learning stage. With such extreme skewness, our threshold will be either far too low or far too high, so we need to rescale the units to account for the nature of our data.
This brings us to logarithms and log-transformations. You are probably familiar with logarithms from elementary mathematics, but if not, the concept is quite simple. A logarithm is a function that returns the exponent value that would satisfy an equation where some base number that is being raised to that exponent equals the number given to the logarithmic function.
The base value in a log-transformation is critical. As hackers, we are familiar with thinking of things in base two, or binary. We may very easily construct a log-transformation of base two. In this case, we would solve an equation for the exponent value where the input value is equal to two raised to that exponent. For example, if we transformed 16 by log base-two, it would equal four because two raised to the fourth power equals 16. In essence, we are “reversing” an exponential, so these types of transformations work best when the data fits such a function.
The two most common log-transformations are the so-called
natural log and the log
base-10 transformation. In the former, the base is the
special value e, which is an
irrational constant (like pi) equal to
approximately 2.718. The name natural log is
often denoted ln
. Rates of change
by this constant are very often observed in nature, and in fact the
derivation can be done geometrically as a function of the angles
inside a circle. You are likely very familiar with shapes and
relationships that follow a natural log, although you may not have
thought of them in these terms. Figure 4-3 illustrates a natural log spiral,
which can be observed in many naturally occurring phenomenon. Some
examples include the interior structure of a nautilus shell and the
spiraling winds of a hurricane (or tornado). Even the scattering of
interstellar particles in our galaxy follows a natural logarithmic
spiral. Also, many professional camera settings’ apertures are set
to vary by natural logs.
Given the intimate relationship between this value and many
naturally occurring phenomena, it is a great function for rescaling
social data—such as email activity—that is exponential.
Alternatively, the log base-10 transformation, often denoted
, replaces the e
value in the natural log-transform with
a 10. Given how log-transforms work, we know that the log base-10
transformation will reduce large values to much smaller ones than
the natural log. For example, the log base-10 transformation of
1,000 is 3 because 10 raised to the third is 1,000, whereas the
natural log is approximately 6.9. Therefore, it makes sense to use a
log base-10 transformation when our data scales by a very large
The ways in which both of these options would transform our email volume data are illustrated in Figure 4-4. In this figure, we can see that the volume of emails sent by the users in the training data follows a fairly steep exponential. By transforming those values by the natural log and log base-10, we significantly flatten out that line. As we know, the log base-10 transforms the values substantially, whereas the natural log still provides some variation that will allow us to pull out meaningful weights from this training data. For this reason, we will use the natural log to define the weight for our email volume feature.
As we have done here and as we explained in detail in Chapter 2, it is always a good idea to explore your data visually as you are working through any machine learning problem. We want to know how all of the observations in our feature set relate to one another in order to make the best predictions. Often the best way to do this is through data visualization.
from.weight <- transform(from.weight, Weight=log(Freq + 1))
Finally, recall from grade school mathematics your rules for exponents. Anything raised to zero always equals one. This is very important to keep in mind when using log-transformation in a weighting scheme because any observation equal to one will be transformed to zero. This is problematic in a weighting scheme because multiplying other weights with zero will zero out the entire value. To avoid this, we always add one to all observations before taking logs.
There is actually a function in R called log1p
that computes log(1 + p)
, but for the purposes of
learning and being explicit, we will do this addition “by
Given the rescaling, this does not affect our results, and
it keeps all weights greater than zero. In this case, we are using
the default base value for the log
function, which is the natural
For our purposes we will never have an observation in our
feature set that is equal to zero, because we are counting things.
If there are no observations of something, then it simply doesn’t
enter our training data. In some cases, however, this will not be
true, and you may have zero observations in your data. The log of
zero is undefined, and if you try to compute it in R, it will
return the special value -Inf
Often, having instances of -Inf
in your data will cause things to blow up.
