

+ (addition) block, 66

# (hashtag), 34

< (is less than) block, 56

+ (zoom in) block, 8

(zoom out) block, 8


acceleration, 89

Add Comment button, 32

addition (+) block, 66

Animals categories, 28, 6768


coding, 5457, 122123

drawing, 116121

arrow keys, motions with, 1416

Attack Time slider (sfxr), 141

attribution, 137


editing sounds, 130134

exporting sounds, 134135, 151152

getting started, 127

recording sounds, 128130


backdrops, 810

Backdrops tab, 9

Backgrounds. See also backdrops

deleting, 43

drawing objects in, 109110

resetting, 25

bfxr, 143

binary movements, 89

Boolean variables, 84

Bosca Ceoil, 152153

branching, 12

broadcast () block, 50

broadcasting messages, 4951

Brush tool, 104

buffer zones, ...

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