O’Connor, Sinead, 314, 315

Ohlott, Patricia J., 203

Okazaki-Ward, Lola, 178, 206, 232

O’Neal, Michael, 117

On-the-job training, 200207

in Japan, 206207, 232233

mentors in, 204205

and performance monitoring, 205206

in rotation to new job assignments, 202203, 206207

in sink or swim approach, 200202

Onyx Energy, 115, 117

Open University of the United Kingdom, 169

Operations management, 89

O’Reilly, Brian, 100, 116, 216, 226

Organization issues

curriculum content on, 36, 235

research on, 394, 395

Oscar Mayer, MBA graduate as manager in, 129

Oxford University, 77

curriculum content in, 164165


Packard, Dave, 109

Parfenov, Evgeni, 350

Parks, Sharon Daloz, 42

Parsons, Talcott, 24


in case study classroom, 49, 5051, ...

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