The second feature we want to extract from the data is email thread activity. As noted, we have no way of knowing whether the user we are building this ranking for has responded to any emails, but we can group messages by their thread and measure how active they have been since they started. Again, our assumption in building this feature is that time is important, and therefore threads that have more messages sent over a short period of time are more active and consequently more important.
The emails in our data set do not contain specific thread IDs, but a logical way to identify threads within the training data is to look for emails with a shared subject line. That is, if we find a subject that begins with “re: ”, then we know that this is part of some thread. When we see a message like this, we can look around for other messages in that thread and measure the activity.
find.threads <- function(email.df) { response.threads <- strsplit(email.df$Subject, "re: ") is.thread <- sapply(response.threads, function(subj) ifelse(subj[1] == "", TRUE, FALSE)) threads <- response.threads[is.thread] senders <- email.df$From.EMail[is.thread] threads <- sapply(threads, function(t) paste(t[2:length(t)], collapse="re: ")) return(cbind(senders,threads)) } threads.matrix<-find.threads(priority.train)
This is precisely what the find.threads
function attempts to do with
our training data. If we split every subject in our training data by
“re: ”, then we can find threads by looking for split character
vectors with an empty character as the first element. Once we know
which observations in the training data are part of threads, we can
extract the senders from those threads and the subject. The result
matrix will have all of the senders and initial thread subject in our
training data.
email.thread <- function(threads.matrix) { senders <- threads.matrix[, 1] senders.freq <- table(senders) senders.matrix <- cbind(names(senders.freq), senders.freq, log(senders.freq + 1)) senders.df <- data.frame(senders.matrix, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) row.names(senders.df) <- 1:nrow(senders.df) names(senders.df) <- c("From.EMail", "Freq", "Weight") senders.df$Freq <- as.numeric(senders.df$Freq) senders.df$Weight <- as.numeric(senders.df$Weight) return(senders.df) } senders.df <- email.thread(threads.matrix)
Next we will create a weighting based on the senders who are
most active in threads. This will be a supplement to the volume-based
weighting we just did for the entire data set, but now we will focus
only on those senders present in the threads.matrix
. The function email.thread
will take the threads.matrix
as input and generate this
secondary volume-based weighting. This will be very similar to what we
did in the previous section, except this time we will use the table
function to count the frequency of
senders in the threads. This is done simply to show a different method
for accomplishing the same calculation on a matrix in R, rather than a
data frame using plyr
. Most of this
function simply performs housekeeping on the senders.df
data frame, but notice that we
are again using a natural-log weighting.
As the final piece to the email thread feature, we will create a weighting based on threads that we know are active. We have already identified all of the threads in our training data and created a weighting based on the terms in those threads. Now we want to take that knowledge and give additional weight to known threads that are also active. The assumption here is that if we already know the threads, we expect a user to place more importance on those threads that are more active.
get.threads <- function(threads.matrix, email.df) { threads <- unique(threads.matrix[, 2]) thread.counts <- lapply(threads, function(t) thread.counts(t, email.df)) thread.matrix <-, thread.counts) return(cbind(threads, thread.matrix)) } thread.counts <- function(thread, email.df) { thread.times <- email.df$Date[which(email.df$Subject == thread | email.df$Subject == paste("re:", thread))] freq <- length(thread.times) min.time <- min(thread.times) max.time <- max(thread.times) time.span <- as.numeric(difftime(max.time, min.time, units="secs")) if(freq < 2) { return(c(NA,NA,NA)) } else { trans.weight <- freq / time.span log.trans.weight <- 10 + log(trans.weight, base=10) return(c(freq,time.span, log.trans.weight)) } } thread.weights <- get.threads(threads.matrix, priority.train) thread.weights <- data.frame(thread.weights, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) names(thread.weights) <- c("Thread","Freq","Response","Weight") thread.weights$Freq <- as.numeric(thread.weights$Freq) thread.weights$Response <- as.numeric(thread.weights$Response) thread.weights$Weight <- as.numeric(thread.weights$Weight) thread.weights <- subset(thread.weights,$Freq) == FALSE)
Using the threads.matrix
just created, we will go back into the training data to find all of
the emails inside each thread. To do this, we create the get.threads
function, which will take the
and our training
data as arguments. Using the unique
command, we create a vector of all thread subjects in our data. Now we
need to take this information and measure each thread’s
The thread.counts
will do this. Using the thread subject and training data as
parameters, we will collect all of the date- and timestamps for all
emails matching the thread in the thread.times
vector. We can measure how many
emails have been received in training data for this thread by
measuring the length of thread.times
Finally, to measure the activity level, we need to know how long
the thread has existed in our training data. Implicitly, there is
truncation on either side of this data. That is, there may be emails
that were received in a thread before our training data started or
after data collection was completed. There is nothing we can do about
this, so we will take the minimum and maximum date/times for each
thread and use these to measure the time span. The function difftime
will calculate the amount of time
elapsed between two POSIX objects in some units. In our case, we want
the smallest unit possible: seconds.
