API Overview

The following list shows the function calls of the MySQL C API. Chapter 19 lists each of these methods with detailed prototype information, return values, and descriptions.

mysql_affected_rows( )
mysql_close( )
mysql_connect( )
mysql_create_db( )
mysql_data_seek( )
mysql_drop_db( )
mysql_eof( )
mysql_error( )
mysql_fetch_field( )
mysql_fetch_lengths( )
mysql_fetch_row( )
mysql_field_count( )
mysql_field_seek( )
mysql_free_result( )
mysql_get_client_info( )
mysql_get_host_info( )
mysql_get_proto_into( )
mysql_get_server_info( )
mysql_init( )
mysql_insert_id( )
mysql_list_dbs( )
mysql_list_fields( )
mysql_list_processes( )
mysql_list_tables( )
mysql_num_fields( )
mysql_num_rows( )
mysql_query( )
mysql_real_query( )
mysql_reload( )
mysql_select_db( )
mysql_shutdown( )
mysql_stat( )
mysql_store_result( )
mysql_use_result( )

You may notice that many of the function names do not seem directly related to accessing database data. In many cases, MySQL actually only provides an API interface into database administration functions. By reading the function names, you might have gathered that any database application you write might look something like this:

Select DB
Fetch row
Fetch field

Example 12-1 shows a simple select statement that retrieves data from a MySQL database using the MySQL C API.

Example 12-1. A program that selects all data in a test database and displays the data
#include <stdio.h> #include <mysql.h> int main(char ...

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