CHAPTER 10The Concept of Measurement

Photo illustration of Mayan art carved on the wall.

What is the nature of measurement? Describe the steps that are involved. Explain the three levels of measurement and their differences. What are the notions of validity and reliability? Why are they so critically important to the concept of measurement? These are the topics of in this chapter.

Measurement Process

Measurement is the process of assigning numbers or labels to persons, objects, or events in accordance with specific rules for representing quantities or qualities of attributes. Measurement, then, is a procedure used to assign numbers that reflect the amount of an attribute possessed by a person, object, or event. Note that it is not the person, object, or event that is being measured, but, rather, its attributes. A researcher, for example, does not measure a consumer per se but instead, measures that consumer’s attitudes, income, brand loyalty, age, and other relevant factors.

The concept of rules ...

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