Due to the truncation, it may be that we observe only a single
message in a thread. This could be a thread that ended just as the
training data got collected or just started when collection ended.
Before we can create a weight based on the activity over the time span
of a thread, we must flag those threads for which we have only one
message. The if-statement at the end of thread.counts
does this check and returns a
vector of NA
if the current thread
has only one message. We will use this later to scrub these from the
activity-based weighting data.
The final step is to create a weighting for those messages we can measure. We start by calculating the ratio of messages-to-seconds elapsed in the thread. So, if a message were sent every second in a given thread, the result would be one. Of course, in practice, this number is much lower: the average number of messages in each thread is about 4.5, and the average elapsed time is about 31,000 seconds (8.5 hours). Given these scales, the vast majority of our ratios are tiny fractions. As before, we still want to transform these values using logs, but because we are dealing with fractional values, this will result in negative numbers. We cannot have a negative weight value in our scheme, so we will have to perform an additional transformation that is formally called an affine transformation.
An affine transformation is simply a linear movement of points
in space. Imagine a square drawn on piece of graph paper. If you
wanted to move that square to another position on the paper, you could
do so by defining a function that moved all of the points in the same
direction. This is an affine transformation. To get non-negative
weights in log.trans.weight
, we
will simply add 10 to all the log-transformed values. This will ensure
that all of the values will be proper weights with a positive
As before, once we have generated the weight data with get.threads
and thread.counts
, we will perform some basic
housekeeping on the thread.weights
data frame to keep the naming consistent with the other weight data
frames. In the final step, we use the subset
function to remove any rows that
refer to threads with only one message (i.e.,
truncated threads). We can now use head(thread.weights)
to check the
head(thread.weights) Thread Freq Response Weight 1 please help a newbie compile mplayer :-) 4 42309 5.975627 2 prob. w/ install/uninstall 4 23745 6.226488 3 10 265303 5.576258 4 problems with 'apt-get -f install' 3 55960 5.729244 5 problems with apt update 2 6347 6.498461 6 about apt, kernel updates and dist-upgrade 5 240238 5.318328
The first two rows are good examples of how this weighting
scheme values thread activity. In both of these threads, there have
been four messages. The prob. w/ install/uninstall
however, has been in the data for about half as many seconds. Given
our assumptions, we would think that this thread is more important and
therefore should have a higher weight. In this case, we give messages
from this thread about 1.04 times more weight than those from the
please help a newbie compile mplayer
thread. This may or may not seem reasonable to you, and
therein lies part of the art in designing and applying a scheme such
as this to a general problem. It may be that in this case our user
would not value things this way, whereas others might, but because we
want a general solution, we must accept the consequences of our
term.counts <- function(term.vec, control) { vec.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(term.vec)) vec.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(vec.corpus, control=control) return(rowSums(as.matrix(vec.tdm))) } thread.terms <- term.counts(thread.weights$Thread, control=list(stopwords=stopwords())) thread.terms <- names(thread.terms) term.weights <- sapply(thread.terms, function(t) mean(thread.weights$Weight[grepl(t, thread.weights$Thread, fixed=TRUE)])) term.weights <- data.frame(list(Term=names(term.weights), Weight=term.weights), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=1:length(term.weights))
The final weighting data we will produce from the threads are
the frequent terms in these threads. Similar to what we did in Chapter 3, we create a general
function called term.counts
takes a vector of terms and a TermDocumentMatrix
control list to produce
the TDM and extract the counts of terms in all of the threads. The
assumption in creating this weighting data is that frequent terms in
active thread subjects are more important than terms that are either
less frequent or not in active threads. We are attempting to add as
much information as possible to our ranker in order to create a more
granular stratification of emails. To do so, rather than look only for
already-active threads, we want to also weight threads that “look
like” previously active threads, and term
weighting is one way to do this.
