1 “I found Mintzberg’s article both comforting and challenging. In spite of my various titles: vice-president, production manager, sales manager and mother, I never have been quite sure I was really acting as a manager. Certainly, it never seemed to me that I planned, organized, coordinated or controlled much of anything! If Mintzberg’s definitions and observation, backed by his and others research, are true, then I am indeed a manager” (from a course paper written by a manager, not at my own university).
2 See also Hales (1986, 2001), Hannaway (1989:51, 61), Boisot and Liang (1992), and Morris et al. (1982). Tengblad (2006) supported most of these characteristics but not all, as discussed later.
3 I did not tabulate actual time allocations in ...
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