Abbott Laboratories, 198, 370

ABC Insurance Company, 124

Abelson, R., 397n45

Abrahams, David, 353

Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 270

Ackerman, J. M., 107n34

Acohido, B., 445nn101, 104

Action, ethical, 84, 96104

Pinto Fires case, 96100

Adams, Scott, 235

Adelphia Communications, 28, 91, 207, 226, 351

Adidas group, 424

Adler, N., 442nn10, 15, 26

Adults' ethics, 1619

Advantageous comparison, 85

Advertising, 367372

1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 117

Agle, B., 204n54

A.H. Robbins company, 226228

AIDS epidemic, 54, 175, 305, 328329

AIG Financial Products (AIGFP), 384

Akers, J. F., 25, 36n40

Albert, R. D., 442n19

Alcoa, 160161

Alcohol abuse, 305

Alderson, Jim, 142143

Alignment of ethical culture systems, 154156

All the President's Men, 41

Allison, John, 321

Altruism, 22

Ambrose, M. L., 107nn25, 30

American Cast Iron Pipe Company (ACIPCO), 376

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 374

American Eagle, 424

American Express, 172174

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 4951, 271

American International Group (AIG), 383385

American Precision Components Inc., 208

American Psychological Association (APA), 47

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 117

Amgen, biotech company, 370

Andersen, Arthur, 15, 91, 129, 186187

Andersen, Ray, 332

Anderson, Gavin, 340

Anderson, Jenny, 147n8

Anderson, R. C., 348n41

Andreiuolo, P. A., 106n2

Andres, K. R., 69nn17, 19

Ang, S., 441n7

Angwin, J., 399n120

Annan, Kofi, 428

Anti-Bribery ...

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