msg.terms <- term.counts(priority.train$Message, control=list(stopwords=stopwords(), removePunctuation=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE)) msg.weights <- data.frame(list(Term=names(msg.terms), Weight=log(msg.terms, base=10)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=1:length(msg.terms)) msg.weights <- subset(msg.weights, Weight > 0)
The final weighting data we will build is based on term
frequency in all email messages in the training data. This will
proceed almost identically to our method for counting terms in the
spam classification exercise; however, this time we will assign
log-transformed weights based on these counts. As with the
term-frequency weighting for thread subjects, the implicit assumption
in the msg.weights
data frame is
that a new message that looks like other messages we have seen before
is more important than a message that is totally foreign to us.
We now have five weight data frames with which to perform our
ranking! This includes from.weight
(social activity feature), senders.df
(sender activity in threads),
(thread message
activity), term.weights
(terms from
active threads), and msg.weights
(common terms in all emails). We are now ready to run our training
data through the ranker to find a threshold for marking a message
as important.
To generate a priority rank for each message in our
training data, we must multiply all of the weights produced in the
previous section. This means that for each message in the data, we
will need to parse the email, take the extracted features, and then
match them to corresponding weight data frames to get the appropriate
weighting value. We will then take the product of these values to
produce a single—and unique—rank value for each message. The following
function is a single
function that takes a file path to a message and produces a priority
ranking for that message based on the features we have defined and
their subsequent weights. The rank.message
function relies on many
functions we have already defined, as well as a new function, get.weights
, which does the weight lookup
when the feature does not map to a single weight—i.e., subject and
message terms.
get.weights <- function(search.term, weight.df, term=TRUE) { if(length(search.term) > 0) { if(term) { term.match <- match(names(search.term), weight.df$Term) } else { term.match <- match(search.term, weight.df$Thread) } match.weights <- weight.df$Weight[which(!] if(length(match.weights) > 1) { return(1) } else { return(mean(match.weights)) } } else { return(1) } }
We first define get.weights
which takes three arguments: some search terms (a string), the weight
data frame in which to do the lookup, and a single Boolean value for
. This final parameter will
allow us to tell the application whether it is doing a lookup on a
term data frame or on a thread data frame. We will treat these lookups
slightly differently due to differences in column labels in the
data frame, so we
need to make this distinction. The process here is fairly
straightforward, as we use the match
function to find the elements in the
weight data frame that match search.term
and return the weight value.
