Chapter 2. Making It Isometric
Our game, and other isometric games such as Sid Meier’s Civilization, Blizzard’s Diablo, or Zynga’s FarmVille, CityVille, and Café World use a special form of isometric projection (called dimetric projection) in which tiles (usually diamonds or hexagons) are displayed in a 2:1 ratio with their height at half their width.
Most game developers choose to display tiles with this specific 2:1 ratio because of a problem unique to raster graphics, which we can understand if we know how computer monitors work. Monitors—whether they are CRT, TFT/LCD, LED, or OLED—display pixels in a grid similar to the one in our game, which allows us to draw perfect vertical or horizontal lines. However, if we need to display a line at an angle than 0° or 90°, things start to get messy. Figure 2-1 shows the resulting problems.
Although the 90°, 45°, and 0° lines have a regular pattern and can be “stitched” with a parallel line perfectly, the 30° line doesn’t; it contains gaps instead. However, if we use the 2:1 ratio, we can calculate the inverse tangent (arctangent) of 1/2 to get 26.5650°, producing a result like Figure 2-2.
Although so far our grid works only with squares, converting a square ...
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