What is more important to notice here is how the function is handling
First, we do one safety check to make sure that the search term
being passed to get.weights
valid by checking that it has some positive length. This is the same
type of check we performed while parsing the email data to check that
an email actually had a subject line. If it is an invalid search term,
then we simply return a 1 (which elementary mathematics tells us will
not alter the product computed in the next step because of the rules
for multiplication by 1). Next, the match
function will return an NA
value for any elements in the search
vector that do not match search.term
. Therefore, we extract the
weight values for only those matched elements that are not NA
. If there are no matches, the term.match
vector will be all NA
s, in which case match.weights
will have a zero length. So,
we do an additional check for this case, and if we encounter this
case, we again return 1. If we have matched some weight values, we
return the mean of all these weights as our result.
rank.message <- function(path) { msg <- # Weighting based on message author # First is just on the total frequency from <- ifelse(length(which(from.weight$From.EMail == msg[2])) > 0, from.weight$Weight[which(from.weight$From.EMail == msg[2])], 1) # Second is based on senders in threads, and threads themselves thread.from <- ifelse(length(which(senders.df$From.EMail == msg[2])) > 0, senders.df$Weight[which(senders.df$From.EMail == msg[2])], 1) subj <- strsplit(tolower(msg[3]), "re: ") is.thread <- ifelse(subj[[1]][1] == "", TRUE, FALSE) if(is.thread) { activity <- get.weights(subj[[1]][2], thread.weights, term=FALSE) } else { activity <- 1 } # Next, weight based on terms # Weight based on terms in threads thread.terms <- term.counts(msg[3], control=list(stopwords=stopwords())) thread.terms.weights <- get.weights(thread.terms, term.weights) # Weight based terms in all messages msg.terms <- term.counts(msg[4], control=list(stopwords=stopwords(), removePunctuation=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE)) msg.weights <- get.weights(msg.terms, msg.weights) # Calculate rank by interacting all weights rank <- prod(from, thread.from, activity, thread.terms.weights, msg.weights) return(c(msg[1], msg[2], msg[3], rank)) }
The rank.message
uses rules similar to the get.weights
function for assigning weight
values to the features extracted from each email in the data set.
First, it calls the
function to extract the four features of interest. It then proceeds to
use a series of if-then clauses to determine whether any of the
features extracted from the current email are present in any of the
weight data frames used to rank, and assigns weights appropriately.
and thread.from
use the social interaction
features to find weight based on the sender’s email address. Note
that, in both cases, if the ifelse
function does not match anything in the data weight data frames, a 1
is returned. This is the same strategy implemented in the get.weights
For the thread- and term-based weighting, some internal text
parsing is done. For threads, we first check that the email being
ranked is part of a thread in the exact same way we did during the
training phase. If it is, we look up a rank; otherwise, we assign a 1.
For term-based weighting, we use the term.counts
function to get the terms of
interest from the email features and then weight accordingly. In the
final step, we generate the rank
passing all of the weight values we have just looked up to the
function. The
function then returns a vector with
the email’s date/time, sender’s address, subject, and rank.
train.paths <- priority.df$Path[1:(round(nrow(priority.df) / 2))] test.paths <- priority.df$Path[((round(nrow(priority.df) / 2)) + 1):nrow(priority.df)] train.ranks <- lapply(train.paths, rank.message) train.ranks.matrix <-, train.ranks) train.ranks.matrix <- cbind(train.paths, train.ranks.matrix, "TRAINING") train.ranks.df <- data.frame(train.ranks.matrix, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) names(train.ranks.df) <- c("Message", "Date", "From", "Subj", "Rank", "Type") train.ranks.df$Rank <- as.numeric(train.ranks.df$Rank) priority.threshold <- median(train.ranks.df$Rank) train.ranks.df$Priority <- ifelse(train.ranks.df$Rank >= priority.threshold, 1, 0)
We are now ready to fire up our ranker! Before we can proceed,
we will split our data into two chronologically divided sets. The
first will be the training data, which we call train.paths
. We will use the ranking data
generated from here to establish a threshold value for a “priority”
message. Once we have this, we can run the ranker over the emails in
to determine which ones
are priority and to estimate their internal rank ordering. Next, we
will apply the rank.messages
function to the train.paths
to generate a list of vectors containing the features and priority
rank for each email. We then perform some basic housekeeping to
convert this list to a matrix. Finally, we convert this matrix to a
data frame with column names and properly formatted vectors.
You may notice that train.ranks <-
lapply(train.paths, rank.message)
causes R to throw a
warning. This is not a problem, but simply a result of the way we
have built the ranker. You may wrap the lapply
call in the suppressWarnings
function if you wish to
turn off this warning.
We now perform the critical step of calculating a threshold value for priority email. As you can see, for this exercise we have decided to use the median rank value as our threshold. Of course, we could have used many other summary statistics for this threshold, as we discussed in Chapter 2. Because we are not using pre-existing examples of how emails ought to be ranked to determine this threshold, we are performing a task that is not really a standard sort of supervised learning. But we have chosen the median for two principled reasons. First, if we have designed a good ranker, then the ranks should have a smooth distribution, with most emails having low rank and many fewer emails having a high rank. We are looking for “important emails,” i.e., those that are most unique or unlike the normal flow of email traffic. Those will be the emails in the right tail of the rank distribution. If this is the case, those values greater than the median will be those that are somewhat greater than the typical rank. Intuitively, this is how we want to think about recommending priority email: choosing those with rank larger than the typical email.
Second, we know that the test data will contain email messages
that have data that does not match anything in our training data. New
emails are flowing in constantly, but given our setup, we have no way
of updating our ranker. As such, we may want to have a rule about
priority that is more inclusive than exclusive. If not, we may miss
messages that are only partial matches to our features. As a final
step, we add a new binary column Priority
to train.ranks.df
, indicating whether the email
will be recommended as priority by our ranker.
Figure 4-5. Density of the weights in training data, with a priority threshold as one standard deviation of weights
Figure 4-5 shows the
density estimate for the ranks calculated on our training data. The
vertical dashed line is the median threshold, which is about 24. As
you can see, our ranks are very heavy-tailed, so we have created a
ranker that performs well on the training data. We can also see that
the median threshold is very inclusive, with a large portion of the
downward-sloping density included as priority email. Again, this is
done intentionally. A much less inclusive threshold would be to use
the standard deviation of the distributions, which we can calculate
with sd(train.ranks.df$Rank)
. The
standard deviation is about 90, which would almost exactly exclude any
emails outside of the tail.
We will now calculate the rank values for all of the emails in our test set. This process proceeds exactly the same way as it did for our training data, so to save space we will not reproduce the code here. To see the code, refer to the code/priority_inbox.R file included for this chapter, starting at about line 308. Once we have calculated the ranks for the test data, we can compare the results and see how well our ranker did on new emails.
Figure 4-6 overlays the density of ranks from the test data on the densities in Figure 4-5. This illustration is very informative regarding the quality of our ranker. First, we notice that there is much more density in the test data at the very low end of the distributions. This means that there are many more emails with a low rank. Additionally, the test density estimate is much less smooth than the training data. This is evidence that the test data includes many observations not in our training data. Because these observations do not match anything in our training data, the ranker effectively ignores this information.
Although this is problematic, we avoid disaster because we used an inclusive threshold for priority email. Note that there is still a reasonable amount of density for the test data to the right of the threshold line. This means our ranker was still able to find emails to recommend as important from the test data. As a final check, let’s actually see which emails our ranker pushed to the top (Table 4-1).
There is an inherent “unknowable” quality to creating a ranker of this type. Throughout this entire exercise, we have posited assumptions about each feature we included in our design and attempted to justify these intuitively. However, we can never know the “ground truth” as to how well our ranker is doing, because we can’t go back and ask the user for whom these emails were sent whether the ordering is good or makes sense. In the classification exercise, we knew the labels for each email in the training and test set, so we could measure explicitly how well the classifier was doing using the confusion matrix. In this case we can’t, but we can try to infer how well the ranker is doing by looking at the results. This is what makes this exercise something distinct from standard supervised learning.
Table 4-1 shows the 40 newest emails in the test data that have been labeled as priority by our ranker. The table is meant to mimic what you might see in your email inbox if you were using this ranker to perform priority inbox sorting over your emails, with the added information of the email’s rank. If you can excuse the somewhat odd or controversial subject headings, we’ll explore these results to check how the ranker is grouping emails.
Table 4-1. Results of priority inbox testing
Date | From | Subject | Rank |
12/1/02 21:01 | | RE: Mercedes-Benz G55 | 31.97963566 |
11/25/02 19:34 | | Re: Men et Toil | 34.7967621 |
10/10/02 13:14 | | Re: [SAdev] fully-public corpus of mail available | 53.94872021 |
10/9/02 21:47 | | Re: [SAdev] fully-public corpus of mail available | 29.48898756 |
10/9/02 18:23 | | Re: [SAtalk] Re: fully-public corpus of mail available | 44.17153847 |
10/9/02 13:30 | | Re: From | 25.02939914 |
10/9/02 12:58 | | RE: The Disappearing Alliance | 26.54528998 |
10/8/02 23:42 | | Re: Zoot apt/openssh & new DVD playing doc | 25.01634554 |
10/8/02 19:17 | | Re: The Disappearing Alliance | 56.93995821 |
10/8/02 17:02 | | RE: The Disappearing Alliance | 31.50297057 |
10/8/02 15:26 | | Re: The absurdities of life. | 31.12476712 |
10/8/02 12:18 | | [zzzzteana] Lioness adopts fifth antelope | 24.22364367 |
10/8/02 12:15 | | [zzzzteana] And deliver us from weevil | 24.41118141 |
10/8/02 12:14 | | [zzzzteana] Bashing the bishop | 24.18504926 |
10/7/02 21:39 | | RE: The absurdities of life. | 34.44120977 |
10/7/02 20:18 | | Re: [SAtalk] Re: AWL bug in 2.42? | 46.70665631 |
10/7/02 16:45 | | Re: erratum [Re: no matter ...] & errors | 27.16350661 |
10/7/02 15:30 | | Re: The absurdities of life. | 47.3282386 |
10/7/02 14:20 | | Re: The absurdities of life. | 35.11063991 |
10/7/02 14:02 | | RE: The absurdities of life. | 28.16690172 |
10/6/02 17:29 | | RE: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 28.05735369 |
10/6/02 15:24 | | RE: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 27.32604275 |
10/6/02 14:02 | | RE: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 27.08788823 |
10/6/02 12:22 | | RE: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 26.48367996 |
10/6/02 10:20 | | Re: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 26.77329071 |
10/6/02 10:02 | | Re: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 29.60084489 |
10/6/02 0:34 | | RE: Our friends the Palestinians, Our servants in government. | 29.35353465 |
What’s most encouraging about these results is that the ranker is grouping threads together very well. You can see several examples of this in the table, where emails from the same thread have all been marked as priority and are grouped together. Also, the ranker appears to be giving appropriately high ranks to emails from frequent senders, as is the case for outlier senders such as and Finally, and perhaps most encouraging, the ranker is prioritizing messages that were not present in the training data. In fact, only 12 out of the 85 threads in the test data marked as priority are continuations from the training data (about 14%). This shows that our ranker is able to apply observations from training data to new threads in the test data and make recommendations without updating. This is very good!
In this chapter we have introduced the idea of moving beyond a feature set with only one element to a more complex model with many features. We have actually accomplished a fairly difficult task, which is to design a ranking model for email when we can see only one half of the transactions. Relying on social interactions, thread activity, and common terms, we specified four features of interest and generated five weighting data frames to perform the ranking. The results, which we have just explored, were encouraging, though without ground truth, difficult to test explicitly.
With the last two chapters behind us, you’ve worked through a relatively simple example of supervised learning used to perform spam classification and a very basic form of heuristic-based ranking. You are ready to move on to the workhorse of statistical learning: regression.
[8] Put more simply, this is the assumption that users are not acting on emails that were harder to identify as ham than those that were easy.
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